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Carl Sagan

Public service announcement from your friendly neighbourfriend

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Our admins are fucking annoying on this server. its either printing fake death messages or "fun" votes or 0 damage slaps or !rocket @all or 1000hp tmp round

Why? because you need attention or something? pls. I just want to play videogames- now you guys can spam music midround that plays while im tabbed out. cool beans.


I understand that most of you think its fun and theres no harm done and whatnot-  but literally as i was typing this hotsauce gave everyone a flare gun which fucked the round for his amusement.


having admin does not give you a sense of humour and it just magnifys how much of a faggot you are

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I agree. I know it's a "bug" that sometimes it'll say "You were killed by <name> [Traitor]" but I really think some paidmins are doing it. I've never seen it happen when no admins are online, and the more paidmins that are online the more times I see it. If it is a bug, people are still putting their own messages.


Edit for the top part since it looks like I took a shit on it:


I mean that it'll be displayed globally to everyone. A lot of times it'll say someone's a traitor b/c of the death message, and we all now know the person's a traitor.


Also, I believe the rule is that once per map there can be a fun round, 'fun' being low grav, newton day, etc. Whatever it may be, it can only be once per map. 

Edited by Ichalvl

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I agree. 


It feels like we have fun rounds far too often to make them rare and enjoyable. 


Its not so much as, "ohhh yay newton round! Lets play with this gun that I have very little experience with..." and turns into " Oh god not this round again.... Oh god no! not 3 respawns!"

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Hotsauce should have stripped everyone of their flare gun but didn't. Not a single person complained about it(that I remember and it was also late night ttt it's a different atmosphere). gg.


Also I'm slightly interested in what your in-game name is Carl. I don't recall anyone wearing sG tags besides Hotsauce. It's fun to find an incognito sG member, Or maybe I have a terrible memory. Anyway tell me if I'm being a "faggot paidmin" not that I have any doubt you wouldn't.<3


... Why would you ever need a bind to give flare gun

Sometime, somewhere.. you might need a flare and you'd better be prepared. No time to type that out. But no, the best bind I've seen is a !slay * bind. Happened a couple of times.

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Personally I find it funny or at least amusing, except for the fake  death messages, those are the most annoying thing ever.

I don't mind "fun" rounds, maybe because of my timezone I'm never able to be on at peak "fun" times, however I can see why they are annoying as all hell, I also agree with the fact that respawns are fucking annoying.

As for the music, I think that problem will die down eventually (I hope at least) I have to admit there are some times where I laughed at the music... other times however I felt like bind l "say !stopurl" to make things easier.

You know what, there more I try and defend this the more I feel I hate it...

Slaps and post round rockets I dont mind, also I found admins spawning a f***ton of rollermines when I was camping as an inno to get me to move was quite fun (But I could see people hating it if that started to get overused) :P

Perhaps I should take TTT more srs...

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If I were a T, I expect not to be messed with; this includes by fellow Ts, RDMs and especially ADMINS!!!!


I don't get mad even as a T when somebody RMDs me, when I have dumb teammate who doesn't know how to play but when an admin fucks MY T ROUND with his/her dumb powers, that's when the rage face comes out.

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which admins

you, your brother, hotsauce, zach, centran... how about everyone except blackie that makes it easier

got no proof no evidence too lazy and its not like you guys are actually breaking rules


all i want out of this thread is less adminspam; this problem gets glossed over every time it comes up and maybe we should stop being a buch of little mitches when someone wants to help the server




I have my game volume at max and voice at min so i can soundwhore footsteps- but the music plays at full blast no matter what and theres nothing i can do except qq

Edited by Carl Sagan

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Don't spam commands or have binds, never even done a vote for prop town, most I do is abuse infinite mic, and cry on the mic. Got the wrong guy m8.


I just ban rdmers, issue warnings, and make noises


edit: the url thing just got added a day ago lol

Edited by JMaFia

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I suggest centran adds a stopurl that turns off the radio forever and makes it so you don't have 2 toggle it off after every new song, and should have it so that it is set off when you join the server. ezpz.

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you, your brother, hotsauce, zach, centran... how about everyone except blackie that makes it easier

got no proof no evidence too lazy and its not like you guys are actually breaking rules


all i want out of this thread is less adminspam; this problem gets glossed over every time it comes up and maybe we should stop being a buch of little mitches when someone wants to help the server




I have my game volume at max and voice at min so i can soundwhore footsteps- but the music plays at full blast no matter what and theres nothing i can do except qq


Yeah, haven't been on TTT since centran added playurl and I am the last one to ever do fun rounds. I've been gone for a week and when I was playing pretty much the only person that did fun rounds was centran.

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Don't spam commands or have binds, never even done a vote for prop town, most I do is abuse infinite mic, and cry on the mic. Got the wrong guy m8.


I just ban rdmers, issue warnings, and make noises


edit: the url thing just got added a day ago lol

either you or mufasa spam csay constantly for "fun"

this entire thread is about how your admin "fun" is actually really fucking annoying and for you to deny your role is part of the problem


dont get me wrong you guys are good admins


i am just not amused with the shameless admin pissing contest our server has turned into

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how is what they do a pissing contest, and how is text on your screen annoying? just dont look at it if you're really that upset about it. Serious, straight up TTT gets pretty old, and the admins on the server make it interesting and fun, whether its through an occasional fun-round or through their funny comments. You describe it as if they fuck around all the time, but it really isn't like that. And besides, I've never seen you on the server, at least by the name you have here, and if you're the guy I'm thinking of, you really aren't on all that often anyways.

Edited by Lone Wanderer

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Nice listing things that mostly paidmins do, then point out people who do almost none of that shit. The music box just got added and is in testing, Zach hasn't been on lately and everyone has a choice to vote no when Centran makes fun rounds. You must get annoyed at 4 or 5 messages because I don't spam csay, this is the first complaint about it.    


I understand you want admins to use less ''fun'' commands and I agree, sometimes it gets out of hand.  But don't paint us in a bad light so you can seem like a FREEDOM FIGHTER

Edited by Mufasa

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