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Types of people on jailbreak

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If I missed anything, please tell me.

  •   Mass Freekiller - Kills prisoners because thought it was a deathmatch, retarted, doesnt care about rules, does it because there are no admins, or just really butthurt. Usually banned for life.
  •   Kid who doesn't read rules / Kid who thinks he knows the rules - He doesn't read rules and tries and breaks the rules (ie. shoots a prisoner if he coming at them in a freeday, shoots a prisoner because he is jumping when warden said to freeze). Usually an annoying squeaker that disagrees with you when you tell them to read the rules.
  •   Regulars - knows the rules, knows the maps, etc. good people you like to play with
  •   Paidmins - Gets/steals their mom's credit card, pay for admin, and think they are high and mighty and shit. They abuse it and gets away with it.
  •   Admins - People you want to be there.
  •   Hidden Freekillers - They freekill, you complain and no one listens(usually full server).

edit : the ones i missed that people suggested : 

  • Randoms -The people that join the server randomly, and literally have no clue whats going on.

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  • Randoms -The people that join the server randomly, and literally have no clue whats going on.

there a bit more uncommon now though 

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Lol, I tried it yesterday and at first I had no idea what I was doing... luckily sen helped me past the point lol...

So for those who flipped at me for killing a ct... sorry my bad I should have read the rules first.. Thought it was shoot and pray maps (:

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  • admin chat spammers- people who spam admin chat a million times asking for mic checks and shit that dont need to be done

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  • Warden Whores - People that love the thrill of being in power so they take warden ever damn round. (Boondock when he used to play)

  • Kill Whore - Someone who gets kills right on the line of freekilling and a legit kill these people will not let anything go, if your foot moves of the "yellow line" an inch you're getting merk'd ( KNOX Icop Zed)
  • Old fags - Do what ever the fuck they want. (tortoise)
  • New fags - "You said freeze and they are jumping can I kill them"
  • Swoobles fags - "All tees afk in their cells"

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Oldfags - Players who come in, complain that the no balls rule is gone, talk about how much better things were back on CS:S.


Former SO's - People like JWB10 who like to pretend they're still a server officer even though they're only just a paidmin.

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There's a reason why paidmins gotta pay for their admin and not get free SO.

Ya mine is i cant devote enough time.

Another type is the good guy t. Always helps his t buddies tossing them guns or sacrificing themselves instead of picking to kill their t buddies.

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  • Randoms -The people that join the server randomly, and literally have no clue whats going on.

there a bit more uncommon now though 




dood i had a guy on yesterday that i coulda sworn joined via community quckplay, had no idea wat jailbreak was and was trying to buy weapons as a t :l

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Generous Warden- always pardons rebelling ts lets t's keep guns usually gets shot by the T he pardoned.

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