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Discussion: Golden-tail


16 members have voted

  1. 1. Does this race need to be nerfed?

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pls nerf


couple of ideas - reduce evade %, remove bash completely, reduce ult velocity, increase ult cooldown, increase invis

Edited by Ika

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Why, so few people can even play it half decent.


Everyone focuses too much on the people that do very well on knife races, not that many people actually play that race.


I've also said it before, races like that have their own niche maps. Try playing that class on some of the most popular maps like Dust 2 and Office, it won't go over well.

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I'd expect ika as the last person to post about Sensei, you're one of the few people who could accurately 3 shot me while I'm in the air with it.


Onto the discussion: if it does need a nerf, increasing the cooldown on the ult would be the worst the you could ever do to it. Sensei as a whole relies on the ultimate; every other knife race as a speed boost of some kind to help get past bullets while Sensei's only procs after you shoot it -- and those few first shots more often than not are killshots depending on the shooter.

If we had to nerf it, I'd suggest that its evasion % goes down. It's already evading bullets by moving fast, it doesn't need that 20ish% evasion(which has saved me way too many times).


That being said, I honestly don't think Sensei needs a nerf. It has a very low skill floor and a very high skill ceiling. I've played on the server a lot over the past year or two and I've seen many people attempt to play it. Almost everyone either stops at level 5 or stops once it's maxed because "it's so hard." It always intrigues me whenever I see a new "good" Sensei; I could count the number of good ones on one hand. Back when I used to play it 24/7, I could tell people specifically watched the sky for me. Same goes for pug nowadays. The only reason why is because we both have practiced a good 3-4 years of playing Sensei on both CS:GO and on CS:S. I personally don't think we should adjust a race merely because of one person excelling at it.

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I'd expect ika as the last person to post about Sensei, you're one of the few people who could accurately 3 shot me while I'm in the air with it.


Onto the discussion: if it does need a nerf, increasing the cooldown on the ult would be the worst the you could ever do to it. Sensei as a whole relies on the ultimate; every other knife race as a speed boost of some kind to help get past bullets while Sensei's only procs after you shoot it -- and those few first shots more often than not are killshots depending on the shooter.

If we had to nerf it, I'd suggest that its evasion % goes down. It's already evading bullets by moving fast, it doesn't need that 20ish% evasion(which has saved me way too many times).


That being said, I honestly don't think Sensei needs a nerf. It has a very low skill floor and a very high skill ceiling. I've played on the server a lot over the past year or two and I've seen many people attempt to play it. Almost everyone either stops at level 5 or stops once it's maxed because "it's so hard." It always intrigues me whenever I see a new "good" Sensei; I could count the number of good ones on one hand. Back when I used to play it 24/7, I could tell people specifically watched the sky for me. Same goes for pug nowadays. The only reason why is because we both have practiced a good 3-4 years of playing Sensei on both CS:GO and on CS:S. I personally don't think we should adjust a race merely because of one person excelling at it.

I've always been totally against nerfing sensei. However, if it enough people gave a shit, this would be the first thing to be done. 

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nerf pug

Problem solved

Could not say it better my self it's not really a good race at just a few people like pug can air surf really well are able to abuse iits high mobility. want to stop getting wrecked by pug? then stop suckling and putting the blame on the race's just because we all don't wanna say pug is better than us at it

Edited by Dr.FatAss

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i got it


race idea guys




Skill 1: Furry Flurry: dogsgomeow gains damage and speed for every furry class on the enemy team


Skill 2: Furry Fury: Every time a furry race gets a kill, dogsgomeow sees where it is instantly (teammate outline) and gains 20 bonus damage on his next hit on it


Ultimate: Furry Fanny: Swiggity swoogy, dogs comin' for that booty, instantly teleport behind a furfag race, freeze them in place, and fuck them for 10 seconds, over which their health drains, culminating in an instant disconnect from the server and removal of all levels from the race.



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