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Posts posted by Deadpool

  1. Cartoons are better than anime.

    Cartoons are funny animation that nobody takes seriously.

    Anime is obnoxiously dramatic animation that weirdos take seriously.

    To be fair, not every anime is incredibly dramatic. It's pretty similar to western tv shows. You have some lighthearted ones and some dramatic ones.

  2. Considering buying it tomorrow. I haven't payed full release price for a console game in YEARS though, but this looks appealing. I love stealth gameplay and realism, so hopefully it provides those. What online does it even have? What's the point of adding people?

    From what I've heard, the multiplayer is a factions type thing so I was thinking we could start an sG group. Also I forget what my psn is but when I get home I'll edit it in so people can add me.

  3. Pretty simple. Have a house and a wife, be a teacher and writer on the side, and hike everyday. I don't really care about making a lot of money (teachers might as well get payed in Zimbabwean dollars) but my greatest passion is being outdoors.

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