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Is it mass freekill to not tell us hot lava is on

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He said he turned it on after we died
So? Did he shoot you, or did you die via a game? <br /><br />How much more do we want to try and run the JB MOTD through a cheese grater.

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So? Did he shoot you, or did you die via a game? <br /><br />How much more do we want to try and run the JB MOTD through a cheese grater.

I just always thought it was against the rules to trick ts into doing stuff like that without saying it kills them

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Similar question, I know it's not the current situation but which one of these would be against rules?


A. telling T's hot lava is off, then turning it on

B. telling T's hot lava will be off when they play, then turning it on

C. A but shooting them instead of game lava

D. B but shooting them instead of game lava


obviously they all suck, I just wonder at what point punishment is incoming

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So? Did he shoot you, or did you die via a game? <br /><br />How much more do we want to try and run the JB MOTD through a cheese grater.


So by your logic, I can just come over while they are playing jump rope, and turn it to the fastest setting with no warning, and kill everyone that way, but because I didn't shoot them, it's OK?


@Vos_Iratus:  I would personally say all 4 of your scenarios are against the rules.  To me, if you don't tell the T's hot lava is in effect, you can't kill them for falling.  It's that simple.

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So by your logic, I can just come over while they are playing jump rope, and turn it to the fastest setting with no warning, and kill everyone that way, but because I didn't shoot them, it's OK?


@Vos_Iratus:  I would personally say all 4 of your scenarios are against the rules.  To me, if you don't tell the T's hot lava is in effect, you can't kill them for falling.  It's that simple.

He dint shoot them in this case, its one of the games that hot lava kills the players, not the cts.

And hyper said that Travesty dint turn it on and he cted the guy that did turn it on, im pretty sure (dint go up again to re-read what he said so i might be mistaken)

A lot of confusion would be saved by just saying " hot lava will be on at all times" 

I dont know why people make things harder than they need to be. Thats why JB can be autistic most of the times.

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In threads like this there are plenty of people saying JB is super Autistic and implying it is broken. But if you read the thread, pretty much everyone agrees and the guy who did it got CT'd. Some of us newer people are just asking questions to make sure we know the ins and outs of the game mode. I don't think hardly anyone here is defending lying about hot lava and killing the T's.

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Turning on hot lava does not increase the difficulty. Just changes the penalty.

Well by that logic. A warden can just tell us to complete climb then when one completes say "ok he won so the penalty for the rest is they die"

Overall I figured it wasn't but mostly trying to understand why it would be ok. Also ttravesty said right after he did it so hyper got the wrong guy. Only after admins started asking did I hear travesty say it wasn't him

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Another thing two is there are two types of warden. One type of warden uses the games as a filter to quickly kill as many T's as he can to quickly get LR so they can kill that T and 'win the round'. Another type of warden tries to get a lot of T's time to play fun games. Some will die in the process, some will get killed rebelling but overall a lot of people get to play more games.

Sometimes its fun to play on climb for a while without getting killed every time you fall.

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So by your logic, I can just come over while they are playing jump rope, and turn it to the fastest setting with no warning, and kill everyone that way, but because I didn't shoot them, it's OK?


@Vos_Iratus:  I would personally say all 4 of your scenarios are against the rules.  To me, if you don't tell the T's hot lava is in effect, you can't kill them for falling.  It's that simple.

Soo what you are saying is turning on hot lava while ts play climb insta kills them all?

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Soo what you are saying is turning on hot lava while ts play climb insta kills them all?


No, I'm saying people shouldn't turn things on unless they are the warden, and they inform the T's.

If you are playing climb, and someone turns hot lava on without telling the T's, and someone dies because of it, then to me, that is the same as freekilling him.  The same as if you came and pressed the fastest button on jump rope and killed everyone, intentionally.


If the warden wants to make the climb hot lava, he can do so, but I would want him to tell the T's something like " Hot lava is now in effect ".

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I would consider it anonymous freekilling. In some ways it is even worse than freekilling because they are attempting to do it anonymously. Before sm_log there was no way to tell who pressed it beyond watching the button and seeing who was close to it. People still try to get away with killing people this way thinking they will get away with it because we won't know who pushed the button, but sm_log doesn't lie!

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I would consider it anonymous freekilling. In some ways it is even worse than freekilling because they are attempting to do it anonymously. Before sm_log there was no way to tell who pressed it beyond watching the button and seeing who was close to it. People still try to get away with killing people this way thinking they will get away with it because we won't know who pushed the button, but sm_log doesn't lie!

It does miss and mess up gunplanting logs sometimes doe


Pls dont murder me clamperino

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