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Frosted Butts

Level 3
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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts reacted to RockbeatsPaper in Regret Nothing.   
    I think im getting too old for this place
  2. Upvote (+1)
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts reacted to Neur0 in Y'all a bunch of niggas.   

  4. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts reacted to Mitch in [6-21-12] Open SO Applications & Staff-Community Q/A Session   
    Sometimes I feel like it's this sort of attitude that kills our community.
    Just my two cents though.
  5. Upvote (+1)
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  7. Upvote (+1)
  8. Downvote (-1)
    Frosted Butts got a reaction from jc4x4 in Post your desktop   
  9. Downvote (-1)
    Frosted Butts got a reaction from Goldentongue in Women   
    Why did everyone the sexist comments?
    I thought we were all men here.
  10. Upvote (+1)
  11. Upvote (+1)
  12. Upvote (+1)
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts reacted to Mitch in [6-21-12] Open SO Applications & Staff-Community Q/A Session   
    Hey guys.
    I've been really busy recently with real life so I've been unable to write a digest, but hopefully when I settle down with everything I can write something nice up for all of you to read.
    As of now, the staff are looking for respectable, responsible and fun-loving SOs to help administrate, populate and moderate our community and servers.
    Anyone in the clan is allowed to apply, there is no tenure requirements at all - we may look at your post count and server hours as a tool to judge whether or not you're qualified however.
    Please PM me these details. All servers have SO slots open. You will be guaranteed a reply from me if you apply (accepted, moved on to next stage, pending, denied, etc.,)
    All divisions are accepting applications:
    CSS [JB, WCS1, WCS2, Zombie, BHOP, MG, Surf]
    GMOD [TTT, DarkRP, SB3]
    CS:GO [TBA]
    Please PM Mitch your application, your application will only be distributed within the SO Department and if you want more privacy regarding your application just tell me so in the PM and I will only share it between the JCS if you don't feel too comfortable sharing with it to the rest of staff.
    In addition to SO applications, I'm opening up an Q&A session between the community and staff. If you want to make it public, post your questions here and either I will answer them or I will get another staff member appropriate to answer the question. If you want to make it private, PM me and I will add the necessary staff members needed to answer your question. Any questions are accepted, but not all will be given the answers you expect. We reserve the right to withhold information as necessary and we also will hand out infractions for questions that are blatantly malicious.
    I know that personally I haven't been meeting the community's expectations of me. I have reasons and explanations as to why, but I know that they are no excuse to my poor presence/attitude recently. I personally apologize on my behalf and can explain as to why I've been acting irregularly as of recently. I'll be personally trying my best to improve this community to the best of my knowledge with the staff, but we need your feedback. Please give me constructive criticism as to how (you can PM me it or post it here, either way works) I can improve.
    If you have any remarks/comments/feedback for other staff members - feel free to PM me and I will forward it to them. I don't think they would feel too comfortable about being called out in this thread without their prior approval, so it'd be best if you PMd me and I'll forward it to them.
    Anyways, I really hope we a a community and clan can pull ourselves out of this hole. I really want to see sG grow again but we need your help. It's already tough enough with staff trying to do it on our own, we need your help. The primary thing I'm asking is for you to go out, invite your steam friends or real life friends to play on our servers with us. With populated, active and well-administrated/moderated servers we generate a boost in activity in our forums which leads to sG growing. The essential key to bringing sG back to it's former glory is essentially a bunch of members with grassroot efforts in making our servers active. Anyways, it's 4:30 AM and I think I should stop typing otherwise I'll seem like some crazed maniac.
    - Mitch
  14. Upvote (+1)
  15. Upvote (+1)
  16. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts reacted to Windmill in Pikachu on Acid   
  17. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts reacted to acidity in call me maybe   
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts reacted to Dyscivist in To Mitch   
  19. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts got a reaction from DarkPredator in To everyone downvoting.   
    that's russell crowe
    get your shit together, boy
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts got a reaction from Marine in To everyone downvoting.   
    that's russell crowe
    get your shit together, boy
  21. Upvote (+1)
    Frosted Butts reacted to MrCoolness in Make an exception for the term Negro, it is not a racist term.   

    The first source is from the infoplease thesauraus, the second source is from thesaurus.com.
    I have also checked my local dictionary and have confirmed that the word is only in reference of a person in color in no derogatory sense.
    I am currently writing an E-mail and sending by post to my local government to confirm these facts. Please fight for this cause, thank you.
    Spike supports you.

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