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Can we get rid of the racism card everyone likes to use.

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I handle it the same way as some others.

If they're new to some extent on the server and say it I will warn, however if they're a regular it'll be an instant kick, if they return and repeat it for whatever reason, it'll be a ban. 

Pretty self-explanatory right?

idk why staff hid my post it was constructive and giving this guy an option since he brought up 0 valid points in his post.


Calling someone a child and telling them to leave isn't exactly constructive.

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Knox there are a variety of reasons why your just a community member now and no one takes you seriously anymore. The people I called out were the people in this thread doing what they do in every other thread and you know this. So don't be so ignorant to what I was saying. 

Edited by turbulance

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Knox there are a variety of reasons why your just a community member now and no one takes you seriously anymore. The people I called out were the people in this thread doing what they do in every other thread and you know this. So don't be so ignorant to what I was saying. 

now I understand that bashing on Knox might be your go-to option and you two might have your differences lets not turn this topic into a bash-fest with you two arguing. 

Agree to disagree and move on with your life, you're only instigating a response, you can tell by your wording.

edit: wordz r h0rd 

Edited by Mark from Facebook

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There really isn't a need for racist comments anyways. Why go out of your way to say something, unless the purpose is to piss somebody off? Especially in today's time, where the slightest comment gets you fired, like that one commencement speaker who said, "Look, all the black people are leaving". It shouldn't be tolerated at all, if admins aren't doing their job to keep the gaming experience fun for everyone, then something needs to change. Likewise, if I get called some racial Arab slur, I'm not gonna sit there and take it, if its incessant. Hell, Will always sends me funny ass, but racist Arab stuff over steam. I don't get butthurt because I know where his heart is. 

To sum up:
> Don't be an asshole by using racial slurs to stir up drama
> If admins aren't enforcing the rules, report them
> If somebody asks you to stop using a phrase or word, stop. I work 10 hours a day during the week, the last thing I want is some asshole shifting the focus from JB or TTT to some race war

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OP should buy admin and watch admin only chat.


This is the only reason I applied for L2. Now I can call all staff anything I want.


Buy admin today.


1337th post tyty

Edited by Rune

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Thank you to staff for hiding the troll posts. I didn't get a chance to see it with them and it was very easy to read. This is an issue that deserves respect and clarity.


I upvoted 2 posts in this thread. The first is the comment by Tristan that, "The only reason the rule exists is to ban/kick people we don't like".

The second is by Velo, "OP should buy admin and watch admin only chat".

I upvoted these because their validity makes me laugh.


OP wants to have a standard on racist words/talk/sprays etc.

You could say that this is a microcosm of the larger debate in society at large over "Freedom of Speech" VS "Rights to Be Free From Discrimination".


There are a few factors that specify this case. Some might be: the international nature of the environment, the general anonymity of the participants, and IMO the fact that were playing a fucking game not in a labour code situation at a workplace. Shit, I can't finish this argument, I ain't got no time for this.

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Thank you to staff for hiding the troll posts. I didn't get a chance to see it with them and it was very easy to read. This is an issue that deserves respect and clarity.


I upvoted 2 posts in this thread. The first is the comment by Tristan that, "The only reason the rule exists is to ban/kick people we don't like".

The second is by Velo, "OP should buy admin and watch admin only chat".

I upvoted these because their validity makes me laugh.


OP wants to have a standard on racist words/talk/sprays etc.

You could say that this is a microcosm of the larger debate in society at large over "Freedom of Speech" VS "Rights to Be Free From Discrimination".


There are a few factors that specify this case. Some might be: the international nature of the environment, the general anonymity of the participants, and IMO the fact that were playing a fucking game not in a labour code situation at a workplace. Shit, I can't finish this argument, I ain't got no time for this.

Keepin' it real.

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there is a player who's name is Everyone hats growing knee's he's been playing on the server forever and I think is on the forums as well. Yet he is allowed to keep his name when we all know what he is referring to. 



Regarding this sentence, I'm not going to kick him, you can't see the phrase without rearranging it in your head. It's near the equivalent of someone named reginn (not a great example)


HOWEVER, if you had reported him in admin chat, I would have asked him to change his name to a more appropriate string.(and then kicked him if he didn't do it in a timely manner, if Ts are in the middle of a game I'm not going to expect him to change it until at least after the game, if not the end of the round. This is generally admin discretion on timing based on the type of slur/epithet used.)


You CANNOT expect admins to act on everything in the server without bringing it up to their attention, their attention may be very far from the name of a specific player.



This is about all I'm going to say on this topic.

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The kick is their warning from me. Race bombs getting dropped merits a straight kick when I am on; 


I'm a stickler for all rules, whether they are pertaining to the admins or the players. But I agree with you 100% on this that a kick is a viable first warning for this. Normally I feel it right to follow the standard warn/kick/ban for all offenses but I've gotten far to much backlash over a warning for this through the years and find it way easier to just go right for the kick. That way people know this is serious and they, hopefully, won't question or push it further which could elevate the situation more. 



just to elaborate on how I, personally, view our 'no racism' server rule("Racism is by NO MEANS allowed and will be dealt with harshly after a warning"):

no racist slurs

no racist names

no loophole'esque, beat around the bush racism, in general(ex: ghoul gun names )


This is the way it is written, and this is how it should be enforced. It seems pretty simple.


There are times when I see admins can't do anything though. For example I was on ZE (btw ohgodithoughtjbwascancer) yesterday and there was someone who was repeatedly dropping the N word, and variations of it, over the mic, but was only doing so when more then 5 people talking. Because of this I could not see who it was, which led to no punishment. I even asked Crobat to aid in finding the culprit but to my knowledge nobody was ever pin pointed.



He's right. I've brought it up to eddy before. No one really cares to enforce this rule. People get away with the n word for the most part because no one wants to be that admin who bans a player for saying it once. 


I care to disagree. People do enforce it, I see it a lot. Rarely have I seen someone banned for it though, at most two kicks and they stop. I don't hate on paidmins for not enforcing that rules, or any other for that matter. It's not their job to enforce rules; it's their choice, and while it may seem like the smart thing to do we can't hate on them for not doing it. 





as far as the loop-holing guys, like "i hate growing knees" they can be kicked for racism, as you said in your original post; everyone knows what hes talking about (checked his gameme, hes only had the name for the past month).


Is it awful that I honest to god have no idea what that is referring to? Which goes to say if I was to see him ingame I would not act on that name. 

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This is the only reason I applied for L2. Now I can call all staff anything I want.


Buy admin today.


1337th post tyty





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I guess my failings when it comes to racist names is the lack of an official position to my knowledge when it comes to loopholing names such as "I hate growing knees". I guess this could be blamed on years of arguing with ghoul, setting boundaries for his sandbox to troll and harass other players in an attempt to keep him under control(Whatever reason there is for this, I don't know it). These lines drawn in the sand are just that, lines there for him to cross then run behind again and say "staff said that isn't racist" even though the intent is obviously there. That attitude for going about things backfires when other players follow suit and mimic his behavior in a multitude of ways.

Edited by Swed

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I was the one who kicked the guy for the KKK jokes that shinannigans (turbulence) referenced, and it was someone who was consistently making semi-racist jokes for probably upwards of 15 minutes. He then was like "well I'm not gonna say anything racist, but I am recruiting for the KKK so if you guys want" and I kicked him. Not because he said he was recruiting for the KKK but because he kept pushing it and was obviously trying to get a reaction. He was well aware that I was going to kick him if he continued (following the warn/kick/ban rule).


If someone came in and said "I'm recruiting for the KKK" or whatever he said I would probably ignore it or say like "hey, watch what you say no racism please."


IIRC, the Knee Grows guy rarely talks and when he does he doesn't loophole racism ever. I could be wrong though, but I've never noticed him saying semi-racist stuff like lots of players.


Also interpretation in rules is never going to end. It is just how it works, like skitt said.

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