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What if you die?

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Literally just showed my girlfriend how to post on the forums in the event that I have a premature death and still attached to the community.

What are your plans for unforeseen early deaths?

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Literally just showed my girlfriend how to post on the forums in the event that I have a premature death and still attached to the community.

What are your plans for unforeseen early deaths?


My plans for your unforeseen early death? ... Comfort your girlfriend in her time of grief. Not sure how I would do that yet.... Hmmm... comfort? ... What else is comfy? My bed is pretty comfy. Yeah, I'd show her my bed! That'll help.

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My plans for your unforeseen early death? ... Comfort your girlfriend in her time of grief. Not sure how I would do that yet.... Hmmm... comfort? ... What else is comfy? My bed is pretty comfy. Yeah, I'd show her my bed! That'll help.

You are so thoughtful, Centran.

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I have my computers password in my wallet on a piece of paper that says "if dead, erase the search history!"


There should be a service for that... Similar to an insurance company.. you pay them monthly in case you die unexpectedly.

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There should be a service for that... Similar to an insurance company.. you pay them monthly in case you die unexpectedly.


There are a bunch of email services like that. Some you pay for and some are free.


Most operate by some method of checking in with the service. They will send you an email you have to respond to or you have to log in every X days. The differences between various ones differ greatly. Uselessly the paid services offer more features and customization such as setting your check in frequency or sending multiple different emails.

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My plans for your unforeseen early death? ... Comfort your girlfriend in her time of grief. Not sure how I would do that yet.... Hmmm... comfort? ... What else is comfy? My bed is pretty comfy. Yeah, I'd show her my bed! That'll help.

No please. Use mine. It's much more comfortable and it will smell like me.

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I know in the event of an apocalypse I'd probably go on a killing spree until someone kills me or uses me as a tool.


I haven't thought specifically about what type of plans I would have for an unforeseen death. However,I have thought about passing something to the next couple generations. Nothing special or amazing but it would be something like a virtual/audio diary of sorts, to basically say "Hey, I existed."

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I'd tell my family to make sure that my student loans are taken care of. I have about 60,000 dollars in student loans and due to the conditions and agreements of US Federal Loans, if a student is to die, their student loans will be forgiven. Don't want my family having to foot a 60 grand debt-bomb right after funeral costs.


It's not a big deal though, I just have to use the force and my pool of hatred to manifest my soul and attach it to an object. Maybe my baseball or something.

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If Beerman dies were going to need weekly photo threads of his girlfriends cooking so I can keep making fun of it.

You are right! He said he showed her how to post but did he show her how to upload an image to imgur and post an image link?

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There should be a service for that... Similar to an insurance company.. you pay them monthly in case you die unexpectedly.

What if you don't die till your 9,000 years old. You basically wasted money paying for this insurance. 

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What if you don't die till your 9,000 years old. You basically wasted money paying for this insurance.

The point of life insurance is because of the case in which you do die lol.

Don't get car insurance, you'll never get in an accident. It's a waste of money.

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Don't get car insurance, you'll never get in an accident. It's a waste of money.

I'm 17 and already been in one accident.

Thank you for insurance.

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