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Nerf This Stupid Weapon

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Nerf the god damn shotgun please. You wanna know why? Because it's OP as fuck. 


-Point blank is a one shot kill no matter what, if not you have SEVEN more shells to kill them with.

-Even at medium ranges, it's ridiculously effective, causing anywhere from 25-50% of your HP with one/two shots.

-Long range, not really effective but if someone is near death/badly wounded you bet you can just aim in the general direction and hit them with a part, if not all of your spread.

-Did I mention it has 8 fucking rounds in it?


It takes no skill, does ridiculous damage, and it has a high capacity for bullets. This shit has to stop, the only thing I actually get killed by is the shotgun, you don't even have time to fire a second deagle or scout shot if you miss the first.


Basically it forces you to be flawless while they can just click their mouse button 1-2 times while aiming in your general direction and you're dead.


Please FFS nerf this.

Edited by SpecialBrownies

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shotguns are only good in close quarters. Coincidentally, one of the best(arguably, i dont even TTT) places to be a traitor is in close quarters, such as small rooms and corridors. I understand where you are coming from with respect to this gamemode. Maybe they could use a slight nerf, like making a player move a tad slower while carrying one. 





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Is this not how shotguns work?

You don't even play TTT, this thread is meant for TTT players boi so you don't even know the sheer power that it actually has. It's an auto-shotgun too which makes it even worse.


There are no counters for it other than being across the map, which guess what? Our maps are so small you can't help but be next to someone with what weapon? Oh another shotgun.



shotguns are only good in close quarters. Coincidentally, one of the best(arguably, i dont even TTT) places to be a traitor is in close quarters, such as small rooms and corridors. I understand where you are coming from with respect to this gamemode. Maybe they could use a slight nerf, like making a player move a tad slower while carrying one. 







That's the thing though, it's even good outside of close quarters. It's an all around beast of a weapon and it's stupid.


Damage per pellet should be reduced significantly IMHO.

Edited by SpecialBrownies

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shotguns are only good in close quarters. Coincidentally, one of the best(arguably, i dont even TTT) places to be a traitor is in close quarters, such as small rooms and corridors. I understand where you are coming from with respect to this gamemode. Maybe they could use a slight nerf, like making a player move a tad slower while carrying one. 






The shotgun is almost good in any scenario, there's honestly no point to use any other weapon.


For example: I had 50% reduced dmg on TTT earlier, took two shots to kill an inno.

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To add to this, maybe tweak some of the other weapons for rebalance reasons, such as slightly increasing the damage on the HUGE or increasing the fire rate on the M16 and decreasing it's headshot multiplier.

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Reduce clip size to 6

Slightly reduce reload speed

.2-.1 sec increase in time between shots

lower accuracy


IMO any of these or a combination of them would make this gun slightly more balanced. Guns that take more skill to use i.e. deag should always be more effective in my opinion

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Yea, we should nerf shotguns. Then, something else will become the new meta, and people will complain about that.

Actually everything is relatively balanced besides the shotgun. Legit the ONLY complaint I have is about the shotgun. 

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Why would you nerf the damage on the shotgun? Yes it is a one shot kill and I th that it's fine, so is the rifle it's has a 10 clip if I can rember off the top of my head. Besides that's how shotguns work in real life pretty much... Maybe lowering the clip size to 2-4 ...

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I mean the deagle is also extremely good and has a much further reach. Also most maps have a limited number of shotgun spawns so unless you are unlucky enough to have all the T's have one some innos are gonna also be capable of recking shit.

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I mean the deagle is also extremely good and has a much further reach.

Exhibit A.



Also most maps have a limited number of shotgun spawns so unless you are unlucky enough to have all the T's have one some innos are gonna also be capable of recking shit.

Edited by Matthew

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None of you defending the shotgun seem to understand lmfao.


Deagle - One shot HEADSHOT, 3-4 shot BODY SHOT, ONE BULLET PER SHOT.





I don't know why the hell you're comparing these at all.



@Matthew Do you even play TTT anymore? I haven't seen you forever, but in reality the Shotgun is the MOST AVAILABLE WEAPON ON EVERY MAP. 4:5 people have one lmfao. 



At least change it to the M3 where it has to be a pump-action or remove some of the spawns. Like to keep it the way it is, is bad development and makes the game completely unfair for certain players.

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I think the best advice I can give here is "if you hate something because people keep killing you with it, try using it yourself"



I think the best advice I can give here is "if you hate something because people keep killing you with it, try using it yourself"


Yeah shotguns can do point blank 1-2 shots but there's ways to counter it as:

moving constantly so the guy isnt easily as able to headshot/hit you

UMPs(for detectives, if a ump round hits a person its like mini discombombs going off, also you gotta be able to survive the shot)


Another thing is only the regulars and the good TTT players know how to actually use a shotgun besides the massive amounts of noobs that come onto the server who don't have the skills

Also, Shotguns get taken easily but theres not enough for the majority of the server to have them(even less likely to have them use them effectively)


Traitors use shotguns sure, but if i cant get a shotgun i usually try to juan deag or snipe. But thats only if i already planted my 3+ C4s everywhere.

Edited by Clusterfuck

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I think the best advice I can give here is "if you hate something because people keep killing you with it, try using it yourself"


Yeah shotguns can do point blank 1-2 shots but there's ways to counter it as:

moving constantly so the guy isnt easily as able to headshot/hit you

UMPs(for detectives, if a ump round hits a person its like mini discombombs going off, also you gotta be able to survive the shot)


Another thing is only the regulars and the good TTT players know how to actually use a shotgun besides the massive amounts of noobs that come onto the server who don't have the skills

Also, Shotguns get taken easily but theres not enough for the majority of the server to have them(even less likely to have them use them effectively)


Traitors use shotguns sure, but if i cant get a shotgun i usually try to juan deag or snipe. But thats only if i already planted my 3+ C4s everywhere.

They are effective in any situation, from CQC to long range, dont even try to make it out as if it's not


It has such a large spread that it's stupid, they can hit you with a part of their spread, stagger you and follow up with 7 more shots


Not everyone is a detective.


Completely false, anyone can use a shotgun effectively, it has the lowest skill floor that it reaches down to hell.


Again, completely false, it is the most spawned weapon on every map, guarenteed.



I only one deag/one scout and the only thing I get killed by is shotguns, GG.

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You guys forgot about the Garry's Mod hitbox registration. I don't have anything against the shotguns, but my tactic is to jump side to side.


the only good thing used to counter the shot gun is the flaregun, doing damage per second + blinding with fire

Edited by Crobat

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@Matthew Do you even play TTT anymore? I haven't seen you forever, but in reality the Shotgun is the MOST AVAILABLE WEAPON ON EVERY MAP. 4:5 people have one lmfao. 


It's Vanilla....shit doesn't change. I can't comment on Zach's map for the number of shotgun spawns but as far as I know the number of shotguns per map were:


Minecraft_Island - 7 spawns

MinecraftCity - 9 spawns

Minecraft_Mythic - 8 spawns (I'm not 100% on this one since I believe a few are random)


On a full server you can only expect to see 9/37 people, or about 1/4, with a shotgun. Now if the server is much smaller...sure you could end up closer to that 4/9~1/2 shotgun ratio.  Unfortunately outside of island most of the Minecraft maps are 80% in-close quarter combat and considering how good of a close quarter gun it is people trade away their other guns for the advantage.

Edited by Matthew

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