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Am I the only one that feels like the Forums are convoluted?

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This might just be me but I think there's too many subforums for the amount of posts that occur on these forums.


General Discussion could amalgamate into one subforum and fall under General Discussion.


Introductions and Recruitment could go under Community.


Ideas and Comments could be moved to their own respective subforum, JB, WC3, TTTGO, Surf, etc.


Strategy Division could be moved into a General Gaming (outside of General Discussion).



With this type of movement you wouldn't have to click in each subforum to see the new posts or ideas (see all the jailbreak ideas placed in many places within this website). It would all be in one place or few places to see what people have posted. I feel like a lot of the time people don't use the Follow Thread button and then post in a thread and forget about it. But if it's available to view immediately it might help them click that thread again and potentially create more discussion.


Making it more organized has instead made it more cluttered and harder to find new topics that might interest you.



Am I the only one that feels this way?



P.S. I currently have my profile settings set so that whenever I post in a topic, I automatically follow it so that I get a notification when there is a new post in a topic I posted in.

Edited by Travesty

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I don't have any problems with most of the forums, but I do think Introductions and Recruitment should be moved to Community and Community moved to the top of the page.


I also believe whenever you start a thread, you should be automatically subscribed to it and be able to unsubscribe from it later.

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Ideas and comments is where people also submit entirely new ideas unrelated to current servers. We shouldn't remove that. It is sometimes convoluted but it's always manageable


I agree. We could specify that it's Misc. Ideas and Comments.


They don't happen too often though http://www.joinsg.net/forum/155-ideas-comments/

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I just hit view new content I don't even go through the forum tree system. A lot simpler and you get to see all the new topics...

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I just hit view new content I don't even go through the forum tree system. A lot simpler and you get to see all the new topics...


Wow. I didn't even know this was a thing.


See the forums could look like this but be in only a few different categories.


You can basically catch up on everything in the 'View New Content' because there aren't a huge influx of posts each day.

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As much as I agree with all of this, I feel like they won't do major changes to these forums because from what I've heard/seen, they've been trying to get the IPB4 forums all ready for a change. Not sure when it's going to happen, but i've heard about it for about 2 months now. ANY DAY NOW.

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Yes! Its so hard to find specific things when using the forums, or even tapatalk (When you're not using the search bar). I wouldn't mind any small changes, but big changes may get out of hand. I just hope things get simplified just a tad.

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you're trying to claim that these forums are dying when you dont even know how to use them, fuq

Lmao they are dying - I'm trying to revive them, homes. You can't even fill a whole page of posts on View New Content each day and you're calling this place active.

I use timeline on Tapatalk which is the same thing as view new content. That button is so bland that it's hidden.

What's the point of using subforums if no one here uses them? If anything you guys are making my point for me.

Edited by Travesty

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I think we all need to calm down. He simply made a point no need to get defensive and say the forums are/aren't dying i think that it could be more organized however i don't agree with all the places the original post said to move them to. The themes are also a way to change the way its organized btw.

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