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Dr. Vojislav Seselj

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Posts posted by Dr. Vojislav Seselj

  1. 1 hour ago, centran said:


    It's about time! Without your donations we where 1 month from going bankrupt. You have saved sG and now we can continue to operate for the next 4 years.

    Really? Is that true? Well, regardless, it's still good doing charity for this community, doing my civic part.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Ordinarygamer96 said:

    The genocide denier buying ignorance from staff

    FYI this was all under my volition. And plus, I've been civil and have altogether avoided being divisive or trolling or ill-mannered or unwelcoming in my general. community demeanor. Plus, I've at least been very charitable to be giving to SG and playing as much a productive part as the joint chiefs of staff but of the lowest vanguardiat tier. And btw, where are your donations? Or are you just being surreptitious and donating in anonymity?


    Interestig you bring up genocide denial, because the enemies of Serbs have blood on their hands which they whitewash too. Not being all "to quoque" with logical fallacies mind you, but it also goes to show....




  3. 15 minutes ago, Lindsay said:

    Thanks, Voj. 


    Quit changing your Steam username or I'm kicking your ass.

    Lol no problem.


    For the benefit of the doubt, at the very least, I'll keep the current Steam Alias for quite some time. Mainly, it's because of the spray I use whilst playing which is the rationale as to why I'll be retaining it.

  4. 16 minutes ago, krony said:

    @shadowblitz293 @Dr. Vojislav Seselj

    do you have screenshot or any proof of them being ghosting?

    Well, I got a screen cap momentarily of his BS report. He just out of nowhere and most abruptly killed Shadowblitz out of the blue. I even examined and took a more scrupulous investigation into their Steam profiles and found out they were friends playing at the time time. Also, immediately as we banned "eye_ofthe_insane", his friend left shortly thereafter before us having the chance to boot him.


    When he said "friend said[.....] sorry", that already gives the assumption he WAS ghosting to begin with.



  5. Or, as I would like to call him:


    "Pack-Oh" <----------- As I pronounce his name.


    Lol just playing. This probably pertains more to being in the Spam area of the forums, but you are a (p)a(i)dmin of the TTT GMOD servers.


    See you later in the servers after I get off work today, and Merry Christmas (or XXXMAS, not XMAS) and Happy Holidays to you, @Paco!


    (Don't take offense to your name pronunciation, now)

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