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Posts posted by Prosak

  1. I don't think there are any good skins out there apart from the ones we already have in the store plugin.. So it would require making those skins and I don't think we still have any 3d modeler capable of doing such things...

    True, I think as the game ages though there will be more skins available. If only we could just get a bunch of skins at once :D

  2. I was thinking that it would be cool to have races get a certain special skin at certain levels. For example, as Remilia Scarlet is a Weeaboo class we can give her a custom skin at say lvl 100. 


    Not to mention for classes, that would be considered 'too OP' to warrant an expertise, we can add cosmetic skins that offer some sort of reward for being a scumbag race whore *cough* pug.


    My thoughts would be like Infected getting a more sinister looking skin at lvl 100


    maybe even giving Sensei a ninja skin at lvl 150? 


    Thoughts, comments, or better ideas?


  3. Doubt it would actually work... Ppl would just rotate on the set op races: rpg, devil servant, unholy paladin into adventurer and repeat the cycle... And imo it's really dumb to force people to play stupid races... Instead of restricting races balance them better :|

    I agree with balancing them but frankly the Engineers would have to go through every single race again, I don't see that happening.

  4. I think the script back in the day used to kick players that were maxed on the race if someone who wasn't leveled wanted to play it, which I'm all for because I'm totally down for people leveling instead of whoring.

    What if we added a script that blocks a maxed race if you are race whored off it  and you have it past a certain level. 


    For example, If i got whored on Human Alliance and my race was at level 100 I would not be able to get back on it until the following map or a set number of rounds or even going as far as to block it for the following map. 


    It would encourage players to branch out and balance out races that would typically never be played and also provide a balance of skill/race

  5. If I bitch enough about Adventurer can we get it nerfed like we Lilith got nerfed?

    Or maybe you can start blurting out completely false reasons why Lilith isn't OP again?


    I think adventurer isn't bad, as far as nerfing it I can see a p90 and Bizon restrict.


    We should buff CSGO Pro so spawning provides 1000 xp at max.


    Oh and bring back No Balls No Mic

  6. No way to counter its ultimate? Any entangle, any AoE ultimate (i.e  rupture), recon scout, dust of appearance, paying attention to radar, etc.


    right so i should just run around spamming my ultimate when I see nothing because that's a plausible idea. 

    Can't NE ensnare it when it ults? And isn't it fucked if ensnared in ult because it can't fire?


    Meh 2/10 race is fine


    1/10 good luck noticing it get behind you. 

    shoot at where they will be going which is usually behind u


    Yup I'll get right on that, never mind looking in the wrong direction.

    pay your taxes. 

    I payed 350$ and got banned. I win the tax war.


    This is the least real any talk ever was

    Real talk name you need to get a new haircut.


    No I would actually think no speed boost would nerf it to a reasonable level. 

  7. professor X isnt OP enough, needs buff

    you cannot approach anyone in the server because it's walk is terribly slow and useless. You can use the ultimate but you are killed the second you are seen because the race is slow as a snail


    come in the server and see for yourself

  8. So get this. If we take off the magic powers and all, and do the default models then have 2 even teams. It'll sorta be like Call of Duty only The terrorist could be protecting the hostages from being captured or have to plant a bomb in a certain spot. Do it for 30 rounds, and the first to 16 wins or ties at 15.

    What do you guys think?

    I can accept as long as all the skins for guns are removed and people can only use the vanilla guns.

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