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Posts posted by tex1an2

  1. Junzou, this was my primary concern. If we had the power on the server to, sure why not. I have no problem creating a windows VM and installing a server for us and one of the staff would be willing to set it up. But right now we unfortunately don't and if we do go through, the server power allocated to JB and TTT would be cut and we might start seeing server lag on those servers.


    On a more serious note, if it can be monetized, it may justify upgrading our box again. Especially if it catches on. Those are two very big ifs though.

    I've no qualms with a reasonable discussion, and I've no intent on sounding hostile. I don't particularly enjoy the mocking tones either. I merely stated this is an avenue we could pursue and bring it to mind. My issue is we're sounding a lot more like risk management than actual gaming. Do I make decisions of this clan, no. I don't envy that. It's a thankless job. But I also want to contribute to the clan, play games with my friends in an environment that's not full of douchebags.

    I saw, when we expanded into Gmod, that this clan is still relevant. Before Gmod, JB was dying off, so were the majority of our CSS servers, and we were slowly diminishing. When we opened TTT & other servers, it was a liveblood to this community. A much needed breath of fresh air. I can say JB on CS:GO has done that for us again. We've more recruits last month than the past 3 months combined. Currently we have 1.

    If we want to stay relevant, we have to expand. This is not my opinion, this is historical. We've grown from a Zombie mod server to WCS, JB, TTT. But look, Zombie mod is no longer with us. It didn't stay relevant, it didn't pique our interests. Soon the same will happen to all our servers eventually. It's how things go. So instead of debating "should we or shouldn't we", let's actually make an effort and promote expansion instead of questioning what ifs. If there's a fundraiser, sign me up. If that means we've got to ask for money, hey we do that. But really, first things first is we've got to set our minds towards it before we can even begin to ask for an extra buck.

    There's a lot of cool new games out there with the opportunity for our involvement. Why not be a part of that, one of the originals. Will some of them fail? Sure. Will we be disappointed, yes. Is it the safe bet to not, yes. But, I'd rather us move beyond being a simple gimmick server clan. I like you guys, I like this clan. Let's just play some games, yeah?

    Until such a time as deemed sufficient to make an NS2 server, who would like to play? I'll add you, and we'll flood some random pub and stomp their asses.

  2. The worth is in expansion. If we were timid about opening up new servers, we wouldn't have had JB, or TTT, or WCS. Or any servers really. So some die, that's the fault of no man aside from capricious circumstance. If you want a server to survive, you foster its growth. I recall certain events in TTT back when it was a fledgling server that caused clan members to be a constant addition to it. We, as a clan, are a huge playerbase. If we could maintain that, hey it'll make its own playerbase. If we can't, it will fail.

    That's not the fault of the players either, I don't want to weight that on them. We're a gaming clan. We should be gaming. If we want to play NS2, we'll play NS2. Just has to be the interest and ambition.

    Secondly, when did we become a business?

  3. If ever there was a time where we could easily extend into another game and encourage a new player base, that time is now. Natural Selection 2 is a blast from the past HL mod, and it's fucking awesome. We ought pump money into this and we'll see a consistent and constant group of players on our servers.

    And for the greedminds out there, we can have a paid subscription for reserved spots.

    Think about it oh JCS.

  4. Demote dastan for not liking velveeta. It has always been a consistent #1 in my eyes. Kraft used to be way better than it is now, not sure what it is, but it's gotten worse.

    This man would know. Held a consistent diet of velveeta for the majority of his adolescents.

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