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Alright, so I need some creative ideas to ask a girl to homecoming. Normally in the past I would just ask her but this girl is much more important than that, I thought of maybe getting her favorite flowers and asking her, but I don't know, suggestions?

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Make a scavenger hunt with notes telling you to go to the next note. If you wanna make it really fun do it across town. Put alot of effort into it, and at the end, let the note say something completely ridiculous like you were just saying hi. Then sneak up behind her and ask her to prom.

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Guest Horny©at
Make a scavenger hunt with notes telling you to go to the next note. If you wanna make it really fun do it across town. Put alot of effort into it, and at the end, let the note say something completely ridiculous like you were just saying hi. Then sneak up behind her and stick it in her pooper.

Fixed. This is what Skotti REALLY meant.

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Ok, Don't listen to them above just saying "Stick it in her pooper" Cause you got to be more specific in this circumstance. You got to "Ride the bull" my friend. The way Riding The Bull works, is when you stick it in her pooper and you're on top of her..You whisper into her ear "I have AIDS". And that my friend, Is riding the bull.

But on a serious note, Just be casual and like you said, give her the flowers that are her favorite. No need to take an extra step when asking, All you gotta do is make it simple and make sure she's not around her friends or anyone else.

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Wasn't there a thread on this already not too long ago? Don't buy her shit, you shouldn't have to bribe her. It's homecoming, not marriage - just tell her you think you'd have a great time with her, and ask if she'd want to be your date.

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Go for a nice walk with her somewhere.

As you're on your walk, randomly beat up any dudes you see, thus asserting your alpha-male dominance.

That should impress her.

Or make her think you're crazy.

I don't understand the point in homecoming. I was asked 9th 10th and now 11th grade but I still refuse because I think it's stupid.

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Or make her think you're crazy.

I don't understand the point in homecoming. I was asked 9th 10th and now 11th grade but I still refuse because I think it's stupid.

I detect a lie.

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If she has a car flowers on the car with a note from anonymous maybe some poetry or song whatever is your style. After she gets the full effect of it at the end say turn around or something of that sort appraoch her and see what she says. If not a car a locker. If you feel that is to much just don't do the flowers or one of my friends took my suggestion and wrote PROM? on a a girl's car using flower petals and was standing on his car waiting for an answer it worked quite well. Lots of different ways you could do this be creative and add your own style for sure.

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Just ask her. If you're not totally invisible to her, she'd either MAYBE expect it or at least wouldn't be too surprised. Just ask her. Not hard shit, broski.

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