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do you mean shady bullshit like selling so positions for video cards, or permabanning kids for no reason other than you don't like them?

enjoy being staff in your new community. even poor kgame, who you openly hate, is going around on steam inviting people to come join.

if anyone is interested in why toxy really quit, this is the message i woke up to on skype

[3:22:52 AM] Mike (Toxygen): k who took my access, was it you?

[3:39:46 AM] Mike (Toxygen): so listen - you've been noting but an annoying arrogant cock block for the past 3 months

[3:39:51 AM] Mike (Toxygen): you think you're more important than you are

[3:40:07 AM] Mike (Toxygen): and you're really starting to piss me off, so from this point on

[3:40:15 AM] Mike (Toxygen): you can suck your own dick, because i'm done playing your annoying ass games.

toxy ragequit from staff because his admincp forum permissions were removed (not by me,) which was only given to him by mitch in the last moments before he stepped down. anyone interested in why he would call me an 'arrogant cock block' might like to know that toxy's first action with his new-found permissions was to promote himself to director and claim that mitch promoted him in his place (which mitch denied.) i reversed his change immediately afterwards and left his permissions intact.

toxy you and i were promoted to SO at the same time, and promoted to staff at the same time. since your promotion to staff at least a year and a half ago, you have done literally nothing to benefit this clan. all of your actions have been completely self-serving and nobody will notice that you're gone.

enjoy your dunning kruger effect with your new clan.




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I laughed when you said kgame was inviting people. because he literally can't.

i feel like you may have misunderstood me, so let me be more clear

kgame is messaging people on steam saying things like "oh hey have you checked out teamsij yet?"

i'm not sure what you thought i meant, but he is obviously capable of doing that.

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i feel like you may have misunderstood me, so let me be more clear

kgame is messaging people on steam saying things like "oh hey have you checked out teamsij yet?"

i'm not sure what you thought i meant, but he is obviously capable of doing that.


That moment when I just hit the 'X' button cause its KGame messaging me.


Plus id never leave this clan!

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do you mean shady bullshit like selling so positions for video cards, or permabanning kids for no reason other than you don't like them?

enjoy being staff in your new community. even poor kgame, who you openly hate, is going around on steam inviting people to come join.

if anyone is interested in why toxy really quit, this is the message i woke up to on skype

[3:22:52 AM] Mike (Toxygen): k who took my access, was it you?

[3:39:46 AM] Mike (Toxygen): so listen - you've been noting but an annoying arrogant cock block for the past 3 months

[3:39:51 AM] Mike (Toxygen): you think you're more important than you are

[3:40:07 AM] Mike (Toxygen): and you're really starting to piss me off, so from this point on

[3:40:15 AM] Mike (Toxygen): you can suck your own dick, because i'm done playing your annoying ass games.

toxy ragequit from staff because his admincp forum permissions were removed (not by me,) which was only given to him by mitch in the last moments before he stepped down. anyone interested in why he would call me an 'arrogant cock block' might like to know that toxy's first action with his new-found permissions was to promote himself to director and claim that mitch promoted him in his place (which mitch denied.) i reversed his change immediately afterwards and left his permissions intact.

toxy you and i were promoted to SO at the same time, and promoted to staff at the same time. since your promotion to staff at least a year and a half ago, you have done literally nothing to benefit this clan. all of your actions have been completely self-serving and nobody will notice that you're gone.

enjoy your dunning kruger effect with your new clan.

Actually, I was given it back right after it was taken away, but I don't have the energy to argue with you publicly right now

toxy you and i were promoted to SO at the same time, and promoted to staff at the same time. since your promotion to staff at least a year and a half ago, you have done literally nothing to benefit this clan. all of your actions have been completely self-serving and nobody will notice that you're gone.

this is exactly the shit I'm talking about with you, you're immature, and an ass clown. You think you're important for some reason, and Mitch gave you full ACP access and one of the first things you said was "don't fuck this up for me toxy, i don't want jason to take it away from me because of something you do" so yeah, you take your small dick syndrome and parade it somewhere else, you're an annoying cunt and always have been.

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also @ drunk's silly jab at me selling SO for a video card, you act like Jason has never sold staff before. it's been done multiple times, rofl.

hahahahah :D :D :D


I knew there was drama to be had with this new situation :>

Edited by xmen

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Actually, I was given it back right after it was taken away, but I don't have the energy to argue with you publicly right now

this is exactly the shit I'm talking about with you, you're immature, and an ass clown. You think you're important for some reason, and Mitch gave you full ACP access and one of the first things you said was "don't fuck this up for me toxy, i don't want jason to take it away from me because of something you do" so yeah, you take your small dick syndrome and parade it somewhere else, you're an annoying cunt and always have been.

apparently you don't have the 'energy' to talk about it privately either since you messaged me a tiny wall of text and immediately removed me from steam.

you are correct that i asked you to not abuse the admin privileges that mitch bestowed on us while stepping down as director so that jason would not decide to revoke them. the fact that it was "one of the first things you said" was because you immediately promoted yourself to director, which was retarded.

this is your small dick parade, not mine. i'm raining on it because you somehow decided to lash out at me for removing your permissions, which i didn't do. i'll leave it to the person who did to speak up if they ever decide to do so.

as for being "an annoying cunt and always have been." i would direct you to the message you sent me before maturely immediately removing me from steam, preventing any reply:

1:48 PM - toxy: you know - i never had a problem with you until recently. your undeserve feeling of self importance and arrogance is so ridiculous, and your pathetic attempt at power grabbing is hilarious. you aren't even in the running for director, so just stop trying. you can deny it all you want - i know it was you, i also know it was given back to me right after it was taken away, so i don't really care. go tlak to mimic, he'll know i've been planning on quitting for months, if you think this was a rage quit, you're sadly mistaken. it was more a catalyst.

1:48 PM - toxy: anyways, once upon a time you weren't an asshole

1:48 PM - toxy: but somewhere down the line sG changed you, and that's just too damn bad. lmao. best of luck to you buddy.

1:48 PM - toxy is now Offline.

you are a child having a tantrum because i told you that i didn't think you were fit for director. i called you volatile and immature (exact words,) to your face (via voice ofc) in ts3, and you've been upset about it ever since. if you somehow take that and infer that i have ambitions for a staff position that would provide me with nothing more than i currently have besides responsibility, well... that is your problem. at least you've proven i was correct.

"best of luck to you buddy."

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I've proven that I'm volatile by stepping down from a community I no longer care about and have been planning on leaving for awhile now.

Glad I've proven you right.

You always think you're right and it's just cute - congratulations, keep living on Klark care.

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Thats just fucking funny.Kgame trying to make his own clan Hahahaha Good Luck idiot. You can't even join one now your going to try to run one. Just sad!!!!! Thanks Taboo for sharing! A great laugh for me!!!!

No sweetrock, you're misunderstanding.

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