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Posts posted by Titan

  1. I realize that 2k with 10/20 is fine, however, I just don't believe it's optimal. Just because online poker tournament play mostly has 100bb starting doesn't make it right. Even when making standard bet sizes from preflop to river, you can lose over half of your stack in one hand of poker heads up (betting only 2/3 pot from flop to river with a standard raise preflop) and I'm not even talking about multiway pots which only multiply the results and potentially put you all in. I don't like being forced to play passively until I get a good hand early on, and that's exactly what this does.


    Deep Stack online poker tournaments are just better. Most good players prefer playing in them for obvious reasons. Since these tournaments take longer and are using up their resources during the length of the poker tournament, it stands to reason that they usually cost more to enter. This same logic is applied to most tournaments in Casinos, where it takes even more time to go around the table.


    The WSOP starts with 30k chips at 50/100 blinds with intervals of 30 minutes! That's three times the amount you're recommending, and while I don't think that's a necessary amount for the sG tournaments, 5k with 10/20 or even 15/30 seems reasonable to me. If you still recommend 2k 10/20 increasing the intervals to 20 minutes would definitely make it more playable, I'd also advise a minimum of 15 minutes intervals.

  2. The next poker tournament should be more skill based by increasing starting stack sizes as well as the blind intervals.


    Last tournament people started out with 2k chips at 15/30 blinds. I don't remember the interval times, but even still, it's too low. The only trade off for increasing these is a longer tournament. Higher stack sizes and/or slower blind increments would help encourage more action at the early stages of the tournaments while also somewhat preventing players from dropping out of the tournament right away whether it be from bad luck or play.


    My personal recommendation is to have 10k or even 20k starting chips as that is quite standard for an actual poker tournament. For a fast tournament, I'd recommend 3k minimum as that is a standard buy in for cash games in the tournaments given blind structure but 5k fits a happy medium. Blind intervals should be 10+ minutes in most cases. The higher the interval, the longer the tournaments, the better chance good players win.

  3. I am sorry to say that I am officially stepping down from my position in sG. I have been given too many responsibilities within this community and my love for it has recently depreciated. I know it will be extremely difficult to replace me but I hope the process turns out to be easy and I wish everyone well. I will continue to monitor the forums on and off still, thank you all for everything, you have all been an amazing part of my life.



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