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 I was on discord when this happened. Chang didn't really do anything. All I remember is Chang saying over and over to stop pinging him and Lazzercat continued although I don't think cat fully meant to annoy him. For the most part chang tried to just stop it by blocking him and then ppl made fun of chang for doing that so he unblocked him and somehow they started arguing again.

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literally u rn


I told them I was trying to offend them and asked why they were attacking me.

for some reason i dont think this mistake was made by accident

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9 hours ago, Dr. NarwhalsNumbNuts IV said:

This essay suggests emotional trauma stemming from something outside of SG

This statement would be correct. At the time when this went down I was already in emotional disarray. Like I said in the paragraph my writing is just a tool to figure out my emotions and find the roots, nothing more it's for my own gain. It wasn't meant to grab at people and get attention. I'm sorry if you view it that way but you would be wrong. After more consideration, sleep, and viewing of what occurred I conclude I did overstep and take things for what they were not supposed to be. I apologize.

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Just now, Lazzercat said:

This statement would be correct. At the time when this went down I was already in emotional disarray. Like I said in the paragraph my writing is just a tool to figure out my emotions and find the roots, nothing more it's for my own gain. It wasn't meant to grab at people and get attention. I'm sorry if you view it that way but you would be wrong. After more consideration, sleep, and viewing of what occurred I conclude I did overstep and take things for what they were not supposed to be. I apologize.

Mind you, I wrote that after only reading half of your OP. Im gonna level with you here. Everyone has emotional turmoil at some point in their lives. Some more than others. But using it as a crutch keeps you from growing and maturing into the person you're meant to be. I've seen a lot of shit. I've been through a lot of shit. But I don't let that bring me down. People often don't realize that their own problems can be solved with a different attitude, a different viewpoint. It's fine to struggle. It's a good thing. It ultimately comes down to you too let it swallow you up or lets you grow from it. Thicker skin is absolutely needed on the internet. Don't let your feelings and sensitivities cloud fun or enjoyment of this community. I don't know how old you are, but I'm going to assume you're in your mid teens. This is a critical part of development. No one is gonna baby you or hold your hand in the real world. It's not because it's cruel or out to get you, it's because there are so much more bigger things going on in the world than your comparatively minor problems. I'm not knocking you when I say that. But also, just because there are people out there suffering more than you, doesn't mean your problems aren't important. There's a fine line to toe here. You gotta be able to reflect inwardly and find out what the root problem is that's causing you pain. Because being one of those people that constantly use depression or something as a crutch, as a weakness or a safety net, only begets pity and keeps you there.

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@Dr. NarwhalsNumbNuts IV The only thing this post was meant for was for me to come to understand the emotions I am going through and grow from them. I don't use depression as crutch or like I said before I don't seek pity or solace. This post is merely a tool for my own gain, growth, and development. Again I'm sorry if anyone feels as though it was a grab for attention. I value all the constructive input that as been given and I thank those who have brought these emotions to light.

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Just now, Lazzercat said:

@Dr. NarwhalsNumbNuts IV The only thing this post was meant for was for me to come to understand the emotions I am going through and grow from them. I don't use depression as crutch or like I said before I don't seek pity or solace. This post is merely a tool for my own gain, growth, and development. Again I'm sorry if anyone feels as though it was a grab for attention. I value all the constructive input that as been given and I thank those who have brought these emotions to light.

1. Then why didn't you leave it written in a notebook or something? Why'd you have to go and make it private? That screams attention seeking tbh

2. Admit that the poem was a bit much. 

3. Emotions? Over a gaming community? Over Chang? I'm sorry, but if something as trial as thing has made you question the fabric of the universe, something definitely needs to be checked out by a professional or a close, IRL friend.


It's not a sign of weakness to ask for help...

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11 hours ago, DMODW said:

never let feelings and the internet meet eachother.

they don't play well together.


To further on this... never mix real life with your internet life.


Now social media sites like Facebook are a grey area. They are "you" in real life(or supposed to be). As such I can't believe some of you share that info. Keep your online persona and real life separate!

There are a few smart cookies that could track me down but you shouldn't be making that easy for people. I shouldn't say "track down" like someone is going to stalk you cause that is on the extreme side but there are other reasons you may want the separation.


That separation also applies and helps to your "emotional" separation as well. Don't let internet problems become real life problems.

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