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sG | RUST EVENT (August 18th - August 28th)

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1 minute ago, Travesty said:


More like two circlejerks shooting their cum at the other circlejerk out of spite.

I was gonna say there were two but I agree with one of the circlejerks so I just called it out in general.

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(Knew this was going to be gold when I saw that the thread had jumped from 2 to 5 pages last time I checked.)


Oh man, where to begin...

My initial point of view from reading this was that it had much semblance to the Valamarl thread in that there was a lot of things being blown out of proportion that I feel aren't really what anybody wants or are simply mis-attributed to other factors present.


I've probably forgotten some of the points brought to the table by now, since it's been about a half hour since I actually read all of the comments before posting this, but all I know is that the only true voice of reason I read was Junzou's.


The whole concept of the constant raiding of bases whenever players log off and thus are unable to defend their bases actively shouldn't be attributed to personal attacks. I think you can tell by now that neither of the named players infamous for dominance care particularly who they are killing. They put many hours into the server and I'm sure the statistics by the end of the event can act as proof to the relative activeness in comparison to other players. Everyone is a victim bearing a target on their back.


The argument of "it's easy to rebuild because it's a 5x gather server" is a stupid one. It only views the conflict from the side of the 'victim'. Sure, you can gather materials to rebuild a base at a dramatically increased rate when compared to official servers, but guess what, the people raiding bases also have the same 5x bonus. You can build things with relative ease and at a grander size because of these bonuses, sure, but at the end of the day, the destructive materials used to destroy these bases are also being constructed at a equally fast rate. The main idea that seems to be agitating people but hasn't been explicitly stated save a few individuals comments is the playtime difference between the dubbed "hardcore" players versus the "casual" players of the community. No matter what rate of bonuses you give players (unless some method of reducing said bonuses as you reach higher levels, logarithmic style), the players who put more time in are going to get better results out. That's a fact. The complaints seem to be that the gap created by this difference is dramatic enough that such dominance cannot be overcome without an insane input of effort that most people aren't willing to put in. Which is also fine. There's no such rule against how much time you put into a server, and the idea of such is idiotic. You choose to put more time in, that's on you, we shouldn't punish you for doing so. But for a community with the label of "the casual gamers lounge", the catering of this particular server does look past the individual who doesn't have much time in developing and maintaining constant defenses at any given hour of the day. It might be an arbitrary slogan we gave ourselves, but it's worth taking into consideration a playerbase that is telling you that they are willing to put time into the server as long as they aren't getting completed shafted whenever they do. A playerbase that is actively asking for some sort of change. You have all the right to tell them no, and that it won't be a "carebear" server as you've put it and leave it the way it is. But if a goal is to really create an active server with people constantly playing on it and for the population to grow, it might be worth at least thinking about suggestions. Not that many have been given mind you despite the typical whining of "pls nerf lorax/spawneh". The admins are asking you for suggestions; be willing to give some if you actually want something changed. Don't just whine and whine until something changes in a way you don't want it to, or not at all, and then complain later that you never had your opinions heard.


I personally fall into the same group of feeling that I am disadvantaged in more way than one if i'm not putting in a minimum number of hours into the server based on my own experience. I'm not going to completely bash you and every aspect of your life outside of the game just because the server runs this way. I understand the current state of preference of the server and respect that. At the same time, i'm more than likely not going to play either though if I'm not playing with friends. That's the basis of our community; having a group of people we consistently like playing games with and enjoy doing so. There doesn't have to be a right or wrong side to that happening. Karma's allowed to play with her friends on the server. We're allowed to play with our own groups we form on the server to. She has as much right as we do. The ideology of "well i'm not going to play on a server where the head admin caters to her friends" is one that many may view as biased simply because her friends are the ones that unofficially dictate the flow of the in-game world. Is there anything innately wrong with that? No. Are there consequences though because people are upset by it, regardless of whether its wrong or not? Yes. People don't always act on logic. The people that quit the server because of such dramas may be seen as leaving for a stupid reason. But the fact that they are leaving, regardless of reason, affects the server. Are admins and players on both sides of this argument willing to try and compromise solutions to whatever issues they may have for the sake of maintaining a quality server they can have fun playing on? Or are petty disputes going to hurt both sides? That's on everyone involved to decide.


My personal suggestion is based on what others have said of having raid-free times. It gives those that can't devote much time to the server reprieves from having their bases being completely demolished while also giving them an opportunity to be involved during the active raiding times without feeling like they got blindsidedly dicked because they got raided thirty minutes after they logged off. I'm guessing we have some sort of statistical means of calculating peak hours and perhaps would be willing to do daily raiding times at those peak night hours? Or perhaps open it on the weekends with the weekdays being ceasefires. Make player interactions out side of bases free-for-all, but not allow any breaching of bases except for certain times. Make it risky to go out and gather resources or look for good loot drops from airdrops or the spawn zones, but make it also a tradeoff for those who don't want to be killed and lose everything even within the safety of their bases.


My 2 cents.


edit: forgot to mention the whole trolling within this thread from spawneh/lorax and some of our members doesn't help either side. It just makes you guys look idiotic and confirm further allegations of being toxic and flaming others on the server. I wouldn't mind staff infracting people for obviously trolling others in the thread. Leave that crap in game. We have our own forum rules, regardless of whose friend you are.

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I was gonna say there were two but I agree with one of the circlejerks so I just called it out in general.

I mean if you're not circlejerking then what are you really doing?

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Look, I understand that tensions are high.  And that it seems we wont see eye to eye...  and that is fine. I am sorry you felt the need to leave over it. 


But I am in no way embarrassing myself.  


Are we going to compare groups? I have personally seen your group step so far out of line in how the admins were being treated that the mute warnings were not enough and that MORE admins had to come in and deal with you guys. I've seen you guys attack so hard core that you go after IRL... which is a HUGE no no in any community..anywhere. Toxic.  I, who makes it a point to only say positive things in chat ..ever.. has felt OBLIGATED to say something in regards to how you are treating your admins and even others not in my group have had to say the same.


In regards to game play: Trash has been talked on all sides..  midbattle and after. It happens. On every server... but hey, if you found a magical server where everyone gets along and there is no trash talk or pvp...--congrats. Those servers are called "Carebear Servers." And they gut how rust is.. so that everyone feels good. Fine. To each their own, right? This server isn't one of them and to be honest? I've never seen one. EVEN the RP server that I play on. (oh my god its so fun...) there is still drama between groups.


Point is.. it happens. And it happens alot. Its that line between Toxic and Trash talking which needs to be acknowledged. If you talk sooo much Trash that you can't look each other in the eyes a day later? Then you know there is a problem. I can tell you that my group doesn't have that problem because once the battle is over.. they can turn around and teach you how to build a better base (if you care..) or answer questions in chat.. ( if you ask) because there is that line. I've been apart of a raid and then was bagged in the next day to draw pictures..


I suppose you should ask yourselves, all of you, what are you looking for in a Rust server. 



Your group shoots naked on site. Not sure whether Taco is part of your group. You said previously that killing people is how Rust is and that is true, but there's an extent to where that should be followed. You don't kill naked people on site as they probably are new or don't even have equipment so to be killed repeatedly because your mentality is to KOS is stupid. PvP is on, but what the fuck kind of play style is that. If your goal is to kill the population by constantly raiding people that are gaining ground on the server then congrats. You've accomplished just that. Which in turn makes you more powerful. Your group consists of noobs, but 5-10 noobs with guns can do more damage then a few adequate members. What about when your friends aren't considered noobs anymore? Then you'll have a group that's half the server population that'll just raid and kill everyone.

You're essentially monopolizing the power of the server to one group causing smaller groups to either work twice as hard or quit in general because there's no point in playing if your base is going to be raided within hours of having it set up.

You can keep using that cliché saying that "that's just rust". Notice how many servers have MULTIPLE groups that are considered strong while ours only has one while everyone else not a part of your circle jerk have to fend y'all off with little to no success because we don't put as many hours as y'all.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

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Can we moderate this thread a bit? judging from most of the posts in the last few pages, a rust thread turned in to a shit-storm yet again. Can we (at the very least) move those discussions to the members forum so we can avoid further soiling the image of the community? This is an announcement thread, not a debate. Thanks for your understanding

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6 minutes ago, Velo said:

Can we moderate this thread a bit? judging from most of the posts in the last few pages, a rust thread turned in to a shit-storm yet again. Can we (at the very least) move those discussions to the members forum so we can avoid further soiling the image of the community? This is an announcement thread, not a debate. Thanks for your understanding


No thank you. The discussion is healthy we should let it be just like every thread. Our server isn't just for our members but for the others as well and so should this thread.


It is not a shit-storm and healthy discussion has been made. I mean you can simply just appreciate the time @TurtleFrenzy took to make that post. Just because it's in an announcement thread, that doesn't mean we should limit the discussion.


We are only soiling the image by how we act as a community. If it's who we are as a community then it should be shown and not hidden.

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One major disadvantage new players and players who don't have 40+ hours a week to dedicate to gaming is the xp system. Trying to build something as a level nothing and being raided by folks with C4 and rockets can definitely be a deterrent. Joining in partway though a wipe has the same effect. Tbh I don't build any more, I run around looking for kills with my crossbow and pick stuff off the ground.


That said, at that stage in the game offline raiding is the only kind of raid you can really do as you won't have C4/rockets/ak's etc. Beancans are pretty much the most economical way to get loot from a raid.

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2 minutes ago, Marvin said:

One major disadvantage new players and players who don't have 40+ hours a week to dedicate to gaming is the xp system. Trying to build something as a level nothing and being raided by folks with C4 and rockets can definitely be a deterrent. Joining in partway though a wipe has the same effect. Tbh I don't build any more, I run around looking for kills with my crossbow and pick stuff off the ground.


That said, at that stage in the game offline raiding is the only kind of raid you can really do as you won't have C4/rockets/ak's etc. Beancans are pretty much the most economical way to get loot from a raid.


This is why we have 3x XP for the casual player to not have to invest so much time. It doesn't take too long to get to level 25 for C4. I do agree the XP system has it's disadvantages for casual players (which I am). But 3x XP has been working really well so far.


I too like to build a small compact 2x1 and then roam around with some shit hoping for better loot along the way.

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1 minute ago, Travesty said:


This is why we have 3x XP for the casual player to not have to invest so much time. It doesn't take too long to get to level 25 for C4. I do agree the XP system has it's disadvantages for casual players (which I am). But 3x XP has been working really well so far.


I too like to build a small compact 2x1 and then roam around with some shit hoping for better loot along the way.


I literally don't build anything ;) Sometimes I'll find someone building something and take it from them, otherwise I use stashes and sleeping bags around the map.

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5 minutes ago, Marvin said:

One major disadvantage new players and players who don't have 40+ hours a week to dedicate to gaming is the xp system. Trying to build something as a level nothing and being raided by folks with C4 and rockets can definitely be a deterrent. Joining in partway though a wipe has the same effect. Tbh I don't build any more, I run around looking for kills with my crossbow and pick stuff off the ground.


That said, at that stage in the game offline raiding is the only kind of raid you can really do as you won't have C4/rockets/ak's etc. Beancans are pretty much the most economical way to get loot from a raid.


TBH Stone isn't a terrible building material; just be sure your walls are positioned properly.  The biggest thing you need to shoot for is level 20, to get armored doors.


This is a program Karma shared with me that really helps with base planning; costs 99 cents in Steam.  IIRC, Lorax uses it quite a bit to plan their bases.



God just looking at Fortify makes me want to start playing again.  

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2 minutes ago, Junzou said:


TBH Stone isn't a terrible building material; just be sure your walls are positioned properly.  The biggest thing you need to shoot for is level 20, to get armored doors.


This is a program Karma shared with me that really helps with base planning; costs 99 cents in Steam.  IIRC, Lorax uses it quite a bit to plan their bases.


I was using a free version of fortify for a bit, but after an update the fps in the program dropped to 1. 10/10 useful program for sure.

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12 minutes ago, Travesty said:


No thank you. The discussion is healthy we should let it be just like every thread. Our server isn't just for our members but for the others as well and so should this thread.


It is not a shit-storm and healthy discussion has been made. I mean you can simply just appreciate the time @TurtleFrenzy took to make that post. Just because it's in an announcement thread, that doesn't mean we should limit the discussion.


We are only soiling the image by how we act as a community. If it's who we are as a community then it should be shown and not hidden.



You could use the Split function to split off the discussion vs. posts about the announcement, and split the discussion post to the Rust subforum.  Parts of this thread are pretty toxic, and I agree with Velo and think that would be the best way to handle, but staff's call.

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That's also the thing @TurtleFrenzy the attackers should be spending a lot more resources on trying to get into your base than you use building it. If it takes them less resources, either they know what your base build is because it's predictable, they got lucky or you don't have a good build period.


I'm not a fan of peace agreement periods because what if you're the casual player that can only play on no-raid days? That too also eliminates some of our player base depending on their schedule. While it's good for new players to have some time to build up a base, it's also good for new players to experience what its like to be raided or see how they got raided after it happened. And the more that happens, the faster they will learn from it. If you're doing the same thing over and over, well then you're just screwed. Being raided is a choice for the player, it can allow you to grow as a player of the game or you can choose to say fuck this and quit.


The suggestion could work but as a player of the server, I'd rather just keep it going with how we have it. 3x XP is perfect for casual players to invest smaller amounts of time but it's also not too drastic where it gets out of hand. It is extremely manageable to have a base not get offline raided and secure your loot after one day worth of playing! Especially with how big our map size is compared to the player base.


I believe we will soon be doing weekly wipes so that if you do feel the need to quit after being raided, you can start all over the next Thursday and try again. However it is simply not hard to build a base and secure your loot with 5x gather. It honestly works in the defensive favour.


21 minutes ago, Junzou said:

You could use the Split function to split off the discussion vs. posts about the announcement, and split the discussion post to the Rust subforum.  Parts of this thread are pretty toxic, and I agree with Velo and think that would be the best way to handle, but staff's call.


I don't think it's a problem having it all in one place. I'd rather have discussion flowing than splitting it up, moving it and starting again. It should be encouraged to actually discuss shit on this forum since it doesn't sincerely happen often. It's nice to see activity on here (even if it can be negative) rather than just how bleak this website can be, especially if you're not a member.

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So let me ask all of you this. What would you like us to do in order for you guys to stop complaining ? I want to hear actual solutions. GO

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3 minutes ago, Spawneh said:

So let me ask all of you this. What would you like us to do in order for you guys to stop complaining ? I want to hear actual solutions. GO


2 hours ago, Junzou said:




Honestly, if you want a challenge, you should join them and fight a group headed by Lorax instead of basing with him.  By just continuing to base with him wipe after wipe on a relatively small server full of new people, you kind of show you don't want a challenge, you just want to dominate a group of noobs.


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1 hour ago, ThatOllieWhoDies said:

You don't kill naked people on site as they probably are new or don't even have equipment so to be killed repeatedly because your mentality is to KOS is stupid.


'nuff said


Skip to 12 minutes if the timestamp didn't work

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40 minutes ago, Travesty said:

That's also the thing @TurtleFrenzy the attackers should be spending a lot more resources on trying to get into your base than you use building it.

I'm not a fan of peace agreement periods because what if you're the casual player that can only play on no-raid days? That too also eliminates some of our player base depending on their schedule. While it's good for new players to have some time to build up a base, it's also good for new players to experience what its like to be raided or see how they got raided after it happened. And the more that happens, the faster they will learn from it. If you're doing the same thing over and over, well then you're just screwed. Being raided is a choice for the player, it can allow you to grow as a player of the game or you can choose to say fuck this and quit.

3x XP is perfect for casual players to invest smaller amounts of time but it's also not too drastic where it gets out of hand. It is extremely manageable to have a base not get offline raided and secure your loot after one day worth of playing! Especially with how big our map size is compared to the player base.


However it is simply not hard to build a base and secure your loot with 5x gather. It honestly works in the defensive favour.

I understand that point, which is why I suggested a couple different ways of making it work whether daily or set aside days for it specifically. I think that the people who wouldn't be able to actually partake in such raiding periods because of their schedules are the people who wouldn't really have a chance of accumulating raid worthy materials anyway in the server we already have established without losing it at some point or another. Perhaps learning by throwing yourself amidst the fire works. Hasn't helped Dray yet. Anyway...


The idea that offensive materials going in should be counteracted by defensive materials by nature is true, only when the gap between the two is overcome by sheer numbers of tools, in this case time => explosives. More time => more tools => easier to get into bases regardless of setup. Theoretically your idea may be true, all I can speak of are from personal experience of getting killed while offline regardless of layout. I've based with multiple people before who've made walls with barricades and traps, guarding out multilayered tower with multiple reinforced doors and hatches being used as deterrents with also running the risk of destroying your only means of going up the tower as a deterrent as the building cabinet was towards the top of the region. We've also done a complex of a giant cube with multiple floors, and a whole maze of metal doors with 8+ people building the place. Perhaps we just lack experience in developing bases. But as far as I can tell, even with putting in multiple days worth of development, it's relatively easy to get through a base with enough explosives and no resistance if all of the residents are offline. Again, the material and experience gains run both ways, for the offense and the defense. Both benefit equally as long as no substantial time difference is between the twos efforts.


edit: lots of fluff in there^^ sitting in a stat class bored out of my mind and just having at it. Main idea is that the bonus factors being friendly to new players isn't a good argument imo. I don't think it's a lack of effort on the builders part. Sometimes it is. You reach a point where it's not ergonomical to make a base because of the sheer amount of defense you have to erect just because people already have high amounts of explosives as well. 

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18 minutes ago, Junzou said:



I should join what......a group of hatefull people that complain about everything instead of learning how to work together? Why would i ever want to team up with such people

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3 minutes ago, Spawneh said:

I should join what......a group of hatefull people that complain about everything instead of learning how to work together? Why would i ever want to team up with such people

You should just join me and we will rule the server together Kappa

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4 minutes ago, Spawneh said:

I should join what......a group of hatefull people that complain about everything instead of learning how to work together? Why would i ever want to team up with such people


You think everyone on that server outside of your group is a group of hateful people that complain about everything ?

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I should join what......a group of hatefull people that complain about everything instead of learning how to work together? Why would i ever want to team up with such people

Regardless of any suggestion given to you, you're not going to do anything different. You have no reason to and I doubt you would want to.

I thought this was the rust event page not talk mad shit...


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27 minutes ago, Spawneh said:

Go and read this topic from the moment the event ended and rephrase your question.


You asked for suggestions, and I gave you one -- stop stacking the team against everyone and actually compete with yourselves.  If you can't handle the thought of playing without your Lorax, I understand, but don't come here acting like you're open to suggestions and then continue with more bullshit.


Like it or not, whether you can admit it or not, you are part of the problem.  Other people here are discussing what options are available, and you appear to be the only one left in the discussion trying to antagonize people.

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