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Posts posted by skitt

  1. You don't see many races brought over from wcs2 because people haven't really been suggesting them. We have a race suggestion forum section, you oughta use it. Races are toned down from wcs1. I'm fairly certain they can tweaked coming from wcs2 as well. I never really played wcs2 much at all, so I'm not too familiar with the races. 

  2. I didn't want to say anything but Spirit does abuse his admin a lot. Early cash, mid round cash, respawns, frequent changemap votes to hangemhigh.


    SS taken on Jul 23rd:

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=290523958 ico_external_link.gif


    Also yes, it is spiritbear: STEAM_0:1:73422162


    I swear to god if I ever hear someone complain about being GIVEN CASH...



    Ban will be removed if Spiritbear does not come in here to plead his case. 

  3. I'd expect ika as the last person to post about Sensei, you're one of the few people who could accurately 3 shot me while I'm in the air with it.


    Onto the discussion: if it does need a nerf, increasing the cooldown on the ult would be the worst the you could ever do to it. Sensei as a whole relies on the ultimate; every other knife race as a speed boost of some kind to help get past bullets while Sensei's only procs after you shoot it -- and those few first shots more often than not are killshots depending on the shooter.

    If we had to nerf it, I'd suggest that its evasion % goes down. It's already evading bullets by moving fast, it doesn't need that 20ish% evasion(which has saved me way too many times).


    That being said, I honestly don't think Sensei needs a nerf. It has a very low skill floor and a very high skill ceiling. I've played on the server a lot over the past year or two and I've seen many people attempt to play it. Almost everyone either stops at level 5 or stops once it's maxed because "it's so hard." It always intrigues me whenever I see a new "good" Sensei; I could count the number of good ones on one hand. Back when I used to play it 24/7, I could tell people specifically watched the sky for me. Same goes for pug nowadays. The only reason why is because we both have practiced a good 3-4 years of playing Sensei on both CS:GO and on CS:S. I personally don't think we should adjust a race merely because of one person excelling at it.

    I've always been totally against nerfing sensei. However, if it enough people gave a shit, this would be the first thing to be done. 

  4. you haven't even stated what is wrong with the shopmenu. you are literally aids. 


    coolness told me, this morning, that ppl are able to purchase unlimited tomes. shopmenu doesn't use cash. so im in the process of disabling shopmenu temporarily until we figure out this issue. This seemed to occur with the most recent csgo update. 

  5. hey bro, i agree that your thread shouldn't have been locked without a response from you. 


    I used to play alotta JB. A lot of really stupid shit happens, such as this. The best thing you can do as warden is be as specific as possible, or else there will always be terrorists who try to loophole your command. That's just how JB goes. I think Zed was wrong to slay you, but I don't think it warrants 2 topics without a demo showing what happened. If you really think Zed is repeat offender of abusing players with admin, you should start demoing every time he gets on. There is nothing that can be done about this until you either become more trusted than Zed, an sG member, or get actual proof. 


    Admin abuse in JB is quite prevalent and real fucking annoying. I understand your frustrations. However, there really is nothing else that can be done about this subject. 

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