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So I was in the car with my mom and were discussing some stuff and then somehow we started talking about gaming and then we were asking each other: Why are there more white people and/or Asians that play games more often (or so it seems) than colored (whatever the politically correct term is nowadays) people.

I'm being super serious, I mean, in this clan alone, there are a lot of white people and then there's C1...


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Black people do drugs.

White people do drugs and play video games.

Yellow people just play video games.

Serious answer: Computers and consoles can get expensive. Also I wouldn't say black people don't play video games. They just play sports games.

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stereotype time!!!!

yellow people know how to build their own computers so they make awesome gaming rigs.

white people have money so they buy their own gaming rigs.

black people have less money so they buy consoles.... plus all the sports games are on consoles so why bother with PC.

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I would say they just like sports games / basketball more than FPS / RTS

Though I know some brown people who like FPS's, but on consoles more than comps.

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stereotype time!!!!

yellow people know how to build their own computers so they make awesome gaming rigs.

white people have money so they buy their own gaming rigs.

black people have less money so they buy consoles.... plus all the sports games are on consoles so why bother with PC.

That right there... I mean I'm sure there are more black people that play this game, you just don't know it.

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I'd like to make a financial statement but I wont. Alot of black people just don't like to sit still, they always playing sports. Perhaps a bit stereotypical, but mainly what I see at my school it's about 50/50 white/other.

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Well typically most people do what they grew up doing. I'm guessing most of us grew up with video games so we continue to play them. It also seems that the rich younger black kids do play video games since they can afford whatever they want. And typically they may play video games but won't talk about it. It seems almost all of them play madden or any other sports game but I've heard them talking about MW2 and Reach.

Aha just read my post and it sounds choppy.

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All of my Asian friends play videogames on the PC.

Almost all of my friends of European decent play videogames, split 30/70 between PC and console.

All of my nerdy dark-skinned fellows play on the PC with me.

All of my athletic friends, no matter what their decent, play console games.

Guys from the "country" don't play any, and I'm not friends with anyone from the projects.

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That right there... I mean I'm sure there are more black people that play this game, you just don't know it.

Not true. A bunch of black guys always come on, how ever the only thing I ever hear them say are bitch ass nigger and them exhaling their weed puff

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I have only heard 3 black guys throughout my 2 years of gaming- one of them being C1. However, you can't really confirm who's white and who's black based of mics alone. There could be quite a few black people playing that we just don't hear on the mic, and most likely assume they're white.

Then they say they're black and you're like wat.

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When I was 12 years old, people didnt restrict my mic cause they thought I was like 20. lol

Anyways, yea based on mic alone you can't really tell, people only realized i'm Asian because I got a better mic that wasn't as staticky.

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