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Posts posted by LOPEZ

  1. Dosent really count when the Jews were there for like 2000 years before the Muslims. But honestly my opinion on this is both sides are wrong. Israel has full rights to bomb hamas back to the stone age but I think they Coulda been a bit more....restrained in the populated areas. Why they don't just pull some good old fashion commando raids like they have perfected over the decades and kill the hamas leadership I don't understand but maybe it's more difficult than they've made it seem in the past.


    jews were given Isreal because everyone felt bad for them.



    Now it's just a Hebrew speaking USA that blows anything up that pisses it off. 


    As for Triv, you bias Jew, if a little 8 year girl would throw a pebble at you every day for a year would you be diplomatic about it or would you fucking destroy (rape)  her. Maybe I'm asking the wrong person. 

  2. You're only looking at one side of the story man. I'm in no way supporting Israel for what they're doing but there isn't only one wrong side here.


    Sure Hamas is a piece of shit for being pieces of shit, but Isreal is blasting everything in it's way. 


    I'm sure Hamas would do the same if they could, but they can't, so there's no need to kill a dozen innocent civilians in order to get rid of a potential terrorist. 

  3. How the fuck is it this guy is lvl3 and i had to fucking have so many posts and game time to even get it I still couldnt till i humped somones leg enough i finally got it. Who the fuck is bending the rules so dickbags can just join on in?


    I'm sorry, I apologize







    remember that time where you started being a dick? 


    That might have something to do with it. 

  4. Are you 6, honestly? 


       im 19  




    Hey!!Are you like....rayne????



    Fucking idiot. 






    Welkom vriend.  

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