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  1. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from iAlwaysFail in Stepping down   
    Hey guys, I'm stepping down. I don't have enough time to put into jailbreak and with school starting I will have less time to be active on the server.
    I'd like to thank staff for giving me a chance as SO and I hope I did a good job admining the server and brought fun to it during my short period as SO.
    I love jailbreak and for the past 3 years i've seen it grow and thrive. It has been a pleasure playing with the oldies and new jailbreak players.
    Again, thanks for the time as SO and I hope I did you guys well. I cannot wait to see in the future the people who will be SO to keep jailbreak alive and thriving.
    It has been a blast being SO and I hope to assume the role again when I know I can be active again. Again, thank you for the opportunity to SO a server I loved playing for 3 years it has been fun!
    Thanks again!
    unless you guys don't wanna demote me like trucka or eddy...  
  2. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from Mufasa in Stepping down   
    Hey guys, I'm stepping down. I don't have enough time to put into jailbreak and with school starting I will have less time to be active on the server.
    I'd like to thank staff for giving me a chance as SO and I hope I did a good job admining the server and brought fun to it during my short period as SO.
    I love jailbreak and for the past 3 years i've seen it grow and thrive. It has been a pleasure playing with the oldies and new jailbreak players.
    Again, thanks for the time as SO and I hope I did you guys well. I cannot wait to see in the future the people who will be SO to keep jailbreak alive and thriving.
    It has been a blast being SO and I hope to assume the role again when I know I can be active again. Again, thank you for the opportunity to SO a server I loved playing for 3 years it has been fun!
    Thanks again!
    unless you guys don't wanna demote me like trucka or eddy...  
  3. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles reacted to JFK in Renouncing my SO.   
    I've spent the last week or so thinking about whether or not I should still hold onto my SO position. I've only had it for about exactly 3 months now, but I feel like it's already time for me to let it go. Some people have probably noticed that I've been somewhat inactive in the JB server for the past couple of weeks. Half of that was because of spending time I usually used for JB on making Dojo, and porting maps to CSGO. The other half was tired of constantly attempting to police the server rather than play the game. I just don't want to be the guy who was only known for holding onto a position that wasn't being utilized.
    For the past 3 years, I've always wanted to have admin powers to better the server, but now I realize I had more fun playing on the server without having the obligations and responsibility of an SO to constantly uphold the rules. Especially now that people seem to think that's cute to find loopholes in the MOTD and then complain and bicker with the admins when they're called out for it. Or maybe it was always that way and I just never noticed it because I wasn't an admin at the time. Being an admin just isn't as fun as I thought it would be.
    Now don't get the wrong idea. I'm not leaving the forums, I still plan on updating Dojo sooner rather than later and maybe even port more maps from CSS the community wants back in CSGO. Porting doesn't really take that much time for me anymore now that I've learned how to use hammer properly over the past 4 months. But my playtime in JB probably nearly be as much as it was before, especially now that college is starting back up for me next week. My schedule makes it so that I have far less time on the weekdays to play JB. Especially on Wednesdays.
    It was definitely a worthwhile experience and I'm thankful that staff gave me the opportunity to become an SO. But I'm sure there's someone else out there who could do a better job than I did at being SO.
  4. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles reacted to Super Novacaine in I lost my virginity   
    Post pics of the chick and we'll see if you're a winner or not.
  5. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from JWB10 in What happened to   
    Holy shit you're alive.
  6. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from Will.Alaska in [Rule Suggestion] First command repeat   
    If people argue and wanna be dicks about who get warden I have no problem muting them and just picking someone to be warden.
    Usually if they don't wanna stop talking over warden they'll be muted for a short period of time. If they wanna keep disrupting the round by talking over the warden then I'll mute them the whole round.
  7. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles reacted to fps_trucka in Stepping down   
    Recently, I've been thinking more and more to myself of how routine my days have become this summer. I go on my computer, play games, eat, browse the forums, play more games or watch a movie then sleep.  I kept making excuses on how there was nothing else to do but in the end its all bullshit.  I can't help myself, movies and games have become a drug to me and I am addicted.  I love this community more than anything, but I need to stop playing video games for a while. I'll stay on the forums / get on teamspeak / and even keep mapping a bit every now and again from here on out. I need to do this for myself.  I'll try and keep in touch with mimic to update the server with the newest maps etc. but we will see.  I hope ZE changed for the better during my time and I leave my SO with only one hope. Please keep Zombie Escape alive so we never have to "Populate ZE Go" ever again heh.
    Thanks all, its been fun.
  8. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from ElectronicDrug in Happy Birthday Drug   
    Happy birthday
  9. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from platypus9068 in Pope Platy's Request   
    I'll refer you. Usually just ask L2, SO's, or staff over steam.
    So yeah, i'll refer you. Goodluck.
  10. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from Flt. Lt. Space Bugs in Ban extension on counter   
    Reason I asked for a extension is because Counter knows the rules. 
    Every gS player was trolling.
  11. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from DogsGoMeow in Newfags getting SO   
    Fuck you Ethan. You just jelly you aren't red. xD
  12. Downvote (-1)
    Ruffles reacted to Ethan in Newfags getting SO   
    After all the contructive conversation in here, I have changed my mind. Every player on sG should be given SO and Kgame given Staff.
  13. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles reacted to JMaFia in Newfags getting SO   
    they get admin mostly due to the fact that they know the rules, are great paidmins, and have the time to be an SO as oppose to others who play like 5 hours a week.  
    Where the fuck did you even come from.
  14. Downvote (-1)
    Ruffles reacted to Ethan in Newfags getting SO   
    Every other new clan member gets it. Might as well make it the new clan member rank. 99% of new member SO's/Staff suck. There are like 5 paidmin 13 year old SO's.
  15. Downvote (-1)
    Ruffles reacted to Ethan in Newfags getting SO   
    Haha xD le nice joke!
  16. Downvote (-1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from Ethan in Newfags getting SO   
    Fuck you Ethan. You just jelly you aren't red. xD
  17. Downvote (-1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from splewis in Ban extension on counter   
    I wasnt there when splewis came back
  18. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles reacted to iAlwaysFail in Server Officer Changes   
    Firstly, we would like to thank Puff, Avery, MasterChief, Wind, Zed, Skotti and X-men for the time and dedication they gave to the community. They were valuable assets to the SO team, but sadly, they have moved on. Again, we thank them for all of their hard work.

    After a month of closely watching all the members that applied for SO, we have finally selected new SOs for specified servers we needed them for. As for the ones that never received any reply to their application, we're sorry that you have not been selected to be an SO, as we received a high volume of applications and can only have a limited number of SOs and making the choices was a tough call.

    With that being said, everyone please congratulate our newest SOs!

    Server Officer Roster:
    Eddy - JFK - Xlite - Turtlefrenzy - Oreo - Icop - DogsGoMeow - Demon - Hurffinator - Ruffles - JWB10 - Daft2Punk

    Trouble Terrorist Town
    Bulletford - Nom Noms - Dailey - Sexy Batman - Special Brownies - Deadpool - Hotsauce - JMafia - Coldfuse

    Zombie Escape/Surf/MiniGames
    Trucka - Joscal - Velo - Knox - Fabulous

    Warcraft 3:GO
    BlindBoi - WinterGreen - Ika - SpaceBugs - Name

    Warcraft Source

    Bunny Hop
    Tobi - Agrippa

    Lastly, the staff would like to encourage all players to PM >Sketch and/or >iAlwaysFail when you think an SO is not performing up to par with the standards an SO should be. All input shall be taken serious, as the normal player is what keeps our servers alive.
  19. Downvote (-1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from splewis in Ban extension on counter   
    Reason I asked for a extension is because Counter knows the rules. 
    Every gS player was trolling.
  20. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles reacted to TurtleFrenzy in Ban extension on counter   
    Can we ban gS
  21. Downvote (-1)
    Ruffles reacted in VIP Announcement and Final R&R Format   
    So nobody rages at staff or chosenone for doing it, Im quitting. It has nothing to do with me not getting merit and everything to do with the staffs ability to place money over loyalty.
    It was a good long run.
  22. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles reacted to ChosenOne2000 in VIP Announcement and Final R&R Format   
    The announcement you've all been waiting for; the inaugural class of VIPs. Of course, much debate was had on who would receive the coveted position in the clan. In the end, ALL 21 staff members had a democratic vote on which members to elect to VIP. The voting took place over the course of a 24 hour period. The selected VIPs had to achieve a vote of 7 or higher to be inducted into the fraternity. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the August 1, 2013 class of VIPs.
     Super Novacaine
     Papa (Secretten)
     Sir. Hot Mayo
     Lesbian Dad
    -C12K, R&R Manager
    Ranks and Recruitment Reform

    The long awaited revisions of R&R are complete and are VERY player AND forum user friendly. The C12K and DP would like to thank the members of the R&R Reform Committee for assisting in this monumental endeavor. The real charm is the hot new ranking system. sGr staff voting occurs on the 15th (staff only; 2 weeks to vote) and member voting occurs on the 1st (1 month to vote). Staff voting doesn't occur for L2 and L3 members (time/post/server based promotions). Staff voting occurs for sGr and VIP ranks only. Legendary requires JCS votes only. This new system goes into effect LATE August 1, 2013. Learn it now! Ask questions! 

    You can't have promotions without demotions. Medium, old, and elder players aren't safe. sG has VETs who haven't logged into the forums in over 2 years! You don't have to post, but you have to at least view the forums. We will be screening the ranks for demotions for inactivity. Real life happens, we get it. To HELP avoid demotions, make an AFK thread in the members section and include the following:
    ·         Why you're going AFK
    ·         How long you plan on going AFK
    The AFK thread doesn't guarantee you won't get demoted, but it will provide special consideration for extended periods of inactivity. People who come back after being demoted, will have to show 30 days of activity to get their rank back; PLUS another 30 to keep it. Be active or be gone.


    The staff wanted the VIP rank, VETs, LEG, and the SOs to have a greater influence on who joins the community. This is why the staff will decrease their point value in voting and give increased voting power to the VIPs, SOs, LEG, and VETs. From now on, staff votes will be +3, the VIPs, SOs, LEG, and Vets +2, everyone else +1.

    Yes [Community] + 1
    Yes [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] + 2
    Yes [staff] + 3
    No [Community] - 1
    No [sO/VIP/VET/LEG] - 2
    No [staff] - 3

    R&R Reform Highlights:
    ·         No more post waivers.
    ·         Tenure ranks vs appointed ranks.
    ·         Donor perks.
    ·         Demotions.
    ·         Specialization: No more waivers. A member can claim servers or the forums as their primary medium. Whatever the member's deficit in their secondary medium; they can perform extra credit in their primary medium for promotion. Formula: % short in secondary medium = % over in primary medium.
    Example: A new player has 30 hours on the servers and 100 posts. He wants reach the Member rank. His has 30/50 hours. Thus, he is short 20 hours (20/50 = 40%). Meaning he needs 40% ABOVE 50 posts for the extra credit. In short, he needs 70 posts to qualify for Member.
    ·         Basic Admin:    L3
    ·         Premium Admin: VET
    ·         Premium Plus Admin: VIP
    ·         Minimum 2 weeks on the forums.
    ·         25 post requirement.
    ·         5 staff votes required for voting.
    ·         25 hours in-game playtime requirement.
    ·         5 referrals from Level 2 Clan Members or above.
    ·         No specialization authorized.
    ·         You get to wear sGr | tags
    Member Level 1:
    ·         Community Voting occurs on the first of the month.
    ·         50 minimum post count.
    ·         50/50 Community Vote.
    ·         50 hours in-game playtime requirement.
    ·         8 Referrals from Level 2 Members and above, the five from Recruit count toward it.
    ·         Specialization allowed.
    ·         Ability to wear sG | and [L1] tags.
    ·         Ability to vote on recruits.
    Member Level 2:
    ·         One year clan tenure.
    ·         500 posts (20 posts a week for 6 months)
    ·         200 Hours (50 hours from recruit, plus 4 hours per weekend)
    ·         10 referrals from Level 3 Members and above
    ·         Specialization authorized
    ·         No voting, but application with be submitted and approved by staff
    ·         Ability to wear sG | and [L2] tags.
    ·         Ability to refer Recruits.
    ·         Basic Admin:    Slay/Kick/Ban/Mute access.
    Member Level 3:
    ·         2 years of clan tenure.
    ·         1000 posts minimum.
    ·         450 hours required on the servers.
    ·         10 referrals from Level 3 Members and above, 2 have to be Elite or above.
    ·         Specialization authorized
    ·         No voting, but application will be approved by staff.
    ·         Ability to wear sG | and [L3] tags.
    ·         Ability to refer Recruits, Level 1 Members and Level 2 Members.
    ·         Ability to change your user title on forums.
    ·         Access to the FFA forum.
    ·         Basic Admin:    Slay/Kick/Ban/Mute access, plus other admin commands (see server for all custom admin flags)
    Veteran Member:
    ·         4 years of clan tenure.
    ·         3500 posts minimum.
    ·         1000 hours required on the servers.
    ·         10 referrals from Veteran Members and above, 2 have to be Staff.
    ·         Specialization authorized
    ·         No voting, but application will be approved by staff.
    ·         Ability to wear sG | and [VET] tags.
    ·         Ability to refer Recruits, Level 1 - VET Members.
    ·         Ability to change your user title on forums.
    ·         Access to the FFA forum.
    ·         Premium Admin
    A VIP is a sG contributor who through service (moderating forums, hosting events, donating prizes, donating funds, etc), has helped the community grow and prosper over the course of 2 or more years. A VIP is recognized by his/her peers, members, and staff as an instrumental part of the community. A VIP may have served as a server officer, staff member, map maker, sig maker, or other supportive role to help better the lives and functioning of the clan.
    ·         Minimum Member Level 3 required, but Veteran rank preferred.
    ·         Refer an exceptional amount of people who make it to Member tile or above.
    ·         Be active on the servers and/or forums.
    ·         Show great initiative towards improving the community.
    ·         Participate in a large amount of server events and other gathering of the community.
    ·         Be an ambassador to sG. Represent us to the best of your abilities.
    ·         Be nominated by a minimum of two L3 members, describing why you should qualify for this rank.
    ·         Staff Vote out of 12.
    ·         Access to Premium Plus Admin.
    ·         Ability to wear sG | and [VIP] tags.
    ·         All the perks of Veteran.
    ·         Increased vote count for recruitment
    Legend / Legendary Member:
    ·         You are the elite few. Enigmas from the past.
    ·         To have this title means you were one of the greats.
    ·         They are the people who have shaped sG into what it is now, and they will always be remembered.
    ·         You do not ask to be a legend. You either are, or you aren't, but most aren't.
    ·        JCS Only Vote (+Jason)
  23. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from water.exe in BlueIcePhoenix ban request   
    Holy crap it's feenecks
  24. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles reacted to Marvin in Five Years   
    I realized today just how fast time can fly.
    A little over five years ago I started playing on Undead Vengeance's Zombie Mod server. So many great times have been had with so many people. I am very pleased that a few of those people are still around, even if we don't talk very much any more.
    In 2010 I was given the opportunity to help run this community and I dearly hope that during these past three years I have served well and to the best of my ability. Decisions I've made that have affected either one or many people have always been in the best interest of the community as a whole.
    I want to thank all of the members and regulars of this community, past and present, for everything you have given me over the years.
    Good times,
    Good laughs,
    Good friendship.
    I hope there are another five years in this amazing community and that we keep the good times coming.
  25. Upvote (+1)
    Ruffles got a reaction from Silent_Shot in Favorite video game story?   
    I liked the half-life story. I also love the ps3 game the last of us. 
    That game was brilliant and just amazing in gameplay.
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