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In response of the backlash of my 2 last posts

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Here are some clarification I want to make.First, that is my actual computer;Second,I did not recommend that game to appeal to "weaboos", that is a game I really recommend,is not a dating sim,is not hentai,is a visual novel kinda like papers please and that I think everyone should check out,not only the people who like anime.I think is already late but...Can I ask for your forgiveness?I will turn down the shitposting I swear

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Ignore the haters. Post away my friend. We need more activity on the forums.



Edit: I'm now just seeing the picture of your "rig". The post you made about the game was fine but Please read the forums or see other threads that discuss those subjects already, rather than making a new absolutely shitty thread about the shitty, dark, unfocused picture you took of your computer.


See: http://www.joinsg.net/forums/topic/33774-post-a-picture-of-your-setup/


It's even stickied man.


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