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Posts posted by BLiNDBoi

  1. i don't think it's that funny when i cant play on the server because of it and i spent literally weeks trying to get people to realize it was a problem in the first place. you can laugh, b/c u have barely been on recently. it's not funny at all.


    EDIT: sorry, i shouldnt be so pissed off over such a stupid thing. hangover is killin me right now

    For me over the past months in my dorms has been near impossible to play. I mean, the time slot where my dorm network is not influxed is well past midnight which is generally the dying down point of the server. So if I play during the day, the dorm network mixed in with the server lag only amplifies the problem for me. I probably wouldn't be able to tell you the difference between 64tick and 102tick because of inconsistent ping. Generally speaking, it is not fun for me to play, one of the various reasons why I resigned as SO.


    Anyway, with my brief stay at home on stable internet, yes 64 tick seemed to be better on the server. Then people complained about how their shots were off and other bullshit. I personally don't care, I am in a short term enjoyment of the server atm, just having stable internet is way better.




    BTW good luck with that hangover, drink some water or something if you happen to be dehydrated.

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