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Arctic Freeze

WoW legion xpac

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just hopefully they're going to fix the PvP system.



too late blizz

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too late blizz

Seriously though, I feel like no one should be enjoying the long ass arenas matches.  Healers should be nerfed but thats never going to happen.

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The ability pruning and general simplification of the game from a PVP standpoint is what killed it for me if they can somehow make classes more interesting/difficult to learn and play I will definitely resub.  To be fair I havent played every class so I dont know if they are all easy as shit but it sure seems like it.

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The ability pruning and general simplification of the game from a PVP standpoint is what killed it for me if they can somehow make classes more interesting/difficult to learn and play I will definitely resub.  To be fair I havent played every class so I dont know if they are all easy as shit but it sure seems like it.

the pvp get's somewhat more in-depth when you reach higher levels of gameplay

people don't understand the game mechanics and faceroll with a fotm class and then say the game is easy, but what happens when you play against someone good who knows how to counter all your cds . GG





That said I hope I won't be reeled back in by everyone else playing -_- 

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just hopefully they're going to fix the PvP system.

they ruined it even more




To be fair I havent played every class so I dont know if they are all easy as shit but it sure seems like it.

They're all ezpz

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