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Jayy's App [ACCEPTED]

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:39341758

Provide a link to your GameMe profile: http://sg.gameme.com/playerinfo/551954


Favorite Server: ZE ALL DAY/sometimes WC3

Have you ever hacked in game before:Sadly but yes.

Questions or Comments:

About Yourself: Love making money and talking with the zombie community

Referral(s):Trucka,fps DiabeticDaniel,Velo

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I too will also refer.


Thank you for applying to Syndicate Gamers.

Community Vote Requirements: [*] Have five referrals from Level 2 Clan Members or above. [*] Have to have at least 2 weeks of forum time and 25 posts. [*] Have at least 25 hours of playtime on the Syndicate Gamers Servers.

After doing so you will be ready to move on. The first phase of recruitment requires that you be screened by a staff member. In order to do so, you will need to add one of the following and ask them (if available and willing) to screen you. Please add your "in-game name" and "Preferred Server" in the add friend comment, as to avoid confusion. This is not necessary, but highly, highly appreciated.




Failure to complete the screening will result in a denied application. Your screening must be posted by a staff member.
Check back often, as updates, comments and suggestions will be made throughout the recruitment process.

Thank you.

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1. I would give 2 warnings not to spam on the microphone as its part of the rules, if they don't follow a simple mute is necessary. As an admin I always have fraps running in case I were to encounter a situation like this. I would post on the forums of my proof.


2. I would tell them to go to the sG website.


3. I would say im mature most of the time but not all the time as im young at heart  :)


4. I want to join sG because the community is great. And if im not playing on sG servers im making money. Im pretty much on all day until my vacay is done end of august. Then only evenings/midnights and weekends.


5. Yes.






8. I love to joke around and be a douchebag but in the end I never mean any of it just for shits and gigs. I like meeting/talking to new people. I hate when someone is mad at me as I will try my best to change that. So in the end im just a simple/easygoing guy that just want's to have fun.

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You have the met the prerequisites to move onto the next step of the recruitment process.This thread will be moved to pending recruits now. Your status will be changed to reflect that of a recruit. During the 3 week sGr period the whole community will be watching you. Stay active, maintain maturity, post on the forums when possible, and be patient.

Please add "sGr |" (without quotes) to your in-game. If you are not wearing the tags, your application to join the clan may be denied. Any infractions received in the three week waiting period will directly affect an applicants approval. Feel free to contact any one of us provided we are available. If we aren't, you can send us private message at anytime by clicking on our respective profiles and clicking "Send Message."





Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2:
Yes [staff] + 3:
No [Community] - 1:
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2:
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop
No [Community] - 1:
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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the thing is not much of our community population plays ZE (correct me if im wrong) and you don't post much on forums so youd either have to be more active in other servers or be more active on the forums.




Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2:
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean
No [Community] - 1:
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Dont know you :s

I'll have to play more war3.



Yes [Community] + 1:
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2:
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM
No [Community] - 1:
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2:
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM
No [Community] - 1:
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Doesn't even have 25 posts by this point.


Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2:
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM
No [Community] - 1: Banana
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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cuz other people had 25 points within 5 hours. GG banana.



Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2: Tortoise
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM
No [Community] - 1: Banana
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2: Tortoise
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM, Wave
No [Community] - 1: Banana
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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I don't know if this guy will get enough support, and it isn't even because he's a bad dude necessarily - Nobody knows who the hell he is.




Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2: Tortoise
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM, Wave, Name
No [Community] - 1: Banana
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Just because he plays only on ZE doesnt mean he should receive negative attention, he is a great player and admin and is active all the time




Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2: Tortoise, Howard Dean
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM, Wave, Name
No [Community] - 1: Banana
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Great ZE player, good admin that doesn't abuse, and active on the server. Would be a great asset since I see only a handful of sG people that play ZE. 





Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2: Tortoise, Howard Dean, Sooners
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM, Wave, Name
No [Community] - 1: Banana
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Very fun to play with, seems like a nice guy and I have yet to see him use his admin.



Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2: Tortoise, Howard Dean, Sooners, Papa 
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM, Wave, Name
No [Community] - 1: Banana
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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Changing to abstain


Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2: Tortoise, Howard Dean, Sooners, Papa 
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM, Wave, Name, Banana
No [Community] - 1: 
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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I've seen you around and had no problems.



Yes [Community] + 1: rofl
Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2: Tortoise, Howard Dean, Sooners, Papa, Tristan 
Yes [staff] + 3:
Abstain: iCop, sean, DGM, Wave, Name, Banana
No [Community] - 1: 
No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2:
No [staff] - 3:

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