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Fit sG members I need your help

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So I made a bet with my gym partner that I could get defined abs in under 2 months. I currently have ~17% body fat. What should I do? Calorie deficit? Interval cardio? What kind of exercises should I do and at what frequency?



Will post body pics if need be

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So I made a bet with my gym partner that I could get defined abs in under 2 months. I currently have ~17% body fat. What should I do? Calorie deficit? Interval cardio? What kind of exercises should I do and at what frequency?



Will post body pics if need be

I'm not kidding when I say this, but I have a twelve pack, purely from swimming and diving. If I were you, I'd swim/stretch, every day until the deadline. Swimming is the secret to abs, a six pack is easy to get. Swimming works every muscle in your body and it damages it less than other sports/methods do. 

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I'm not kidding when I say this, but I have a twelve pack, purely from swimming and diving. If I were you, I'd swim/stretch, every day until the deadline. Swimming is the secret to abs, a six pack is easy to get. Swimming works every muscle in your body and it damages it less than other sports/methods do. 

You also weigh about five pounds.

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You also weigh about five pounds.


I weigh 145, but I'm 5' 10"... being diabetic for 17 years really prevented fat from forming... But swimming does help, most guys from my high school team ended each season with cut, lean abs. No homo doe

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I heard that what you eat matter a huge amount.  I also heard that the fat free yogurts help as well with reducing shit like stomach fat. However, I am not a fitness fag so don't quote me.

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I also find that snacking on sunflower seeds helps. Keep some water with you while you munch on them. The shelled ones, by the way. I used em when my blood sugars are out of control and they keep me occupied enough to let my insulin do its work. Could help with snacking, if its a problem. Fat free yogurt is genius, Aldi's has a ton of yogurts for really cheap, it's another good substitute. 

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Hmm. I am not sure how to go about it in 2 months. I would say, for men you should try and cut down to 11-12% Fat. 


I would for the first few weeks, bulk just a little with protein so you have the energy and the capability to build muscle.


Do circuits of ab routines.  Pikes are amazing and work your abs really well. 


Towards the beginning of the 2nd month I would cut down on your calories to try to lower your body fat so that the new core muscle you have hopefully gained, starts to look more defined.


I am not 100% on all of this, but from what I've learned so far this is the best advice I can give.

Someone else might be more of help.

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I'm not kidding when I say this, but I have a twelve pack, purely from swimming and diving. If I were you, I'd swim/stretch, every day until the deadline. Swimming is the secret to abs, a six pack is easy to get. Swimming works every muscle in your body and it damages it less than other sports/methods do. 

I don't know about that. I swam competitively for 10 years, year round. Wasn't at the top, but I was far from the bottom (State swimmer, regional qualifier ect.). I have super defined calfs and hamhock thighs of muscle; but I'm pudgy af in ab area.  


While it does work, nearly, every muscle in your body it can prove dangerous to joints. Mostly knees and shoulders. I personally have a fucked up knee from swimming and suffered from shoulder pain during the first few years of high school. 


Still love the sport through; have been coaching competently for five years now. 

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Because you didn't mention it, I assume you understand that 200 million sit ups won't do it. Genetics play a HUGE part in this.  You could have lower BF % than your partner, and he could have abs and you don't.  You might carry fat more on your stomach just due to genetics.  Besides all of that, calorie deficit is probably the best way to go.  The HIIT will help with the calorie deficit because of the calories burned in such a short time. 17% is pretty good and for an average person, they will probably be pretty nice looking around 12-14%. So just try and do a little calculation to see how long it takes given 3500 calories/ lb of body fat. A 500 calorie daily deficit is recommended by most professionals.


Source: Mother has pH.D in exersize physiology, and currently an exersize science and bio mechanics professor. I get lectured A LOT.

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Calories in VS Calories out  


That's how I lost 50 pounds, it a lot easier than people make it out to seem. The only thing that's hard to change is your eating habits and pretty much switching to a whole different and healthier lifestyle. Lost two pounds a week with my calorie deficit I was running but have slowed down to one a week, I'm lower my body fat % to get more defined muscles ect. and only have maybe a couple pounds left so I'm happy with my progress 


The concept itself is fairly simple

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Lower the carbs. Abs is a lot of dieting and as Ivery said, genetics play a role too. Just work them out but don't do a million situps as that will not do anything.

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8-10 % is when most people get can get defined abs, be at a caloric deficit and up your protein, if you do this you wont lose any muscle while at your caloric deficit and you look shredded as fuck xD



didnt see how old this post was.... my bad wont let me delete it either... :( 

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Well changing your body in 2 months is gonna take a while especially for your abdominal. I suggest that you count your macros and set a goal. Do a lot of Squats and Deadlifts. Those two are the main compound movements that really help you lose fat and build mad muscle. You may add cardio but you need to add up more calories to your diet. I really hope this helps cause i was there, but you can't rush fitness your body and your genetics are the ones are that going to decide whether you gain or don't.


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Alright I'm tired of being lazy and I'm going to bulk.


Any tl;dr tips on bulking? Height - 5'8-9 (cant remember), weight 145 lbs. 


Probably gonna do the newbie style "fitnesspal" bulking 3k calories a day and go from there. How do I learn my macros, what type of food is best to eat for bulking? (is it better to go calorie over quality? Should i just get 4 Double Quarter pounders per meal, or eat 2 lbs of salmon?) 


What should I do in bulking period? (work out lightly, run a lot or just do what i've been doing and not work out) 

I have a high metabolism and can't get fat normally (19 years old.) so in my case would it be better to do nothing, or what exatcly should i be looking forward to? 


I'm not looking to get BIG, i'm looking to get more muscular and over all in shape.

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Alright I'm tired of being lazy and I'm going to bulk.


Any tl;dr tips on bulking? Height - 5'8-9 (cant remember), weight 145 lbs. 


Probably gonna do the newbie style "fitnesspal" bulking 3k calories a day and go from there. How do I learn my macros, what type of food is best to eat for bulking? (is it better to go calorie over quality? Should i just get 4 Double Quarter pounders per meal, or eat 2 lbs of salmon?) 


What should I do in bulking period? (work out lightly, run a lot or just do what i've been doing and not work out) 

I have a high metabolism and can't get fat normally (19 years old.) so in my case would it be better to do nothing, or what exatcly should i be looking forward to? 


I'm not looking to get BIG, i'm looking to get more muscular and over all in shape.


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Alright I'm tired of being lazy and I'm going to bulk.


Any tl;dr tips on bulking? Height - 5'8-9 (cant remember), weight 145 lbs. 


Probably gonna do the newbie style "fitnesspal" bulking 3k calories a day and go from there. How do I learn my macros, what type of food is best to eat for bulking? (is it better to go calorie over quality? Should i just get 4 Double Quarter pounders per meal, or eat 2 lbs of salmon?) 


What should I do in bulking period? (work out lightly, run a lot or just do what i've been doing and not work out) 

I have a high metabolism and can't get fat normally (19 years old.) so in my case would it be better to do nothing, or what exatcly should i be looking forward to? 


I'm not looking to get BIG, i'm looking to get more muscular and over all in shape.

What you described is trying to get 'BIG'. Eating a ton of junk and fast food will fuck with your digestive system (unless you happen to be blessed with an iron stomach), increase the chance of cardiovascular problems, and will make you feel bloated and lazy. It is cheap, and if you couple that kind of diet with intense lifting, you will get bigger, stronger muscles. However, you will also get fat, so if you are trying to maximize aesthetic, it's not a good route.

Doing a lot of cardio work can be beneficial, but it can get very boring, and you will have to increase your calorie intake. I get around 3500-4000 calories a day, and I have very slowly been gaining weight. That is with just lifting weights and calisthenics.

Don't stress over macros. Eating carbs laden with protein, along with meats and whatever other protein sources you can get, is more than sufficient for a beginner to intermediate lifter. Keep your calorie count high, have a rough idea of how much protein you are taking in each day, and get a good amount of fiber into your diet. Make your own meals, as that is the cheapest and best way to control what you take in. Essentially, 'clean' bulking is the way to go.

Also, this is a drastic lifestyle change. If you think of it as anything else, you will fail.

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What does he mean by defined abs? Like full on six/eight-pack? I usually have "defined" abs even in the off-season, and I eat a lot. But I'm pretty sure most of it comes from genetics. As a wholly unexperienced ab guy, I would recommend running xD Those calories you burn must come from somewhere. I'm assuming if you're already fit, it's going to be easy to lose the stomach fat.

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So I made a bet with my gym partner that I could get defined abs in under 2 months. I currently have ~17% body fat. What should I do? Calorie deficit? Interval cardio? What kind of exercises should I do and at what frequency?



Will post body pics if need be



Depends on how dedicated you are. You can calculate your relative calorie maintenance level and eat under a deficit as well as combine it with HIIT cardio.


Diet, cardio, high rep ab exercises as well as weighted ab exercises. Boom brotha and good luck!

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It comes down to eating and core workouts. Also two months is cutting it short. Abs take a decent amount of time to actually gain a 4-6 pack. I would recommend you do lots of cardio w/ a possible vegan diet. (its like stupid low cals)

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