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it really depends on the situation as chaos said in his first post.

If someone is raped they definetly should be able to have an abortion, or maybe a teenage pregnancy. With a teenage pregnancy its a choice between ruining one life, or 2+. Many religious people are going to say absolutely no to this, not because that is what the believe, but because they have no free will to choose because religion says no.

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No matter what, never have an abortion after the 1st trimester in my opinion.

And only abort if raped or you know the child is going to be mentally handicapped and you can't take care of it.

Other than that, don't abort....give up for adoption.

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Are there not pills to take for the idiots who don't use a condom or one of the many other forms of birth control? I even remember seeing one that actually kills the baby/fetus in the first few weeks of being pregnant? Rape victims should be given the morning after pill to avoid abortions, that being said if you do happen to get pregnant i believe it is the womans choice no matter how moral/immoral it may be, especially with the overcrowding as it is.

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I'm an idiot for saying that if two people go have sex and she gets knocked up, and they didnt want the kid in the first place, just have the abortion. okay your cool. they should deal with their problem.

You're an even bigger idiot, because that's not even remotely what you said... What if they have no means to support the kid? Of course adoption is always an option, but that doesn't mean that they're going to find a willing adopter. What if their kid has birth defects and they have to pay big dollars to keep him healthy? What if they're two high school students that didn't know the consequences of what they were doing? Now they're both working two part time jobs, have to drop out to make ends meet, get disowned by their parents and wind up in the ghetto, barely scraping by.

Sounds like a pretty common occurrence to me.

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Don't care. I've been in the situation and abortion is a great concept, if you care enough to debate, PM me.

is there a lot of cheese where you live? i had an argument eith a friend over whether or not the stereotype that people in wisconsin eat a lota cheese and im wondering, does everyone ther eat lots of cheese?

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Are their not pills to take for the idiots who don't use a condom or one of the many other forms of birth control? I even remember seeing one that actually kills the baby/fetus in the first few weeks of being pregnant? Rape victims should be given the morning after pill to avoid abortions, that being said if you do happen to get pregnant i believe it is the womans choice no matter how moral/immoral it may be, especially with the overcrowding as it is.

Plan B, aka The morning after pill. If it's taken up to 72 hours after having sex, ta-da! No baby! Then again, every female is different. And I wouldn't use it as a form of birth control. They don't hand them out like candy either.

*edit: I read not good.*

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You're an even bigger idiot, because that's not even remotely what you said... What if they have no means to support the kid? Of course adoption is always an option, but that doesn't mean that they're going to find a willing adopter. What if their kid has birth defects and they have to pay big dollars to keep him healthy? What if they're two high school students that didn't know the consequences of what they were doing? Now they're both working two part time jobs, have to drop out to make ends meet, get disowned by their parents and wind up in the ghetto, barely scraping by.

Sounds like a pretty common occurrence to me.

I see lots of rats like that.

The women usually end up pretty fucking chunky wearing DC's. UGH, SO GROSS

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Plan B, aka The morning after pill. If it's taken up to 72 hours after having sex, ta-da! No baby! Then again, every female is different. And I wouldn't use it as a form of birth control. They don't hand them out like candy either.

*edit: I read not good.*

Correction: They didn't used to hand them out like candy. I am now able to walk into a drug store, drop $30 bucks and buy a Plan B - as a dude.

I wish there was a more effective (read: 100%) birth control that relies solely on the guy, half the cunts I've been in say they're on the pill and aren't.

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You all know each time you're having intercourse that there's a chance she may get pregnant. I think that's something you should have to live with.

Rape, fine. I understand that one.

I think I read "poor" on one post. If you live in the USA, NO PROBLEM! The tax payers will gladly raise your child for you!

As far as birth defects go, who determines what can be thrown out? Pretty soon any child not containing specific genes will be tubed to create a perfect America. Only the best. I mean sure there will still be "natural" people running around, but we can just segregate them like they were black.

On tune with my last point, ever watch Gattaca? Good movie.

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I'm either way on the matter, but has anyone else noticed that with both this and gay marriage, religion is brought in as a "valid" argument when there is clearly an amendment for "separation of church and state"?

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