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ATTN: All Server Admins

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Though it is stated in the rules for admins, let me restate this here.


If a ban you issue is appealed, and you are unable to provide proof the player WILL be unbanned. For all bans, you MUST be able to provide proof. End of story. If an admin continuously has bans being appealed and is unable to provide sufficient evidence to justify the ban, we will suspend this admin's admin.

It is NOT the responsibility of a player to provide proof of innocence; you must prove them to be guilty. However, as with anything there will be exceptions, but since they are so rare, I will just leave it with this:


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Guest rw.Sentenced

Does this apply to stuff like racism where the logs of the server would provide the evidence, i.e if a week ban or the such goes on and they come back after a few days where we cant copy the stuff out of console?

EDIT: How do you expect us to provide proof of things like dropping the n-bomb over the mic?

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Does this apply to stuff like racism where the logs of the server would provide the evidence, i.e if a week ban or the such goes on and they come back after a few days where we cant copy the stuff out of console?

If it's in chat, how hard is it really to take a screenshot...? If it's by voice, warn/kick then ban... if they come back after the warn/kick, and they continue, they're most likely not going to stop. so record a 10 second demo of them yelling (cause they're most likely doing it just because now...) and you're good to go.

Is this reminder just due to the numerous complaints in CD or other reasons?

EDIT: I know racism is something we're trying to really enforce, but imo you should still at LEAST kick as a first warning before straight banning (Unless constantly spamming the word over and over, in which case, proof is easy to get)

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Guest rw.Sentenced

The way i sort of see it is Intentional racism doesnt get a warning from me, but accidently dropping it over the mic is a kick first

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It was due to someone complaining about how staff resolved a thread by stating they didnt follow their own rule that said Admins must provide demos if someone appeals the ban.

Seriously though, too many admins ban without proof so this needed to be said. Admins need to stop being so lazy when it comes to gathering evidence for their bans. It doesn't take long, I mean at least give us something to work with even if it is a 10 sec demo or screenshot.

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Well what about on zombie mod when someone goes to spectate while either first zombie, or just zombie in general? The only way to provide proof is to demo and that would take up to much space to demo every second. (since i have 8 days on that server)

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I thought they were supposed to provide proof if there's hackers and such on the server, but blatant disobeying of rules shouldn't require a demo.

Example: If someone is excessively freekilling in jailbreak, an admin can ban on site without proof, but if they want to extend the ban, proof should be provided.

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Even if PlayerA went into spec to circumvent being the zambie, there is no reasonable way to prove that PlayerA started off as a zambie.

Only way to do this is to screenshot every single round, which is asking too much.

Same thing with racism over the mic. I give a warning, then a kick, then a ban. It's unreasonable and inefficient to have a demo running all the time to catch someone breaking the rules for the 3rd time.

I hope these do fall under the 'exceptions'

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Piggybacking on this announcement, There will also be a 3 day span over which appeals can be made. After that, appeals are invalid. If they didnt care enough to protest it within that time, it obviously wasnt a huge issue. This is protection for our admins so a person can't come along two weeks later and appeal and then say "Hey, where is the proof." Just keep your demos, screenshots, and witnesses close at hand over those 3 days and you should be fine.

Also a neat way to get proof for an action that happened already:

1. In Chat ask "Did ______ break such and such rule?" and tell people to respond in chat or create a vote that has x as the first option(/vote "_______ freekilled?" x yes no)

2. Take screenshot of result

3. Post to forums as proof if they appeal

4. ???

5. Profit.

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they need proof for longer bans IMO

new admin subs allows for week long bans

just look at this


1 week for griefing? I don't think so

On JB, I could understand a week long ban for griefing (i.e., freekilling). Not on WCS #2 though.

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Who is kiva anyway? Someone must have modded that ban to be a week, cause reg admins shouldn't have that ability to go over six hours.

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Guest rw.Sentenced

The regular admins can ban for a week

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doesnt it have a little message showing someone went to spec?

No, it only shows up on your screen when YOU spec.

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If it's in chat, how hard is it really to take a screenshot...? If it's by voice, warn/kick then ban... if they come back after the warn/kick, and they continue, they're most likely not going to stop. so record a 10 second demo of them yelling (cause they're most likely doing it just because now...) and you're good to go.

Is this reminder just due to the numerous complaints in CD or other reasons?

EDIT: I know racism is something we're trying to really enforce, but imo you should still at LEAST kick as a first warning before straight banning (Unless constantly spamming the word over and over, in which case, proof is easy to get)

TBH, in servers like JB when people type INCESSANTLY, it's hard to grab screenies of it without going to do a console SS, but regardless, I appreciate this post, as alot of the contested bans have lacked any substance...hopefully admins will start demoing/SSing more often now. I know I've got folders full of both xD

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The regular admins can ban for a week

You mean the regulars on the servers who are given admin? Yea, I think they have ADV admin abilities, not sure.

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No, it only shows up on your screen when YOU spec.

in wcs it shows whoever moves to spec... it's diff in zom?

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IDK Why normal paying admins have access to ban for a week. IMO, the first offense of mass freekilling is only 3 days when I punish them. One week is a little harsh if the player was one who didn't understand how to play JB.

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You mean the regulars on the servers who are given admin? Yea, I think they have ADV admin abilities, not sure.

I tested this. We can only ban longer.

in wcs it shows whoever moves to spec... it's diff in zom?

Yeah it is. We should prolly fix that.

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