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Posts posted by Dakota

  1. Personally I won't dish out any punishments on someone if I didn't see it happen myself/someone can provide evidence it actually happened. Just because someone admitted to it doesn't mean they actually did it, they could've been baiting Nixon into punishing them just to report him. In either case I don't think Nixon was in the wrong tho, the guys were either FKing or being trolls.

    Yeah if somebody tells me they broke the rules they will get punished. You're just going to look like moron for trying to report after that.

  2. They were  doing that for me too, and like SPIDER IS HERE stop free killing them. and then my computer took a shit  and my csgo  turned off.

    If it's something that's obviously a joke like "oops better turn off my aimbots" I'll let it slide, but in the situation with the report id probably slay him too

  3. So basically like saying your going to "strike" the servers. Its still a bannable offense for even saying it even if you're not going to do it

    I've never heard anybody call it striking but sure similar to saying I'm gonna ddos the server. Insta ban. "lol I was freekilling before you got here" insta CT

    Nixon took it easy as it was only for 5 rounds. Then it seems he was kicking him being a shithead. Nixon, next time just gag and mute so you don't have to keep kicking him.

  4. Just saw Nixon's comment, but I thought you can't CT people for stuff you were not there for like that even though he is saying he did it where is the actual proof.

    Said who? If you admit to breaking the rules you can't report the guy for enforcing the punishment. Also did you not even bother to look at the screenshot? It says the reason he ct'd him. So why didn't the reporter elaborate on it instead of saying it was "for no reason".

  5. I wasn't the a majority of the time the backstab bind was being used, but I agree. And again, as long as it isn't disrupting the flow of how the server wants the game to be played, I don't see a major issue. People are usually very outspoken and when they don't like something they let admins know, there are times where we had only 6 people on and that's when I give freedays every round until we get more people. But if just one person says they want to play legit, I play legit. 

    It's an amazing bind and I will turn it into an LR only admins can do

  6. To be honest, I am also guilty of FKing someone on purpose and then respawning them, the big difference between what I do/did is that I know the person I FK won't mind and usually it all plays as a part of a joke. 

    Example: A T jokingly calls me a pussy and that I have no balls, I FK then and respawn them. Server gets a good laugh. Or when Jeff decides to call me an idiot and I shoot his ass down Kappa fuck his respawn.


    Point of clarification: I don't kill every T that says I have no balls, it something that I do once in a blue moon when the moment seems right (Ts aren't buttfucking CTs, CTs aren't being idiots, etc.)


    EDIT: Also, I understand that because I do it that it might influence others to do it too. It's probably not the greatest thing for me to do as an admin, but sometimes JB has a "mood" where the majority of the server is just very casual and we are all there just to purely have fun and good some good laughs. Those are the times where I think it's "acceptable" to do something like that, again once every blue moon. Not when someone was complaining to you when you FK'd them last round and they wanted a punishment to be placed on you.

    It's all about consent. Tortoise made a bind to respawn, blink, then to himself to a person to backstab. We were fighting each other the whole time until another member tried to do the same and was targeting me. I told him to stop and had he continued (he stopped) I would have kicked him.

    It's like our rule with playing music. If somebody says to stop, you stop. Don't abuse people who don't want to be abused.

  7. I get that, and I try to. But there's also times, probably like this that you could have sworn you said freeze at the end. If it's someone I trust to tell the truth, then I slay myself. The problem is that there's so many people that yell freekill, when they clearly weren't being freekilled, it makes it hard to believe.


    I haven't watched the video, but that's typically how it goes for me when one person says I freekilled. I then usually try and ask the server if I said x command or not...

    Oh I have no doubt triv thought he said freeze. I am talking about after it gets reported on the forums. And I watched on my phone so I'm not sure if chat blows up with the correction after the kill. But you'd think once you get a cd thread about it, a slight apology is in order.

    I get that, and I try to. But there's also times, probably like this that you could have sworn you said freeze at the end. If it's someone I trust to tell the truth, then I slay myself. The problem is that there's so many people that yell freekill, when they clearly weren't being freekilled, it makes it hard to believe.


    I haven't watched the video, but that's typically how it goes for me when one person says I freekilled. I then usually try and ask the server if I said x command or not...


    Edit: Just watched the video. @Triv You might not owe him and explanation, but you do owe Zeus, and the rest of staff one. You clearly freekilled in that situation, and I get it could fall under the category of what I just explained. I only saw one freekill, since the recording did start after the first supposed freekill. The main problem I see here is your absolute horrible handling of the situation since the start of the video. You flamed Zeus the entire time. Going up and spraying him down and saying "That's a freekill" is not an OK response to a complaint. Nobody else on the server gets to do that, why should you? It doesn't matter that you respawned him. I've also noticed your lack of caring in CD threads against you as of late. You again just try and shit all over the person complaining about you. I have nothing to do with SO's, but I do know that's not how we expect them to carry themselves.

    Watch till the end. There are two freekills.

  8. @Scrub @DR3Y @Triv

    I expect a response from all of you as to why you decided to downvote his post. He provided valid evidence of abuse.


    You did freekill him twice in one round. You were extremely disrespectful towards him. Why are you SO again? @Clamps





    It's not even that either. Sometimes you get fk'd and the admin doesn't see it. It's an imperfect system. But this was a perfect time to show him that if an SO sees a mistake being made (forgetting to say freeze) actions can be taken so tje guy doesn't sit out a whole round.

    Is it so hard to just admit fault and apologize? I feel like I'm the only one who abuses and owns up to it if I crossed a line with a community member.

    yeah upvote this dick beerman

    Only reason I even uprepped the kid is to offset these retards.

  9. "I got banned 6 months and 5 days ago."

    Do these kids just set a timer and mark their calendar for when they can come back and get denied                                                                         

    "My attitude is more positive towards others, and has no racism."             


  10. No at the time I was triggerd because I was free slain.

    But any ways thanks for all the help everyone much appricated:lul:.

    Well in context it wasn't a fk because you did kill the FD guy. Admin discretion at that point but certainly not abusive to slay you for it. Now kicking you before gagging on the otherhand..

    Zfd don't need accept from admin....

    No but if he had accepted, more responsibility would have been on NBF to beacon the guy, but since he wasn't involved with the LR in the first place he shouldn't be blamed.

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