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How to carry yourself out of bronze / silver

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She has great mobility, burst and a shield! I mean Riven counters her counters.

for example:



Garen is Rivens biggest counter according to Lol Counter.


After watching a lot of streams with Riven I decided to finally go ranked with her after playing a lot of normals / dominion with her.

Ofcourse bad luck me gets a Garen matchup.


I thought about flosd's (Boxbox) stream and knew i had to shield as soon as garen was going to use his Q and then just burst him.

final outcome, without help of my jungler but double killing garen + Nasus: 4VJtD.jpg


Game ended at 21 minutes after a surrender and had 117cs.

GG Riven broken wings


the Garen profile: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/43188869#history

He had a 6 win streak so he isn't exactly the noob.


The only things is: what if the enemy picks Riven first? lol

Edited by Master Chief

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With Riven, there are a few options. Fort pot + 3HP pots, Dorans shield, Dorans blade, Cloth armor, boots+pots... It's all very situational based on who your lane opposition is. 

You can also go rejuv bead + pots if you're rushing hydra.

Edited by JBearss

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Start Red pot + 3 health pots and when minions spawn at 1:30 recall and get 1 extra health pot. Get brutalizer first against tanky champs like garen, or get hydra first for fast wave clear to push tower. you can build bruta into youmuu's ghostblade for the active or black cleaver next.


i'd only get dorans shield vs a kennen or nidalee since they AA harass a lot. but even then, the red pot just wrecks any champ.


Dorans blade is also good on Riven, but I wouldn't trust it without any health pots because Riven is an all-in champ.


Cloth armor is a good start vs Rengar and other high AD champs. I saw a lv 2 or 3 Rengar leap on Riven, double Q and 100-0 her in no time.

Edited by Master Chief

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what is red pot? I'm a noob

the pot with 15 AD and health for 3 minutes

there's also a blue equivalent with ability power

Edited by Master Chief

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Just used the last of my ip because of you masterchief you better be right ;)

trucka please practice her first.

combo with auto attack (when you can reach your enemy at all time) is: Q - AA -Q - AA - Q - AA - W - AA and then either E out or E again to catch enemy for last auto attack.

Remember after each skill your passive gives your next AA extra damage so always use that (it stacks 3x but it's best to use it after each skill). if you got your ult you activate that first and then do the combo i said before.  Your active ult, the second R activation, is an execution move which means the lower the enemy health, the more damage it does. So only use that wind slash when the enemy is low. this is great to give your enemy the last hit after your whole combo or to kill the enemy under his turret.


Be creative with your E, you can either use it to initiate, to block an enemy skill or to escape.


here's an example how you can wreck with riven and how i got a double kill vs garen and nasus: http://youtu.be/n5GWgdNrF8I

Notice how a pretty tanky hecarim got shred without much help of the turret thanks to riven's ult, also he used the active R to finish of renekton.

if you get that double kill the game is pretty much over, you get your black cleaver and you just snowball harder and harder

Edited by Master Chief

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Riven is nowhere close to being the easy path out of bronze/silver nor does she have counters. She's an extremely skill reliant champion with huge potential but you're never going to be close to using her that well considering the types of players in that bracket. If you want to get out then be more aware of the map and what's going on, choose a role that will influence early game tremendously and focus on objectives, not kills. If you have a lead then push it and get your team to group and force fights at objectives. And yes, supports aren't the only ones that ward, so buy one when the chance comes up.

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Riven is nowhere close to being the easy path out of bronze/silver nor does she have counters. She's an extremely skill reliant champion with huge potential but you're never going to be close to using her that well considering the types of players in that bracket. If you want to get out then be more aware of the map and what's going on, choose a role that will influence early game tremendously and focus on objectives, not kills. If you have a lead then push it and get your team to group and force fights at objectives. And yes, supports aren't the only ones that ward, so buy one when the chance comes up.

She is. Killing the top lane denies him a lot of farm and will make him worthless, the jungler will help him a lot and die aswell because Riven. in the mean time your jungler can help mid and bot and it's game.


Yes map awareness and warding is important, which i did. 


check out this guy: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/19271116#history he was silver 4 2 days ago, already gold 1 PROMO.

All with pretty much only Riven, and yes you can say a smurf doesn't count but Riven doesn't require diamond skill level to get trough Silver.

Edited by Master Chief

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She is. Killing the top lane denies him a lot of farm and will make him worthless, the jungler will help him a lot and die aswell because Riven. in the mean time your jungler can help mid and bot and it's game.


Yes map awareness and warding is important, which i did. 


check out this guy: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/19271116#history he was silver 4 2 days ago, already gold 1 PROMO.

All with pretty much only Riven, and yes you can say a smurf doesn't count but Riven doesn't require diamond skill level to get trough Silver.


That argument works with every single top laner, not only Riven. It's good that you focused on map awareness and warding, but your team isn't going to all the time as well. It's a 5 man game, not a 1 man game. Take a role that will help your teammates also, not one that solely focuses on you snowballing.


As for climbing; I've done the same thing with multiple champions. I came back to League after two months of not playing, decided I wanted to get plat and went from gold 4 to gold 1 in two days all with a slew of champions.



Advertising Riven as the answer to "elo hell" is incorrect. It's reliant on your general game knowledge, ability to play more than one role, playstyle and ability to last hit, teamfight, etc. Playing one champion isn't a simple answer to gaining elo.

Edited by Oreo

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That argument works with every single top laner, not only Riven. It's good that you focused on map awareness and warding, but your team isn't going to all the time as well. It's a 5 man game, not a 1 man game. Take a role that will help your teammates also, not one that solely focuses on you snowballing.


As for climbing; I've done the same thing with multiple champions. I came back to League after two months of not playing, decided I wanted to get plat and went from gold 4 to gold 1 in two days all with a slew of champions.



Advertising Riven as the answer to "elo hell" is incorrect. It's reliant on your general game knowledge, ability to play more than one role, playstyle and ability to last hit, teamfight, etc. Playing one champion isn't a simple answer to gaining elo.

Well I'm just saying, my buddy got from silver 1 to plat 4 within a month with riven only. She's really easy once you get to know her. That garen said when the game started "gl riven". I said "u 2". He was like "ima Q on him erryday hurr durr" till i first blood him lmao.


For people that would like to try Riven: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/41204803#leagues

My runes for her are called "AD" and masteries are called "Top"

Edited by Master Chief

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ALSO RIVEN IS FUCKING GAY FUCK THAT. Before I left on my pilgrimage to Dota 2 she was pretty fucking broken. I come back and she's still just as stupid I don't get it. Does Riot know shit about balancing? Also this was like a year ago maybe idk lol.  

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Playing only one champion will really hurt your champion pool and mechanics overall. My friends who only play Riven or Lux or Kassadin are only good to just that extent. When they don't get their "main", they feed hard. It's honestly bad advice to tell someone "oh just play this champion only, you'll be climbing in no time".

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Playing only one champion will really hurt your champion pool and mechanics overall. My friends who only play Riven or Lux or Kassadin are only good to just that extent. When they don't get their "main", they feed hard. It's honestly bad advice to tell someone "oh just play this champion only, you'll be climbing in no time".


This ^

I play all five roles with numerous champions and I do it extremely well. Whenever I need to climb I can relegate it to my better heroes but I prefer to have a wide array that can be used against numerous comps. If you carry to gold playing only one champion, prepare to get your shit wrecked.






ALSO RIVEN IS FUCKING GAY FUCK THAT. Before I left on my pilgrimage to Dota 2 she was pretty fucking broken. I come back and she's still just as stupid I don't get it. Does Riot know shit about balancing? Also this was like a year ago maybe idk lol.  


She's not broken, she's fairly balanced. The only issue is people like to underestimate her strengths and play poorly against her. It's like certain heroes in Dota, you don't have the same playstyle against every single of them because it will backfire on you against others.

Edited by Oreo

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Playing only one champion will really hurt your champion pool and mechanics overall. My friends who only play Riven or Lux or Kassadin are only good to just that extent. When they don't get their "main", they feed hard. It's honestly bad advice to tell someone "oh just play this champion only, you'll be climbing in no time".

Just play nasus and ur golden... Farm q till 20 min mark and carry the game :)

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