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Staff Changes - 3/1/2015

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O.O Thanks for your time and support, we are all gonna miss you guys! BibleThump  And congrats to the new staff members!

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As we move further into 2015, staff changes are a must for us to keep bringing fresh updates to the servers and new events every month. Without further ado here are the additions to the Staff Team!

  • Dailey - Recruitment Officer
  • Fugner - Recruitment Officer
  • Peter Pepperoni (Gerald) - Recruitment Officer
Unfortunately with these additions comes some bad news. Today we are sad to announce that the following will be leaving the staff team:
  • Drunkula
  • Josh
  • Nugget
  • Blubblub
I would personally like to thank Drunkula for his time and commitment to the community, mainly in regards to his work while expanding into Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and DarkRP. I’d also like to thank him for his time, effort and dedication toward the community by developing and improving our Bunny Hop server, providing his knowledge, wisdom and input toward community affairs, and his server knowledge in general.


Next, I would also like to personally thank Josh/Drug/ElectronicDrug for his time and commitment to the community. He has been a substantial asset on the technical end of our community and has assisted in many projects including the website, databases, and servers. We are sad to see him leave our team.


We would like to give great thanks to these people for everything they have done for the community and we appreciate all the time they dedicated to the bettering of the community!






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Mimic has two staff positions? Kappa

Someone's gotta keep all these fucking furries we keep adding in line.. 

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