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Syndicate Gamers Digest Volume 10 [10/10/10]

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I dont get it, if we're not going to have zombie mod anymore why is chosen still RO for zm?

Congrats to everyonr who got staff

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There's zombie escape elmo

Im not the one to say since I don't play much zm but from what I read chosen was the one that killed zm, is he gonna kill ze too?

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Guest Horny©at


Im coming for you chosenone!

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You were never there anyway. You were in jb lol.

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@ Super Novacaine, Empire, Blob and Zach, grats for the promotions/positions!!

@Fatb0y and Ted, u guis juz mad cuz i took ur staff


Remember that one time when the entire clan hated you for being a annoying faggot; and you just claimed you were trolling people into disliking you?

Oh wait we still hate you and using trolling as a cop out doesn't work.

The only reason you're staff is because coinstar is a idiot who holds the clans funds. He would rather listen to ONE PERSON'S misconstrued information in a pm than the entire forum population and all current/past staff members.

So you can sit on your throne made from wet cardboard and pretend you're staff, But that would be delusional.

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Remember that one time when the entire clan hated you for being a annoying faggot; and you just claimed you were trolling people into disliking you?

Oh wait we still hate you and using trolling as a cop out doesn't work.

The only reason you're staff is because coinstar is a idiot who holds the clans funds. He would rather listen to ONE PERSON'S misconstrued information in a pm than the entire forum population and all current/past staff members.

So you can sit on your throne made from wet cardboard and pretend you're staff, But that would be delusional.

I can sense the anger, honestly Ted, I don't give a fuck. First of all the entire clan doesn't hate me, a large proportion does, but I'm not like you, I don't spend my time trying to make people upset= and I don't get upset with your remarks. I have better things to do than troll others.

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I can sense the anger, honestly Ted, I don't give a fuck. First of all the entire clan doesn't hate me, a large proportion does, but I'm not like you, I don't spend my time trying to make people upset= and I don't get upset with your remarks. I have better things to do than troll others.

The portion of the clan that matters hates you. Lets just leave it at that.

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First of all the entire clan doesn't hate me,.

A delusion is a fixed belief that is either false, fanciful, or derived from deception. In psychiatry, it is defined to be a belief that is pathological (the result of an illness or illness process) and is held despite evidence to the contrary. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, dogma, stupidity, apperception, illusion, or other effects of perception.


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lolwut? not true.

pebbz joined right around the time we were getting rid of P2, we had JB before that

edit: just read his application to uv, coinstar wasn't a JCS yet... guess i was wrong :\

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pebbz joined right around the time we were getting rid of P2, we had JB before that

odd.. why does it feel like Pebbz has been around longer than that....

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Cool beans, new RO's hit me up if you have questions


what do i do?

and me and pebbz have been around for a lot longer than we were 'in' the clan for...

At least for me, I played on the servers/lurked on the forums at LEAST one entire year before I joined.

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