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Posts posted by Clamps

  1. i dont actually see any other communities he's banned on aside from the sourceban's share bans and a mic spam ban (and one for being a fag, but most users here are fags, i dont think we ban for that). That being said, the only bans we have against him are a few fk/mfk bans.


    @john, showing your steamID as STEAM_1:0:54168985

    Yeah those were the ones I was referring to. It was more so to show that this isn't a simple misunderstanding of the rules and that he has a history of being a problem on other servers as well.. 

  2. To be honest, after poking around a little more this isn't the only gaming community he's been perma'd on. He's caused some grief on a few different gaming servers. If he were unbanned, I think it should be on a 1 strike and out basis.. whether it be another MFK or any other offense that would get him banned he should only get one shot..

  3. I don't see any sourcebans for that steam ID.. Was there another account you were using or can you confirm your steam ID? 



    Edit: Did a little digging. Is this you? 








    One more time:


    Think I found it: http://sb.joinsg.net/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_1%3A0%3A54168985&Submit= 



    From the looks of it, this doesn't look like you "messed up" once, but you were perma'd after violating our MFK rule on four separate occasions. I'd sure like to hear your side of the story for those other 3 before the perma was lifted.. Although I wouldn't really object to giving him one more chance to show he's learned how JB works.. worse case we lose a round and he goes back on the perma list.. 

  4. he gets a knife

    Kinda funny. I showed the first two vids to my buddy last night who really wasn't familiar with the market and cases and whatnot. Sure enough he has a random case he never paid attention to in his inventory and decides to open it.. Gets that fucking knife. Has no idea what it is or if its worth a shit until I link it on the market place.. Unfortunately his reaction was nowhere near as entertaining as that guy.. but I still hate him. 

  5. 9 British dead...is it bad that I kinda want shit to kick off? 




    But seriously, this is a shame. CNN unfortunately will curb stomp this into the ground for the next three months with "Facts" and "sources" that turn out to be complete bullshit and we'll never get the truth..

  6. lol, raise pending. Sounds like you just got a title only promotion. good luck with that.

    He actually makes a solid point. If they gave you a promotion, it better have come with paperwork for you to sign with an agreed upon pay rate increase.. if it says "pending" I wouldn't sign that shit. 

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