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Posts posted by Moose

  1. 1. You paid someone to remake the models?

    2. Why would the materials need to be remade?

    3. Rewrapping the 3d model with the texture =/= remaking it from the scratch? Isn't it just retexturing it?

    1. Yes. Nobody in sG knows how to do modelling. 

    2. There's a lot that goes into making a model. They didn't HAVE to be remade, so we didn't. Basically inside of a model exists code (more or less), which contains things like file paths to where the needed materials are located. You can't just go in and change these paths, you end up having to completely redo the model itself. This is where the problem comes from people not having textures, because we now have new models that NEED old materials. The way the downloader works is something like this (we'll say the file path is models/players): Fastdl sees a model with the path models/player/duke, this is our duke nukem skin. It assumes that in the materials folder, there will be an exact same file path as this model (materials/models/player/duke). This is true, so you are able to load the model - but the problem is, the models are ACTUALLY referencing old materials (materials/models/player/old/duke), and fastdl can't see that, and doesn't force you to download the actual needed materials.... Solution? Force you to download the needed materials.

    3. People think models aren't that hard. I addressed the whole problem in 2, it's not just taking a skeleton in paint and putting a new skin over it. You create a whole new skeleton, materials, etc. for every model.

  2. Multiple people have had the default T and CT model remain untextured on a fresh install, too. Could that be missing from the download table?

    shhh I'm fixing it...


    We were kind of worried this/something like this would happen, but nobody had said anything until Patron told me he only saw untextured skins on a different computer. Basically the new models still reference old materials files, and the way fastdl works is it looks for materials of the same path as the model path to make the players dl. So we have to force the download of the old materials since that link has essentially been broken (it would have cost significantly more $$$ to have the guy redo all the materials, as it no longer becomes a fix, and is completely remaking the models).

  3. So you're saying that you've had this issue for months, and you just got it fixed?

    Also, if you know, or if TooNice could comment, is he seeing this issue now, or previously?


    We've been updating models, and I've only set them to public use once I've verified people are downloading them correctly and can see them. This makes it really important to verify if you are seeing this now or previously. If it was previously, and it seems to be working now, this is a good thing and mean things are getting fixed.

  4. I just have never liked that any race has an ult that goes through ult immunity because ult immunity is supposed to be just that. And I know that neither of the ults are super strong, but it can still make the difference between a win or lose in a fight if someone has lower hp and I don't like that someone with lower hp and ult immune could still get killed pretty easily by these races ults. But I was just curious what other people thought and the general consensus seems to be that people don't really think it's an issue lol

    You also have to think with blade master, if someone is ult immune and it doesn't effect them, and blade master doesn't realize that, they are literally a sitting duck while the ult goes off. They can't even run up and knife the person due to the way the skill works.

  5. I guess no one really does play Blademaster since it was destroyed by nerfs, but it hasn't gone through ulti immune in months.

    I was thinking this... But I figured I was wrong/hadn't played him recently or something. I remember running up to people/having people run up to me and doing no damage AND unable to knife during so, which inevitably ended in the blade masters death.

  6. that dosent give helmet tho

    and games like s4s or mag4mag can be modified with different guns

    Pretty sure if you give 100+ armor it gives you a helmet. Otherwise IIRC you can give <target> vesthelm as well. That might not be the exact format. But point being is the command basically already exists, and really it doesn't effect as much as you're saying it does.

  7. As far as I'm concerned Minecraft only maps ruined what was a once great custom TTT server. JB is arguably the best source of income to feed Jason.

    The reason minecraft maps became so popular with gmod, is because of texture issues. 

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