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Posts posted by Longcat

  1. I'll be voting for Obama.

    Economically: He's got us on the up and up since inheriting the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. Jobless rates are getting lower, deficit growth is slowing. Obama has a known economic plan. Mitt Romney's plan still doesn't make sense. It cuts taxes across the board, increases spending in areas where nobody is even asking for it (Defense budget) and doesn't logically provide for any way to reduce a deficit. Less coming in than going out means you're losing money. He's just whispering sweet nothings in everyone's ears.

    Foreign Policy: I do not want a zionist in office. Last time we did, we got into two wars, one of which was entirely unjustified. With Iran-Israel tensions on the rise, I want nothing to do with that, and to have a president who says "WE DEFEND ISRAEL NO MATTER WHAT" is a mistake, especially after the human rights atrocities Israel commits against Palestine. We do not need to go to war for them, and I'm perfectly happy with how Obama has and has not interfered with the different parts of the Arab Spring.

    Social: Romney is yet another in a long line of GOP candidates who would love nothing more than to shove his beliefs down the throats of Americans. Women's control over their body is a threat to this guy, especially when it comes to abortions. I don't care when you think a life begins, you don't have the right to dictate that to another person. Gay marriage is also a huge issue. Romney is against gay marriage, yet another area in which he thinks he can legislate the decisions and lives of others who are behaving in a manner that has no effect on him or anyone else. Keep Obama in, keep gay marriage rights on the right path.

    Supreme Court: There is a possibility that the next president will get to nominate up to 4 supreme court justices. In the past, this wouldn't have been an issue, but since the Reagan years, the Supreme Court has been less about real unbiased justice or proper interpretation of constitutional values and more about political lines. I'm terrified of the constitutional misinterpretations an outright conservatively dominated supreme court may hand down. Gay rights? Unconstitutional. Roe V Wade? Overturned. Businesses? People (Oh wait...).

    So those are my reasons. There are many things Obama has done wrong during his presidency (NDAA, wiretapping, etc..) but as much as I wish there was a perfect candidate for America out there, there isn't. This is the best we have. Romney has flip flopped all over the place, you can check the fact checker websites. He tailors his viewpoints to whoever is listening. Super neo-con during the primaries, suddenly moderate during debates. The man can't make up his own mind or stick to his guns, is he really the guy you want in the oval office?

  2. I feel buyers remorse to be completely honest

    its worse than darkrp in terms of time:fun

    Theres just too many things that need patched

    Then they said it was going stand alone

    fuck em

    So much agreement. I thought this was going to be as easy to get into as zombie mod, but on a huuuuuuge scale and way more realistic. Nope. It is just buggy as fuck and TOO big. If there was actually stuff and loot in the environment, it would be interesting. But as is, it is just annoying. Average time in a life: 49 minutes. If I have to respawn and do that stupid ass hunting for a shitty gun crap every 50 minutes on average, I would stab myself. Probably my last time playing. Huge buyers remorse.

  3. So after I struggled for two days to get it to install right and let me into a game of Dayz, I found it utterly boring and lacking of fun. I'd see a city off in the distance, then run over, crouch down like 1/4th of a mile away, because evidently the zombies can see me standing from that far, but not 3 feet from them if I'm prone, and then after 10 minutes of getting to the city, I discover that not only is there not a single building I can actually go into, there is 0 loot at all to be found. Poor level design to say the least. Finally found ONE building I could enter and found a hatchet, and a double barrel shotgun with two shells. BUT WAIT! If you want to conserve your ammo and gun til later, you can fuck right off! You can't carry your shotgun somewhere else if you want to have a hatchet in your hand! Not only that, but if you thought it would be nice and easy to switch between weapons, WRONG! You gotta go into your gear screen, right click, click again, then it takes 10 seconds to pull out your hatchet (at which point it forces a drop of your shotgun). Then you have to...reload your hatchet? What? Did I just have a really stupidly retarded first couple of spawns? When does it get fun?

  4. The fuck are you guys sayin'? That old fuckhead was annoying; I didn't care for his acting either; it was weak.

    I wanna see what that bitch with the katana and zombie slaves is about. (I haven't read that comics so I don't know shit about what's to come [don't say anything either])

    This season looks sick, thanks for the share Marvin.

    Read the comics. 10x better.

  5. Gotta be better than the last season. What ungodly boredom they wrought with the Sophia bullshit. Not to mention they killed off their best actor (Jeffrey Demunn) and great character in Dale. And they dragged the Shane debacle out for fucking ever. That shit was retarded. Maybe this next season will be more akin to the comics and we can forget season 2 for the most part.

  6. Jails shouldn't be involved in any way with kids and missing school.

    That's just fucking retarded.

    I'm glad I don't live in a country where you can be fined $5000(citation needed) and go to jail for skipping a significant portion of schooldays.

    I am in agreement that the law shouldn't be involved, but in the case of this girl, she is LUCKY that the law was involved. If this was to stop at the school level, the highest escalation for this would have been expulsion. Negating any work she had put towards her dual credit courses and ruining her chances of getting scholarships for college. A day in prison working out her priorities and paying a small fine is a far better fate than losing all of her effort and work.

  7. Consider the circumstances, the school SHOULD be helping her.

    YES! The SCHOOL! This judge isnt the school.

    This girl should have been in some sort of child care, her parents should have been monetarily supporting her, and she should have been focusing on her studies. There were MANY failures by Tran, her parents, her friends, and the school to get her the help she needed, and nobody is placing any blame on those people. Her teachers and guidance counselors should have been closely involved in this situation and getting her the help she needed. If there is ANYONE who we should be pissed at, it should be this girl's guidance counselors and administrators. They are the ones who failed in their duties to look out for this kid's best interests. They undoubtedly had to be involved and in the know.

    Everyone is crucifying this judge for doing his job, enforcing the law, and giving her a slap on the wrist to wake her up after she failed to heed the court's warning. If anything, the circus this has become will get this girl connected to the right help.

  8. I'm sorry, when did this student think working two jobs, taking college courses, all while missing regular school was a good idea?

    The judge seems a bit harsh, but man. How does she expect to get a degree if she is ignoring the first step to getting one?

    A day in prison and 100 bucks is harsh? I think its a pretty decent cup of learn your lesson and get your priorities straight.

  9. Agree with judge in this case. The girl needs to choose her priorities more efficiently. When your life outside of the educational arena begins to impede your ability to attend classes, you modify your outside life, not the other way around. She should request modified hours if she still desires the same work schedule.

    Her younger sister is with relatives, she doesnt need to support them. If her brother is requiring the support of his younger sister while she is still in high school, he needs to stop being a leech and get a job, take out loans for tuition, or take a few semesters off college until he is financially ready to support himself. And what the hell are these people she is supposedly supporting going to do when Diane herself graduates and goes to college? She's taking college preparatory and dual credit courses, so she's obviously nearing the time when she would be leaving her home environment.

    If she absolutely feels she has to work that much, perhaps she needs to drop out of school and get her GED. Going to college right now would be a stupid move for her anyways. If she thinks she'll be able to support herself as well as for some reason support the other siblings while taking college courses, she is sorely mistaken.

    Her excuses are invalid, illogical, probably exaggerated, and this issue is WAY overblown. It was one 24 hour stint and a small fine. Maybe those small punishments were what she needed to come to her senses and reevaluate her priorities.

  10. I too have noticed this. But in a completely different way. My mother has grown increasingly more religious, to the point where my brother telling her he was an atheist made her cry. And thus I haven't told her that she also failed (read: raised critical thinkers) with me and that I am also atheist.

    making her have to accept responsibility for my lack of faith, then she cursed at me and cried and went to her room

    You magnificent bastard.

  11. Guilty of at least manslaughter. He is certainly a terrible person for instigating such a situation and being a racist piece of shit, but murder is tough to prove in this case. Evidence leads me to believe Trayvon got tired of being followed and confronted Zimmerman, at which point the situation becomes blurrier and Trayvon ends up dead. It is a damn shame that juries in Florida are unable to clear a defendant of a crime but find guilty to a lesser charge, because the case for manslaughter here is nearly airtight. Overambitious DA is going to let the guy walk free because he chose to charge with Murder 2 instead.

  12. He gave it up to me pretty damn quickly.

    After you came back from your vacation to mexico(maybe? I cant remember where). Remember how pissed you were when you had to get your vacation interrupted to shut it all down and institute temporary martial law? Took the guy who controlled all of the technical part to go toe to toe with the guy who controlled the money.

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