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i'll miss you

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Yet another one of my friends has died. This has been three in the past year.


I think the grief from the first two is finally catching up to me. This time, it's a girl I used to be really close with. At one point we were basically dating. I haven't talked to her in a year, we got into a fight over some shit that now that I look back at it, was stupid. Her family doesn't have social media and her mother is the type to prevent any details from being released, so all I have is her death date and where she's buried.


If any of you are in a fight with old friends over stupid shit, please call them. Don't wait. I waited a year, only to Google her name and find out I'll never be able to make up with her. It's fucking with me that if I had just tried to contact her before May 27th I could have said sorry, we could have even hung out. Fuck, maybe I could have even prevented her death. Given her lifestyle it was probably drug related, or she probably got in another car with another guy too fucking drunk to drive and not had her usual luck. When we were friends I was her voice of reason. I just hope that after we stopped talking she was able to find someone else like that for her.


I'm really crushed right now. I just wanted to post this to basically say, it's not a LOA but I may be on less or I'll be a lot less social when I am on, and this is why. And hug your friends.

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I'm sorry to hear about that. Friends are important and you really don't know what you've lost until they're really gone. I hope you feel better soon. One of my friends passed away in a car accident a couple years back, still kind of rough thinking about it now. 

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You cannot blame yourself over this. Factors beyond your control, whether you were friends or not, are often hidden, surprising, and shocking. You aren't at fault here. People grow apart. It's normal. I lost a friend who committed suicide three years ago and I blamed myself over letting us grow apart. After speaking to his friends, family, and others near him, I found out he was struggling with bullying and his place in the world. You can only do so much for a person. Take it easy. Take a breathe. Message me if you need to talk. 

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Don't be too hard on yourself or wonder if you could have helped her. It's great that you want to be a savior but if an addict is so in that lifestyle and around those types of people it is incredibly hard to pull them out. This is why the advice of walking away is given so often. It really sucks. It really hurts. Its really emotional. Sometimes the way to help is to simply say that you love them, you hope they love you to and if so they will stop and to not contact you until they do. Then walk away and actually do it :(


Sorry for stating that in your time of grieving but you said you have had several friends pass and I am assuming those may be drug related as well. It is important you understand that doing such a thing is not just for your mental health but can help them as well provided they can last long enough to realize everyone is leaving them and they have to fight their demons.

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