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Army Talk

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I heard Air Force paygrade was better >_> this true?

Cuz I'm pretty much garenteed military life now T_T (Renegade's High School life: "lol whats homeworks :D?)

I have some minor piloting experience and have jumped out of planes before(twice! :o I was drunk first time >_>)

plus when I picture the military branches in my head This is what ocmes to mind:

Air Force v.s. Army: Plane v.s. Infantry .... Plane wins

Air Force v.s. Marines: Plane v.s. slightly less geared but more buff infantry..... plane wins again

Air Force v.s. Navy: Plane v.s. boat.....Plane blows up boat...plane wins

But yeah...will be enlisting within 2-3 weeks form now I need money for college T_T and if my combat skills match my CSS skills ima get shot and die T_T

No branch gets paid more than the other. An E-1 in the Army get paid the same as an E-1 in the Navy.

Eh, your reasoning and explanations are a little skewed. One isn’t really better than the other. They’re just different lead actors in the same play. In addition, you have to look at the person-job fit.

Hopefully you can follow my explanation:

Time to go to war……

The Navy pulls up within flying distance of the target’s coastline (if there is one)…..

The Navy bombs the shit out of it and controls the skies….

The Marines leave the boat destroy the pockets of resistance on the beachhead and secures the area….

Once the area is secure (ish) they call in the Air Force to build runways….

The Air Force fly in the Army Soldiers

The Army takes over the battle space….

The Air Force takes over the air space….

The Coast Guard and National Guard say “Good job guys! We’ll hold it down ‘till you get back.”

That is really the easiest way I can break down the military relationship. However, don’t let your recruiter lie to you. If you want to jump out of airplanes then you need to join the Army. If you want to fly airplanes, then you can join ANY of the branches. Your proposed plan won’t involved you being in a cockpit.

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cool thanks chosen but say I wanted to be able to pilot and do field work as well?

Is there a specific field or branch that incorporates both?

Also is it true the Airforce or any other branch requires you have a certain GPA before going to pilot school or whatever...I've heard it requires you to have an atleast A and B average...and if they went by my GPA I would be screwed(once again Renegade's Highschool Life:"wtf is homework? can you eat it? -.-)...Yet if they went by standerdized test scores I would have no problem. I havnt made below a 98 on any of the required State tests.

My brother is in the middle of Army Ranger training in Oaklahoma and my cousin is a Demolition specialist for the Marines in Iraq right now. And well the Navy hasnt really motivate me at all and Air force really stood out to me so I may have been alittle biased when I made the above statements didnt mean to offend :). Anyway thanks again Chosen hope you can answer my other questions.

Edit: And yeah I understood the gist of your explanation just that the navy,marines,and army seem a little limited in their own fields to me. I mean sure they have their own aircraft and navy vehicles and such but in the end they are vastly restricted to their field of combat. Marines and Army:Land, and the Navy:Sea. While the Air Force covers anything that has air....wich is everything. I didnt even consider National Gaurd, mostly because I havnt heard much about them and such, the 4 other military branchs get most of the publicity...and sitting and guarding a spot never really sits well with me I have to move alot.

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cool thanks chosen but say I wanted to be able to pilot and do field work as well?

Is there a specific field or branch that incorporates both?

Also is it true the Airforce or any other branch requires you have a certain GPA before going to pilot school or whatever...I've heard it requires you to have an atleast A and B average...and if they went by my GPA I would be screwed(once again Renegade's Highschool Life:"wtf is homework? can you eat it? -.-)...Yet if they went by standerdized test scores I would have no problem. I havnt made below a 98 on any of the required State tests.

My brother is in the middle of Army Ranger training in Oaklahoma and my cousin is a Demolition specialist for the Marines in Iraq right now. And well the Navy hasnt really motivate me at all and Air force really stood out to me so I may have been alittle biased when I made the above statements didnt mean to offend :). Anyway thanks again Chosen hope you can answer my other questions.

Edit: And yeah I understood the gist of your explanation just that the navy,marines,and army seem a little limited in their own fields to me. I mean sure they have their own aircraft and navy vehicles and such but in the end they are vastly restricted to their field of combat. Marines and Army:Land, and the Navy:Sea. While the Air Force covers anything that has air....wich is everything. I didnt even consider National Gaurd, mostly because I havnt heard much about them and such, the 4 other military branchs get most of the publicity...and sitting and guarding a spot never really sits well with me I have to move alot.

No, I don’t think you understand because you keep talking about GPA and state tests. With the exception of Army Warrant Officers, you need a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university to qualify for the pilot program. ALL pilots are officers. With pilots (as with all officers) we either specialize in one area or we HIGHLY specialize in one area. After a pilot has flown for 10 years (plus or minus 2) they become strictly administrative. They’re always exceptions, but that’s the norm.

Eh, official ranger training is in Ft Benning, GA. Unless he’s in RIP (pre ranger course), which is locally ran by the post to prep people for ranger school to reduce the washout rate. I attended RIP at Ft Campbell, KY. You MIGHT wanna recheck your route to becoming an Air Force pilot, because if you’re a high school senior the earliest you would be sitting in a military cockpit is 5 years (college + military training).

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Guest Fohacidal
cool thanks chosen but say I wanted to be able to pilot and do field work as well?

Is there a specific field or branch that incorporates both?

Also is it true the Airforce or any other branch requires you have a certain GPA before going to pilot school or whatever...I've heard it requires you to have an atleast A and B average...and if they went by my GPA I would be screwed(once again Renegade's Highschool Life:"wtf is homework? can you eat it? -.-)...Yet if they went by standerdized test scores I would have no problem. I havnt made below a 98 on any of the required State tests.

My brother is in the middle of Army Ranger training in Oaklahoma and my cousin is a Demolition specialist for the Marines in Iraq right now. And well the Navy hasnt really motivate me at all and Air force really stood out to me so I may have been alittle biased when I made the above statements didnt mean to offend :). Anyway thanks again Chosen hope you can answer my other questions.

Edit: And yeah I understood the gist of your explanation just that the navy,marines,and army seem a little limited in their own fields to me. I mean sure they have their own aircraft and navy vehicles and such but in the end they are vastly restricted to their field of combat. Marines and Army:Land, and the Navy:Sea. While the Air Force covers anything that has air....wich is everything. I didnt even consider National Gaurd, mostly because I havnt heard much about them and such, the 4 other military branchs get most of the publicity...and sitting and guarding a spot never really sits well with me I have to move alot.

God its like because its not called the Army Air Force anymore people forget the ARMY had full control over all aircraft until the Air Force split off to form its own branch. We still have incredible air power and so does the navy

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Would someone be able to give me information on joining the army?

All of the information, not just the basics, I'm strongly thinking about joining the army, but i want to know the best way to do it.

I want to be able to jump out of planes, and shoot some bitches. I would also want a relatively good pay.

Also i have no clue what all this 0-1 or E-2 or all of this army talk is, seeing as i havent learnt about joining the army yet or anything like that in school.

I'm also a Canadian, can i have all the info about joining the US military being from another country.

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Would someone be able to give me information on joining the army?

All of the information, not just the basics, I'm strongly thinking about joining the army, but i want to know the best way to do it.

I want to be able to jump out of planes, and shoot some bitches. I would also want a relatively good pay.

Also i have no clue what all this 0-1 or E-2 or all of this army talk is, seeing as i havent learnt about joining the army yet or anything like that in school.

I'm also a Canadian, can i have all the info about joining the US military being from another country.

Go to page one and start reading and if you have specific questions let me know.

"E" "WO" and "O" are pay grades


Warrant Officer


You can be an enlisted soldier and not be a US citizen, but not a WO or officer.

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I've read up to this page and hardly any of my questions have been answered. Seeing as most people in this thread are more interested in joining AF or being a Medic and such.

What kind of jobs would i be able to get with being infantry in the army?

What kind of things do you do with the Special Forces? Would it basically be the same thing as a basic infantry soldier, or would you go on special missions and such?

How would you be able to use a mounted gun on a chopper/HMV/Tank?

How do the military pay for your basic life before you join the army? Such as going to school?

Is there a way to be in the reserves before joining the army full time?

Like Join the reserves, then go to college until otherwise?

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I've read up to this page and hardly any of my questions have been answered. Seeing as most people in this thread are more interested in joining AF or being a Medic and such.

What kind of jobs would i be able to get with being infantry in the army?

What kind of things do you do with the Special Forces? Would it basically be the same thing as a basic infantry soldier, or would you go on special missions and such?

How would you be able to use a mounted gun on a chopper/HMV/Tank?

How do the military pay for your basic life before you join the army? Such as going to school?

Is there a way to be in the reserves before joining the army full time?

Like Join the reserves, then go to college until otherwise?

Yes you can all those things as infantry......

Yes you can join the reservers and go to college at the same time......

You can be a gunner with any MOS except w/ the choppa gunner. That's usually a flight crew chief.

Please read through the posts....

I've posted on many of your questions such as pay and college

For the Army there are 3 "scales" of pay: (E)nlisted, (W)arrant Officer, and (O)fficer. Each pay scale gets paid more money based upon years of service. Example: I am an O-3, with 5 years of Active Duty. In the civilian world it’s considered rude to ask how much someone gets paid. However in the military (in most cases), if you know my rank and how long I've been in the Army you know how much I make.

Everyone gets something called BAH (house money that varies from city to city) and BAS (food money). That also varies according to rank. See link below for the 2009 military pay chart.


From my understanding I would be eligible to enter as an officer 1?

Having a 4 yr degree is a requirement for being an O-1/2LT, BUT there are a few hoops you have to jump through. What would I do if I were in your shoes?

Option 1. Join ROTC and become a 2LT

Option 2. Graduate, see a recruiter and have him state in your contract "OCS after Basic Training"

Option 3. Graduate, have ROTC pay for your Masters and maybe join as a 1LT

Option 4. Graduate, enlist and apply for OCS after your initial commitment (least recommended)

What is pay like after x years out of the army?

Good question. In the military, you are eligible to retire after 15 years of active service. Most people retire after 20 years to receive 50% of their base pay. If you want to leave earlier the government offers something called veterans preference. If you completed your commitment and left the military on good terms, you have hiring preference over those who haven’t served. This only guaranteed for federal government jobs.

I'll defer to driz on the civilian hiring practices of veterans. He's experienced that first hand.

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What does "ROTC" and "OCS" stand for?

Otherwise that pretty much covers it, thanks Chosen.

Reserve Officer's Training Corps - High School, Ungraduate Degree, Officer

Officer Candidate School - High School, Enlisted, Undergraduate Degree, Officer

Different paths that lead to a degree and a commission

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Guest Fohacidal

Hurr Im headed to WOCS after basic training. According to my dad though its like an amusement park now compared to when he went through it back years and years ago

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Hurr Im headed to WOCS after basic training. According to my dad though its like an amusement park now compared to when he went through it back years and years ago

The military has lowered the standards for many programs to achieve numbers.

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Well I finally had the time to come onto this thread after the talk we had in game chosen, So as I said I'm getting Deployed April 13th 2011, What's it like over there?, Like honestly I'm into allot of action, What's the main things you would do in a day?

I've already had a talk with a couple of the people who will be stationed with me in Iraq. They've told me so many times that a normal day could turn into the worst day of our lives. So what exactly would be the dangers there?

Might be stupid questions but this will be the first time I get sent oversea's in a full combat zone.

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Well I finally had the time to come onto this thread after the talk we had in game chosen, So as I said I'm getting Deployed April 13th 2011, What's it like over there?, Like honestly I'm into allot of action, What's the main things you would do in a day?

I've already had a talk with a couple of the people who will be stationed with me in Iraq. They've told me so many times that a normal day could turn into the worst day of our lives. So what exactly would be the dangers there?

Might be stupid questions but this will be the first time I get sent oversea's in a full combat zone.

A normal day.....that’s a hard question. Really it depends on your job and how much you go outside the wire. I was ground MEDEVAC East Baghdad and Sadr City from 05-06 so my job was to go outside the wire to assist others who needed it. I could go 2 weeks waiting for a mission that lasted 2 hours. So mainly it consists of regular garrison operations until the shit hits the fan.

If you give me your MOS and type of unit you are deploying with I can give you more insight based on my observations of other units.

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NG or RC?

Not sure yet. I'm very undecisive. I haven't talked to to my recruiter much because he's trying to find my medical records.

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