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B-cock #1

Server Donations

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With all the higher donations being made recently, I'm curious as to where this money is going.


Is the money (leftover from pizza) just going towards monthly server fees (which I'm still curious as to how much it is per month)? Is it going towards hardware since the new provider apparently allows for easy change in gear?


Also, would it be so bad to have at least a donation tracker (can be % based if for whatever reason you don't want to reveal monthly server costs)?



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I remember way back in the day they used to actually post something about expenses every few months or so...gonna try finding it.

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Your donations *nom nom* are being put to good use. *slurrp* Trust us.

can confirm took me to sushi

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Your donations are put to good use. If we get an excess where we feel comfortable not having that saved up we look into trying out new games where we might not be able to host ourselves or we will provide better prizes for contests or something to those lines... so excess goes back to the community in some way. 

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Monthly server costs and prizes for events.


Any money left over after that is saved, savings will cover server bill costs, prizes for events and server upgrades.


Not quite sure what you're wanting with that donation tracker.



and end of the year pizza parties Kappa

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Usually it's saved up, and when our excess amount hits like $2,000, we'd do a large giveaway (like the graphics card/mechanical keyboard/mouse giveaway we did a couple of years ago).  Normally it's saved up and spent to buy a bunch of games during the Steam sales to give away during the year, and to account for the natural ebb and flow of our income.  From what I understand about our finances, our admin subscriptions currently barely help us break even month-to-month...  Sometimes admin subs help us get more money, but sometimes we actually fall short of breaking even, and having a financial cushion helps with that.  All the JCS have access to view Paypal, rather than just Jason, to make sure the shit that happened with P2 doesn't happen again.




And just to be clear -- you all know the pizza shit is a joke, right?  Again, making fun of Phoenix2 and how he used thousands of dollars in clan funds for himself.

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Monthly server costs and prizes for events.


Any money left over after that is saved, savings will cover server bill costs, prizes for events and server upgrades.


Not quite sure what you're wanting with that donation tracker.



and end of the year pizza parties Kappa

He wants a % of the months costs covered so far by donations/paidmin that resets each month I think

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He wants a % of the months costs covered so far by donations/paidmin that resets each month I think


A lot of websites do this already and I'd be down for it. Maybe putting it right next to the teamspeak channels on the side? It might create some friendly competition on donations and then maybe at the end of the month we can have some sort of award/reward for the person who contributed the most to that 100% monthly goal.

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