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Posts posted by Kawaii

  1. STEAM_0:0:10683546

    Just got banned for three hours for calling Marvin out on his traitor round. Someone hit a bind at the very start of the round calling him a traitor. I preceded to call him out. This was in text chat. He did not let me explain why I called him out. Very childish. If he scrolled up, he would have seen that the same round he banned me, that there was a line of text stating that he was a traitor. Was unable to take a screenshot, since I cannot open console after alt-tabbing in a Source game, but I'm sure it can be found. Oh, and this was also the only 'offense' I committed, the entire time he was on.

  2. Hey kiwi look at the rules bud. Both things you listed are both against them. Strike 2 try again.


    The following actions are slayable and if continued worthy of a ban.


    • Prop flipping
    • Putting props in teleport locations
    • Prop surfing
    • Killing fellow traitors


    Fuck I will even ignore you did nothing when a traitor killed me as a traitor.

    What are you talking about? Do you legitimately have a mental illness? I never said what I did wasn't against the rules. I'm pointing out the fact that you complain when someone breaks the rules, but you don't like it when someone does something about you doing something traitorous.




    How do you explain Tubbles?

  3. I was listing the admins that could have done something but didn't. This just shows how much fucking bias you have and further proves my point on why I vote no on your app. May as well bring in the Butt Hurt Brigade. Also Xlite technically Mufasa has SO since my and Jmafia share accounts....

    What? You made a thread about someone propsurfing to an easy to counter spot. Now, you're complaining that me killing you for shooting at someone is RDM? You really are a shithead who expects rules to only go one-way.

  4. I called out in game and everyone else heard me.

    Ok, let's say this was true. Let's say you did call someone out. You were still shooting at someone. I didn't hear anything at all, and you sure as hell didn't say anything any other round that you were in. All I saw was you shooting. How does that one round explain what you did for three other rounds?

  5. Hey nice coverup considering I called out a T and before I could finish killing them I got killed by you. Also since you already have mufasa looking to back you up Monkeh, Ted & Renegade all witness the events. So dont even try to pull this bull shit.

    You didn't say anything, for the entire time you were on. You didn't give me reasons for why you killed me, nor did you ask me why I ever killed you. Maybe you did call someone out, while on Teamspeak with Monkeh, Renegade, and Ted. Unfortunately, I can't hear that.

  6. I shot you, for shooting at someone on Whitehouse. You did not call anyone out, you just started shooting. The next round, you proceeded to block me in a room with only one way out. I gave you two warnings, and then I killed you. You tried to complain to admins about it, claiming it was RDM. The round immediately after, you RDM me on my traitor round, less than 30 seconds in, when you were a detective. 

    Several rounds into Dust, someone propkilled a traitor, and they slayed themselves. There was no gunfire in the area. You came around the corner and started shooting me, and I raped you. I had full health, too, so you're lying there. I warned you that third time, and you were banned.

    I did not take any screenshots or demos, but anyone who was on during this time can confirm it. 

    Also, nice proof.

  7. Did you show the parts where you killed multiple people on multiple rounds for evening grabbing the sign? You can get to that spot, by using a discombobulator, too. It doesn't even give a major advantage, since grenades will rape you, if you go up there.

  8. There's nothing else I can say because I don't have pictures. Even your pictures are fairly lacking in that neither really contain the whole story, and your words only contain your half. It's just a he said, she said situation either way.

    I'll make sure to accompany shot logs, along with regular damage logs.

  9. Murs is one of the coolest regulars on the server.


    Why do you so butthurt over nothing? Oh boo hoo a regular got away with RDM! Time to post a complaint!


    Besides, you didn't even date any of your screenshots, and "recently" isn't a very good unit of time. These could have been days apart, and hence should only be worth a slay each, maybe a 360 minute ban if they where consecutive in an hour, But that's something that should be dealt with on the server when it happens, not later on the forum when you decide that he made you butthurt.


    tl:dr you have to wait extra minutes to play and got angry over it

    Sorry, I decided to direct link. Instead of being a dumb cunt, you could have just asked for the indirect link. The first two pictures happened within several minutes of each other. I was also RDMed by him the round prior to the second picture. Who the hell are you, anyway?




    Times should be there. Dumb faggot.

    Murs, you are lying about your explanation for picture 1. What I wrote was all you said. That's all you had time to mention, before you were karma banned. It's laughable that you're trying to lie about it. I didn't think I would need to take a screenshot of the chat, but thanks for letting me know, for when you incriminate yourself in the future.

    Also, I took A LOT more screenshots of blatant RDM by you, at the starts of rounds. I decided not to save them, because I didn't think you would be this much of a dumbass on a vendetta.


  10. Picture 1: I didn't kill you for having a magneto stick out. You ran up to me and pulled out a magneto stick in an attempt to make me think you were pulling out a bat to kill me. Consider it successful; I did kill you.

    Picture 2: I did kill you for throwing a chair at me. I lost 11 hp from it. According to the logs, you did not throw the chair at me. So for that, I apologize for making a mistake in thinking that you threw the chair at me.

    Picture 3: This is from like 3 days ago. It's also a stretch to say that I rdmd you here when Corbek did in fact call you out. I don't want to bring another person into this though.


    It's actually fairly funny that  you made this post with the amount of hyperbolic bullshit you put into it. And keep acting like you yourself are a model TTT player who never does questionable shit - like holding up explosive barrels near other people and chasing them to get them killed, prop killing people, activating axe on rooftops, etc. Sorry I upset you this time around though - I'll keep it in mind that you're a sensitive player who just wants to share his passion for my little pony and furry porn.

    Picture 1: You typed out in chat that you killed me for having a magneto stick, and then, you said it was 'reason enough.' I was standing still in the middle of a hall.

    Picture 2: You were looking at me, when the chair was thrown. Must have been some weird model glitch, considering I had a Deagle out.

    Picture 3: This was from yesterday, and Corbek even said he did not call me out.

    Holding barrels is killable, but innocents choose to shoot the barrel, instead. It's not slayable. Otherwise, I would have been slayed for it for the multiple times I've done it near SO's and JCS.  Activating the axe isn't breaking anything, either. If you kill people, sure. I haven't done that in weeks, and I did not know it was a rule, since it was added after I stopped playing. I haven't done it as innocent, since then. The only time I propkill is when I'm a traitor OR to kill someone else who is propkilling. And to that last bit about MLP and furries - are you mentally retarded? Not only does it not have to do with anything, you pulled it out of your ass.

  11. The only time I "break the rules" is when I kill a friend who is also dicking around with me. Please, tell me what I have done.

    Oh, and don't talk about whining. You spam chat like a bitch, if you're ever killed by another innocent. Just last week, you would not shut the fuck up about Lance the Blue Dragon.

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