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Having 3+ stars in GTA4 was tough to lose. In 5 all you have to do is go off of a main street for a sec and you're good.

Are you kidding me, I have to drive 8 fucking blocks away, drive down at least 3 alley ways, and find a place that can't be seen from the street. Not only that but it honestly takes 10 minutes for them to stop looking for you.


However, if you get in a plane or a helicopter you can get away instantly.

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I'm a little disappointed. I thought there was going to be more heist related missions, instead the story is more based around doing favors and such. While they are fun, I wanted more heists, which the trailers and other devs hyped so much before the games release. Realistically, there are only about three heist missions where you're getting cash for your own personal use and that's just sad. And even with the money you do manage to get, I don't really feel like there's that much to use it on. The customizatable guns help at first but you don't need them later. I only customized the cars because I had too for a mission ... basically the assets they included I only really used because I had to or not all.  


Otherwise, you have a big open world with plenty to do and explore. The story is decently told though I don't think it is a great as others have said it is, but better than most GTA games. Like I said, I wish the story included more heists, less BS with the story building. The mechanics are much improved, the graphics are great too (yes the framerate chugs if you REALLY pay attention). Even with the side missions and activities that  could care less about, Los Santos feels empty and boring after you've played enough of it. 


Golf? Tennis? Yoga!? Why on earth would I want to do that? You can make a point that it's to make the GTA world feel more real, in the end it's a novelty, just like dating was in GTA IV. I honestly was expecting more GTA V. I was expecting a big sandbox and I got that. In some cases it was all I needed and in others it wasn't enough.


Be warned, if you're in the enjoying the story, take your time, it feels rather short and utterly disappointing if you're expecting more heists like i was. The heist missions and angle is easily the most interesting part of this GTA and is sadly under used for other experiences within the story.


Good game, lacking in a lot of little aspects. Oh and I found big foot! 

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