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Frosty_VooDoo [ACCEPTED]

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Name: Zach / Frosty
Age: 23
Location: USA
Steam ID:  299490
Provide a link to your GameMe profile: http://sg.gameme.com/playerinfo/467812
Microphone: Yes
Favorite Server: Jailbreak
Have you ever hacked in game before: Nope
Questions or Comments: Hi guys
About Yourself: Been here for... years. Basically have only played on SG Servers for the past 6 years. Started in college, popped in and out for a while, got kicked the very first time I ever joined the JB server because I joined right after someone mass FK'd and left. Later got banned by Mitch because Mitch banned my entire clan at the time because Echo was a moron over on WCS#2. Had no problems other than those two misunderstandings, and have played your JB and WCS servers ever since. Possibly one of the only people who sat there for two maps and read the entire MOTD upon joining Jailbreak. TimeToDie didnt like it when I played Frost Giant, either. 

I've had admin on the JB server for... little over a year now. To my knowledge I've never been reported or given anyone reason to report me; I just try to keep the JB server running smoothly most of the time.

Referral(s): Count, Moist, Faptastic, Cows, Hotsauce, Firefighter, FPS Trucka, Ctark, Mimic, Dark Pred, AttG, Piero, Sweetrock, Eddy? I didnt actually ask any of these fine people, but they have all played with me at one point or another. Anyone care to chime in? Bob Ross' Zombie?

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First off, make sure you're well versed in reporting abusive players (ex. Mic Spammers, Admins, Hackers etc...)
• Have FIVE referrals from Level 2 Clan members or above.
• Have to have at least 2 week of forum time and 25 posts.
• Have at least 25 hours of playtime on the Syndicate Gamers Servers.

After doing so you will be ready to move on. The first phase of recruitment requires that you be screened by a staff member. In order to do so, you will need to add one of the following and ask them (if available and willing) to screen you. Please add your "in-game name" and "Preferred Server" in the add friend comment, as to avoid confusion. This is not necessary, but highly, highly appreciated.









Failure to complete the screening will result in a denied application. Your screening must be posted by a staff member.
Check back often, as updates, comments and suggestions will be made throughout the recruitment process.

Thank you.

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Question 1: If there was a microphone spammer on the server, how would you deal with it? What if you ran into a hacker?

Mic spammer: Mute, issue warning, unmute. Mute for a full round if continued, followed by re-issuing a warning. Kick for third offence.

Hacker: Obtain a brief demo, then issue a temporary ban before referring the issue to Staff

Question 2: What would you tell someone else who shows interest in joining sG?


Recruitment is open the first week of every month, and to visit joinsg.net for more information

Question 3: Would you consider yourself a mature person? If so, why?

Yes, I would. I am not quick to anger, I am also seldom quick to dislike unless given a clear reason. In my workplace I am directly in charge of others and in that position you have to be reasonably open-minded and reserved in your judgments; the same applies to (i find) most admin positions, of which I have held on multiple other servers, in clans such as .:WoW:. and -CJFF- before that, as well as on webbased games such as Cybernations and Aywas. I assume a certain level of maturity is needed to do those sorts of things, so I guess my best measure of my own maturity is that a decent chunk of other people have decided I am.

Question 4: Why is it that you want to join the sG community? How often will you be on the sG servers and forums?


Honestly? I've played on yall's servers for years and figured it was time to enlist. The specific goal is to become an SO on the Jailbreak server and admin it well. It's definitely what I play the most of, and I think it could use a frequent SO presence. 

Question 5: Do you fully agree with the terms and conditions specified in the recruitment thread?


Question 6: Have you ever received disciplinary action from the sG staff? If yes, why?


Well Mitch banned the entire .:WoW:. clan back five or six years ago, including me, because one of our members was being a douche on the old WCS#2 server. That got cleared up though. Other than that, I dont believe I have.

Question 7: Have you ever been a member in sG before or tried to become one? If so, why did you leave/get denied?


Question 8: In around 5 sentences, tell us what we need to know about you before we let you into our clan.


To tell ya the truth I'm not sure what to put here. A lot of clan members already know me, but to sum it up I'd say I'm a chill dude looking for a new CS home. I'm 22 going on 23 in a month, I've been hanging out with yall for a bit over half a decade, and I've decided to sign up finally, something I probably shoulda done years ago. I'm engaged and just moved into our own place for the first time, and I work for Verizon at the moment so if you need phone advice... I can at least tell you what sucks? I'll also, your staff permitting, become one of the most consistently active JB Officers.... possibly ever.


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You have met the prerequisites to move onto the next step of the recruitment process.This thread will be moved to pending recruits now. Your status will be changed to reflect that of a recruit. During the 3 week sGr period the whole community will be watching you. Stay active, maintain maturity, post on the forums when possible, and be patient.

Please add "sGr |" (without quotes) to your in-game name. If you are not wearing the tags, your application to join the clan may be denied. Any infractions received in the three week waiting period will directly affect an applicants approval. Feel free to contact any one of us provided we are available. If we aren't, you can send us private message at anytime by clicking on our respective profiles and clicking "Send Message."














Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2:
Yes [staff] + 3:
No [Community] - 1:
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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am are much butt yes good guy


Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2 Popsicle(+2):
Yes [staff] + 3: Noms (+3)
No [Community] - 1:
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Asked for votes to get in shoutbox

Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2 Popsicle(+2):
Yes [staff] + 3: Noms (+3)
No [Community] - 1: water.exe
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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fuck you water this guys cool and good

Yes [Community] + 1:sean (+1)
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2 Popsicle(+2):
Yes [staff] + 3: Noms (+3)
No [Community] - 1: water.exe
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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