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Posts posted by MrCoolness

  1. 5 seconds is indeed a long time, the range and speed were probably never the problem but rather the ult?


    Also, revising my suggestion on Pride and reducing the ultimate idea.


    Okay, here is my idea - tell me if you think it's okay:


    currently if he falls below say 80 hp he's invulnerable, but I'll also make it that during the ult duration if he falls below 160 hp and his ultimate is on he will regenerate 10-30% of the damage he takes for the remaining duration of the ultimate, or if he's already below double the hp invulnerability point he will just regenerate any damage taken until the duration is over.

  2. I'm okay for alerting it slightly, but a slight nerf last time took the race from being blatantly overpowered to being "balanced." I will consider the right click option more likely than the others.

    • New tester race: Transient Entity

      • Will be released officially in a day or two depending on bug fixes

      • Decided to just release it because it's not that complicated of a race, should be no problems

    • Idea by repeet, recent event winner

    Siddhartha has been nerfed slightly

    • Can no longer purchase chain or claws

    Can no longer respawn while still alive

    Unholy Paladin buffed due to lower player count on server

    • leeches more life

    doubled the magic resist rate

    lowered the time it takes for the ultimate to kill

    Increased life gained per team mate

    Properly displaying bonuses at start of round now

  3. Because a KJ is 95% invisible it is easy for you to escape and re-heal your lost health. A crypt lord cannot hide unless in plain sight so he relies on being tanky if his strategy was to spam his ult in a safe spot. Because when a crypt lord engages it will be either death or victory it is more suitable that his life not be capped, where as a KJ can have death, victory, escape, or victory & escape.

    • Fixed a bug with Dreadknight teleporting to spawn

    Fixed Dreadknight's bonus knife damage not working on first hit

    Fixed orcish horde expertise to work properly

    Reduced Nature's wisps longjump (from 35 ft to 30 ft) and evasion (from 40% to 30%)

    Implemented race testers

    Reduced Cannibals ravage damage (from 10-50 to 6-30)

    Added 3 new races to be released on May 23rd

  4. Getting a tablet is literally like getting an oversized phone. I have bought like 5 of them:


    1) Some Asus one with a keyboard (and like 15 hours of battery life)

    2) Google Nexus 7"

    3) Asus Memo Pad HD 7"

    4) Microsoft Surface RT

    5) something I can't remember


    Out of all of those, the nicest one would probably be the Nexus 7", but I would choose the RT over it because you can get them for the same price and the RT is running some windows 8.1 simulation type gizmo which means you can do a little more with it. Alternatively the Asus Transformer looks nice too.

  5. Hello my name is MrCoolness I have been using the buddy system since I was in 1st grade. I would make a great buddy because I know the location of my buddy at all times. When my buddy gets lost, I get lost. That is the way of the buddy.

  6. HELLO


    So, the Engineers of War3 would first like to thank all of those who posted in the previous thread with interest to became a Race Tester on War3.


    Now, if anyone at all would like to become a race tester for War3 please post below why you would make a good race tester (I want a paragraph type of answer), please post your hours played on the server in the last 3 months, and please post your top 3 recommendations for who should be a race tester besides yourself.


    All players who are applying to be a race tester will have an equal opportunity based on the above criteria. If you decide you want to be lazy for example and only write a sentence, where as someone else leaves a full paragraph response, you bet that they will have a much higher chance of becoming a race tester.


    Race testers will be selected TOMORROW, May 19th. Race testers will be implemented on May 20th. The position of race tester will be given for a minimum of 3 months to a maximum of 6 months, this depends on your activity and contribution, but it is a guaranteed 3 months.


    Again, to reiterate please post below:


    • A full paragraph (or more) of why you would be a good race tester
    • Your hours played on the server in the last 3 months
    • Your top 3 recommendations for who should be a race tester besides yourself





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