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Why are the rank admins so terribly setup for dealing with a server?

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I have no idea what type of discussion this will spawn, so i'm placing it here.


Rank admins for the community currently restrict you from banning, respawning, setting health and numerous other things. Why is this? In the past the rank admins were setup so that we could manage servers for the community. I'm extremely curious if any staff member could tell me the reasoning for this.

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From what I have heard with this new rank rework coming, they are giving rank admins more power.

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From what I have heard with this new rank rework coming, they are giving rank admins more power.

We have to wait for a rework? Is it really that hard to just set them up to what they were previously? The previous rank setups were fine.

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Honestly I think it's a little unfair that some kid with 20 dollars can overpower people that have been in the clan for several years.

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Honestly I think it's a little unfair that some kid with 20 dollars can overpower people that have been in the clan for several years.

What do you bring to the table other than false superiority (also known as being a "clanfag")


at least these kids donate moneydubloons

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Banning is a powerful tool, having every single member of the clan being able to ban in all servers is a bad idea


kick and report is almost as good and way safer for some of our more unstable members

We had the ban ability for three years and never had any sort of major issue with it. This only hinders our ability to react in a quick manner. The fact that longterm members of the community aren't even trusted to properly ban is appalling.

Edited by Oreo

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Elite admin has the same immunity as a Premium Plus subscriber. Senior Elite and higher have higher immunities than Premium Plus subscribers. The commands for the various ranks are based on progression. At L3 you receive basic admin with level 1 immunity. At Elite you receive Premium admin and level 2 immunity. Senior Elite gets Premium admin, reserved slots, and level 3 immunity. Veteran gets Premium Plus admin, reserved slots, and level 3 immunity. In other words, rank admin is better than paying for admin.



We had the ban ability for three years and never had any sort of major issue with it. This only hinders our ability to react in a quick manner. The fact that longterm members of the community aren't even trusted to properly ban is appalling.


The issue is not with trusting admins, the issue is that SourceBans was never updated with our rank admins having the ban flag which used to be included within Generic admin, but is now it's own flag.


EDIT: Should be fixed now.

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We had the ban ability for three years and never had any sort of major issue with it. This only hinders our ability to react in a quick manner. The fact that longterm members of the community aren't even trusted to properly ban is appalling.

Remember that one time with Ace and the JB server...

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Remember that one time with Ace and the JB server...


It's either that or hasty generalization. I'm piss poor in remembering my fallacies lately. Can't use Ace as an example of why we should bar the ability to ban. We had fire.exe ban an entire server, dealt with him accordingly and never had an issue with any other admins suddenly banning everyone.


Either way, Issue's fixed thanks to our dear leader Mimic.

Edited by Oreo

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