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Posts posted by adminswithdownsyndrome

  1. Basically looking to buy a new headset and looking for suggestions. So far I have looked at the Logitech G35 headset and the Turtlebeach Ear Force Z Seven. Looking for any feeback on these two or suggestions on other headsets.

    ive had several headsets, logitech g930, plantronics headsets, corsair vegeance 1500 and this corsair 1500 is the most comfortable and best sound by far

  2. I am trying to pick out a new GPU to replace my GTX 550 Ti. My budget is UP TO $300. I definitely want to stick with NVIDIA. I was thinking a GTX 760. Does a 670 Ti score higher? What about the 770? The 780 is out of my budget range unfortunately lol. Or are there any other cards I should consider? Also, EVGA or another?

    i use a 680 gtx 4gb and i run all games bf4 bf3 everything on Ultra

  3. Inaccurate speed cameras dole out 700,000 speeding fines totaling 2.8 million dollars, and the government did not do anything about it. In fact, they actually lied about the error rate of the speed cameras saying that they had less than a 1% error rate, when they all had atleast a 10% error rate and one of them was actually close to having a 60% error rate. I doubt any of the money will be given back to the citizens or even put out the effort to sort through and find everyone who was wrongly charged. It sure is nice living in a state with a corrupt fucking money hungry government. As if the rain tax, doubling road tolls, sales and gas taxes, and absurd gun control laws weren't enough and no one knows where all this fucking money is going.. /rant


    GG Maryland.







    baltimore city and surronding counties are terrible so glad i moved away 

  4. the fuck is goin on bros?

    i don't even want to level up nature wisp because it sucks cock until you're level like 40-50. i definitely don't want to level up another level 48 knife race (hand of god) when i have sensei to level up as well, and linaya is level 100 like wudafuk? and then pyro is level 40 and it's a pretty gay race, and now requires level 0 to play, so people are going to be playing that all the time now. make some new high level races instead of doin this pls.

    that wouldnt encourage new players to join

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