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Unofficial list of people who will refer you (For recruits, etc)

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I've tried to get a lot of people on Surf and ZE to join sG ; many of them are already on the forums and are known decently well, but a big bump in the road for many users is referrals. Now I can link members to this thread so they can get the required referrals...


You see, on servers like Surf, there aren't many sG people who play on it, and even less who can refer. I believe that if I added every active sG member who plays surf together, I'd get 5. Maybe. And that'd require seeing and talking to all of them, which is a big struggle for shyer members.


So, I'm going to make this thread for any L2's or up who can offer referrals to players, so that more people can feel less afraid about joining the clan.


Just post in this thread if you want to be added to the referrer list and I'll add you. 


The list'll be updated often so if someone is no longer eligible to refer then I'll remove them.


Referrer List:

Ichalvl - Steam account is on my profile. Message me.

Groov - Steam account is on his profile. Won't refer douchebags.

Eddy - Steam account is on his profile. Will refer anyone with AIDS.

Stabbitty - http://steamcommunity.com/id/StabbittyDoowah/

Wintergreen - Steam profile is on his profile.




Edited by Ichalvl

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Will refer but wont vote yes, wot?


That's expected. Referrals are just to get the player into the voting stage, I'm not going to vote yes just because I referred him, I need to play with him in-game. I want to let everyone get referrals so they at least can step up to the plate, I'm not there to help them swing.

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