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Posts posted by Dakka

  1. 2 hours ago, Swed said:

    While I like the idea, there are numerous other resources and websites dedicated to exactly this. 

    This is true. However, it's not the main reason to create a programming area of the forums.


    If I were to post another program in the Pub, it wouldn't take very long for it to disappear from the first page.

    Whereas in a programming specific forum, I could:

    • Make a post
    • Make sure it follows guidelines
    • Request it get added to the stickied Megathread or collection or whatever

    Then anyone browsing the programming forum looking for programming things could find the megathread and search for anything they're interested in.


    And as an addition, all of these programs would be made by sG members as we would have no reason to pull from other resources.

    So what do you say to that?

    A forum section specifically for sG creativity in programming form, where anyone coming onto our forum could see and possibly partake in.


    You know I like the idea because I could have my stuff moved there and anyone looking for it could easily find it there :).

  2. The reason I feel like this addition would make sense is because of how out of place it is in any of the forums.


    So if there was a programming-specific forum, it could look something like this:


    Example pinned posts:

    • sG Programming Megathread - Links to programs/source codes made by sG members
    • Getting Started with <Enter Programming Language Here> - Tutorial on getting started with <Enter Programming Language Here> along with tips and tricks
    • Forum-specific Rules and Guidelines - (I'm down to make the post if this goes through)


    Example unpinned posts:

    • Help me with my counting program!
    • I'm making a game
    • Why language A is better than language B
    • Which IDE is best for what I want to do?


    It definitely won't see as much action as the other forums, but programming isn't exactly a general topic like movies or music and deserves its own little space.

    (I also don't expect a ton of support for this, but i want to at least make an attempt FeelsGoodMan)


  3. Our Warcraft 3 server is fine how it is, though however, I would like to see some ACTUAL Warcraft 3 heroes added to the server. I understand that the Warcraft mod is about having a set of abilities and not about the lore of the game itself, but it just doesn't feel right to ignore the large, untapped potential content that's in the actual game and its expansion. In just Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne, we get heroes from all across the Warcraft universe: Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland, Northrend, and even on some islands. In this post, I'll list off a ton of potential additions to the server and hopefully inspire some people to go out and write up races for use on the server. In red will be heroes being unused, in yellow heroes that are kinda used, and in green are heroes that are being used currently.


    I will update the list and link the hero name to your post, so feel free to pick one and get creative. I would recommend reading up on how the hero worked in-game to get a sense on how their abilities should be like on the server.


    Here's a list of all the NAMED hero units in Warcraft 3 and its expansion:

    Arthas Menethil (Before Frostmourne)

    Uther Lightbringer

    Jaina Proudmoore - We have an "Archmage Proudmoore" just not named Jaina.


    Muradin Bronzebeard


    Lady Vashj

    Kael'thas Sunstrider


    Tyrande Whisperwind

    Shandris Feathermoon

    Malfurion Stormrage


    Illidan Stormrage

    Maiev Shadowsong - We have a "Warden" but no indicator it's Maiev specifically

    Ner'Zhul (The Lich King)

    Arthas Menethil (After Frostmourne)


    Anub'arak - We have a "Crypt Lord" but no indicator it's Anub'arak specifically

    Sylvanas Windrunner











    Grom Hellscream


    Cairne Bloodhoof



    Chen Stormstout - We have a "Brewmaster Monk" but no indicator it's Chen Stormstout




    Look at all of those! Here's a ton of characters with importance in the lore that can be used in the server.


    Now here's the list of all the neutral and racial heroes that you found on non-campaign maps:

    Naga Sea Witch

    Dark Ranger

    Pandaren Brewmaster


    Pit Lord

    Goblin Tinker


    Goblin Alchemist


    Archmage - We have three "Archmages"

    Mountain King

    Blood Mage


    Far Seer

    Tauren Chieftan

    Shadow Hunter

    Demon Hunter

    Keeper of the Grove

    Priestess of the Moon


    Death Knight

    Dread Lord


    Crypt Lord


    A ton more green than the last list, but still plenty of unused content!


    Link to our current races (or heroes): https://pastebin.com/78Vhg2K5

    Link to Warcraft 3 races: http://classic.battle.net/war3/races.shtml

    Link to named heroes from Warcraft 3: http://wow.gamepedia.com/List_of_Warcraft_III_hero_units

    Link to neutral heroes from Warcraft 3: http://classic.battle.net/war3/neutral/


    Though to be honest, you could make a hero from any character in the Warcraft universe, even from Warcraft 1 & 2 or even further into the future than where we are now!

    (Yes, Dakka made a big post SMOrc)

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