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Status Replies posted by trav

  1. hello?

    1. trav


      is it me you're looking for?

      I can see it in your eyes

      I can see it in your smile

      You're all I've ever wanted, and my arms are open wide

      'Cause you know just what to say

      And you know just what to do

      And I want to tell you so much




      I love you


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. My door is open in one hour if you need to use my time to get some things off your chest!

    1. trav



  3. Hey i dont know if i can get this through your head they did not respond until the 1 only time i mic spammed but i guess you dont want to read and i did @ them which i wrote and i did this 6 times.

  4. Hey i dont know if i can get this through your head they did not respond until the 1 only time i mic spammed but i guess you dont want to read and i did @ them which i wrote and i did this 6 times.

    1. trav


      i was there and saw you mass rdm haha r3k7

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hey i dont know if i can get this through your head they did not respond until the 1 only time i mic spammed but i guess you dont want to read and i did @ them which i wrote and i did this 6 times.

    1. trav


      u r le troll liek me

      i hope u discover urself durin ur ban m8

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hey i dont know if i can get this through your head they did not respond until the 1 only time i mic spammed but i guess you dont want to read and i did @ them which i wrote and i did this 6 times.

  7. O hey cool dude you ban someone for 1 rdm :)

  8. Hey i dont know if i can get this through your head they did not respond until the 1 only time i mic spammed but i guess you dont want to read and i did @ them which i wrote and i did this 6 times.

    1. trav


      "hallo, i em le troll pls unban kthx bai"

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hey i dont know if i can get this through your head they did not respond until the 1 only time i mic spammed but i guess you dont want to read and i did @ them which i wrote and i did this 6 times.

    1. trav


      great way to start off your plea to an admin: "i dont know if i can get this through your head"


      you're going places, kid!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. Path of Exile & Warcraft 3 GO.. FeelsAmazingMan good day indeed!


    1. trav


      Do you actually play Warcraft 3? Want to play with/against me sometime? I'm just getting back into it

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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