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Posts posted by Sketchmaticx

  1. Dat text lingo doe...don't think he was getting worked up over a bit of pussy but the rest of what you said was pretty good. 

    when i said pussy i meant like just his girl in general and ya i speak from the heart and my heart is always good :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  2. yo man you have 80 hours in the past 2 weeks i think u might actually have a problem on the real, just try to tune down ur gaming and go out some more with some friends and get you a new girl. maybe try to find a girl that likes to do what u do or do something with them whenever they want ur attention. my current girl dont really like gaming so i just watch movies or chill or sit outside a shop like a good lil fagboy whenever required, bam, all is good


    pussy aint nothin to get worked up over tho, and u kno u werent tryin to have some ugly babies my man.. sounds like she was just tryin to get rid of u anyways. if she wants to get rid of ur fav thing to do in ur past time then that aint the only problem you got, lets be real

  3. when you see it, prefire after about a second. i do it all the time.



    icha, that glitch has been in since source, you just crouch to get rid of it. people think theyre going to kill everyone when they get the glitch but they dont take into account that theyre fucking 50 feet in the air and theyre looking straight down for everyone else

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