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sG Stock Market Simulator Season 1

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@Dr. NarwhalsNumbNuts IV Rootbeer pointed out to me that rankings won't show until ppl make trades starting tomorrow]


But yeah, this is gonna b EPIC.

Maybe ppl who join could reply in this thread for community record?


It is 10/10 though, and if you don't wanna invest (haha geddit) ur time you can just bet on big names and see how you fare.

Don't wanna be annoying and tag people into this, but it's really cool and I can't think of many situations where it wouldn't be fun and educational.


Edit: After rereading this post, I realized how strongly maintaining a Discord presence has impacted my grammar. Please forgive lol

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52 minutes ago, cookie eater said:

i joined but i dont get it.


It's literally investing in the stock market using the actual irl data but with playmoney. I personally went and did some small&quick research on nasdaq to start myself off.

To get an idea of what to do, here's what I looked at tonight: first stop was the unusual volume page of nasdaq, which shows what other traders are currently looking at/hypeing (link above shows most active trades which also helps). The top company on this page is ESIO and it traded 5,000,000 stocks today when it normally only trades about 500,000 a day. 10x more means that demand is up and usually (but not always) that means the market is going to adjust with the price going up. Ezpz investing -- I'm buying low here and selling it later when it (probably) will go up.


There's a multitude of investing strategies that you can read up on -- the one that I wanted to practice was daytrading (<-- link is a rabbithole of information, so much interesting stuff to read whenever you get the chance to). The market closes around 5pm and opens at like 8am or something like that, I could be off by like an hour but the idea is that people are theorycrafting stuff overnight/stuff happens to the company/people place orders while the market's down/etc and so the market gets a little volatile in the morning right after opening time. Daytrading takes advantage of this and buys after a small dip and sells after that dip bounces back up. Risky but also ez profits -- less risky if you know what you're doing (I don't, which is why I wanted to start this to begin with).


You can put your eggs all in one basket but it might be better to spread your portfolio out. Spend all the investing $$ that you have, we're going in with the idea that we saved $5k over the years and we're looking to invest it all. More gains = more investing power. Cya at $1 million.

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14 hours ago, Rootbeer said:


It's literally investing in the stock market using the actual irl data but with playmoney. I personally went and did some small&quick research on nasdaq to start myself off.

To get an idea of what to do, here's what I looked at tonight: first stop was the unusual volume page of nasdaq, which shows what other traders are currently looking at/hypeing (link above shows most active trades which also helps). The top company on this page is ESIO and it traded 5,000,000 stocks today when it normally only trades about 500,000 a day. 10x more means that demand is up and usually (but not always) that means the market is going to adjust with the price going up. Ezpz investing -- I'm buying low here and selling it later when it (probably) will go up.


There's a multitude of investing strategies that you can read up on -- the one that I wanted to practice was daytrading (<-- link is a rabbithole of information, so much interesting stuff to read whenever you get the chance to). The market closes around 5pm and opens at like 8am or something like that, I could be off by like an hour but the idea is that people are theorycrafting stuff overnight/stuff happens to the company/people place orders while the market's down/etc and so the market gets a little volatile in the morning right after opening time. Daytrading takes advantage of this and buys after a small dip and sells after that dip bounces back up. Risky but also ez profits -- less risky if you know what you're doing (I don't, which is why I wanted to start this to begin with).


You can put your eggs all in one basket but it might be better to spread your portfolio out. Spend all the investing $$ that you have, we're going in with the idea that we saved $5k over the years and we're looking to invest it all. More gains = more investing power. Cya at $1 million.

Uh huh...



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He's still worth about $240,000, @Junzou.

The markets are closed today, so no major gains recently. I wish his portfolio was public though, so we could see how he was making his god-money LUL


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We're setting up the sG Preseason game! The season1 game will still continue and portfolios will become public soon so that people can compare their strategies against others. Feel free to still trade in Season 1 -- it's still live!


Link: https://www.marketwatch.com/vse/sg-preseason

pass: sgmoneys


The changes that have been made:

- Initial capital has been increased from $5,000 to $10,000.

- You can now set the price limit for the stocks that you want to buy/sell.

- You can now set stoploss prices for your shares. The shares will automatically be sold if the price suddenly drops/rises and hits the specified price.

- Short selling has been disabled.

- Margin selling has been disabled. Previously you could take a loan out for 100% of your networth, potentially allowing you to buy double the amount of shares you could buy for the day. Disabling this and short-selling is a direct nerf to daytrading but the intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for investing in their favorite company. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.


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